Saturday, August 11, 2007

WEEK IN REVIEW (Aug. 5-12, 2007)

After the mission statement, this is article #4, and it is ALREADY the biggest story in U4Prez. Corporations shudder when Olivia speaks. Creators are knocked down to moderator status. The handpicked president himself can't keep my name out of his mouth on his own talk show, and neither can his snivveling minions. Mountains rise and fall, comets bounce one another in all their splendor, and woodland creatures are frolicking and being fruitful for all to watch in awe.

Lest we ever forget, David slew Goliath with nothing but a slingshot and a rock. If this pee-shooter can undo all the firepower of the Kempite nuclear arsenal, maybe there's something to be said about starting wars you cannot finish. That's good advice for Kempite, Mduminiak, George W. Bush, and any other thug who thinks disagreement is tantamount to assault.

What did we learn this week, candidates? We learned that, if Eric Gurr can be pulled away from his appointed rounds as Kempite's Svengali (or maybe Kempite is Eric's Svengali, hard to say which is which, but Svengali, one of them's got to be), this was never Eric's baby in the first place. Obviously Mduminiak is pathetically wrong when he calls U4Prez a private site. It's not a private site, it's a corporate site, which means Eric is a working stiff, trying to please his CEO and bootlick his way up the corporate ladder, just like anyone else would. Eric created something great, but he doesn't own it at all. Whatever nameless, bloodless corporation he works for yanked him back by the collar. U4Prez can become something big in time, but not when the creator mingles with his favorites and brushes off the common folk.

Eric is a father of three (allegedly), he must know he cannot play favorites with his kids. He cuddled a few and let the rest fend for themselves. You cannot blame the other kids--candidates--for any amount of resentment they feel. Eric is completely responsible for his own actions.

As much as I would like to think a blog like this can unhinge U4Prez, it's complete flattery and nothing else. And if the Hard Right goons--and for a second, let's name a few of them, for the sake of knowing just who we're talking about here:

Kempite: Handpicked President
MDuminiak: Kempite's monkeyboy
BigDaddy: The VRWC's mudslithering crackwhore
RogueJew: He-Man Woman-Hater
Iron Lady: Sold her integrity to play apologist for these thugs
Hawk: Knuckledragging Neanderthal who grunts when liberals talk

--if these yutzes want to blame me for Eric's demise, all it does is prove they love creating a boogeyman. Instead of holding Eric responsible for his own actions, they will scapegoat. Which is fine, if they are that childish. If they want to blame the monster in the closet for why the bed has been pissed in, that's their level, and maybe we should stop taking them so seriously and start talking to them like the children they are. When you talk to them, talk slowly, and don't use big words. You break out your collegiate vocabulary, they'll call you a socialist and blame you for their benefactor being yanked away.

There's about ten others who are their satellites, who come running whenever one is looked at wrong, and they come in force. They're sort of like those little teeny tiny dinosaurs on Jurassic Park II, one can't do much harm all by itself, it's rather mundane and is more likely to hurt itself than you, but you get three, four, five, seven, ten of them together, they become lethal. That's why the Hard Right is always travelling in packs, because individually, they are meek and even cowardly, saying something lewd and then calling YOU names because you dare to stand up to them. Within minutes, though, you will find yourself in an alley, with five of them, switchblades gleaming in the moonlight, giggling and cursing at you, waiting to cut you, for doing little more than speaking your mind or pointing out their fallacies. They do it within the walls of the Liberty Caucus, they do it to anyone daring to walk the streets of U4Prez.

The biggest thing to cripple them is that Eric isn't around to let them have their way. Whether it's beating up on some newbie who is daring to talk about peace, or pinning some female candidate against the cold brick wall and sodomizing her cruelly with a few anatomically humiliating barbs, they have had their way. And Eric turned a blind eye to it all along.

And you wonder why the list of candidates is growing who have quit? No one quits because they have better things to do. They quit because The Hard Right wants to turn U4Prez into a vast NeoCon wasteland, killing all dissention. Eric let them have their way, that's why it's the Hard Right alone who are so deeply hurt with his demise.

The fact that Eric was indeed demoted must mean I am right about a few things. These things, however, weren't concocted when I was in bed with some john, counting ceiling tiles and getting paid for it. These things have been going around for literally months. It's just that, now that someone is actually speaking up, action is finally being taken.

The fact that they sneer and gloat and dance around with such glee when a candidate is fed up with the crapola and leaves should show you the kind of people these Hard Right criminals can be. They cheered when Catbus had enough, kicking the commie to the curb as he left, fed up with the typical neoconservative freeper nonsense that is singlehandedly killing U4Prez. G.E.Smith contacted me the other day, congratulating me for leaving the "cesspool" that is U4Prez--and lest we forget, he came in here like a bright and potent ray of light, very gregarious, got after it quickly and boldly, took on all comers with focus and professionalism. Say what you want about me, but when Catbus and G.E. Smith left, they danced their little jig with the same spirit and smugness that they did when I left.

You go to any "neutral" political message board in the ether, and I guarantee you, it's overrun by these freeper goons, playing their little games, twisting logic, completely uninterested with actual political debate, and pumping their fists in victory if they can get their perceived opposition to quit.

The same way a gang of Crips declare victory by making you run for your life out of the dark alley they hang out in.

The above-mentioned clique and their sycophants, their intention is not political, their intention is violent and cruel.

Word of mouth is always the best means of advertizing. It is also the most destructive force that can ruin a business. I was telling this to Hedrick, after he collected his thirty pieces of silver from the VRWC after he took a PM I sent him to them. I told him, it takes years to build a reputation, and a second to wipe it out. For all the hard work Hedrick put into his candidacy, he is now completely untrustworthy, little more than a snitch for the VRWC. From prodigy to snitch, at the drop of a hat.

The same thing is happening to U4Prez. Favoritism and negligence are destroying it from within, not a psychobitch with an axe to grind from without. The ones who are crying foul the loudest are the ones who benefitted from the favoritism the most. Do you really think these jokers on the Hard Right could get away with sexually harassing comments in real life? They found a place where they could get away with it, and they dug their talons in. Do you really think they have enough friends to wage violence in real life? They found a place here where they could do that, and they call it home. The fact that the creator gladhands them and turns a blind eye to their violence should tell you what U4Prez is morphing into--just another political message board overrun by the worst in American politics.

You wonder why I quit, and yet I an using this blog in this way? It's because I want U4Prez to succeed in the worst way. Never doubt that for a second. I put five months of campaigning into that place. I've waged wars against the big boys and won them all. I've looked the bullies in the eye and called them out for what they are. And I did it with creativity, sincerity, intelligence, and pride. My record stands, and one can perceive it however one wishes. But the favoritism had to end some time, the negligence has to end, the harassment, the violence, it has to end, folks. Eric created something good, but instead of letting his creation run its natural course, he wanted to be part of the fun. Eric is human. Instead of setting a site in motion and letting it go, he fell in love with it. He is Pygmalion, who carved a beautiful statue of a woman, and he fell so deeply in love with her, he wanted her to be real. Eric made a big mistake in trying to promote specific candidates, including me. It is his mistake alone, and that mistake is not only costing his ability to function here, but also the reputation of U4Prez. Instead of building a functional simulated democracy, he allowed the worst elements to take hold. Whether he did so intentionally or not, there are serious problems with U4Prez, and since he can no longer play with his buddies here, he can finally fix the problems we all have been chastizing him about for months, but he poo-poo'ed away.

See you Monday. Until then, keep fighting the good fight. The carpet has been yanked out from us all this last week, it will be interesting to see where everything lands in the days to come.

Love, Olivia. XXX


The Wiz said...

This was a huge week. Not a great week. The Indy party lost their beloved Indy leader. Eric Gurr lost his job. U4prez lost credibility.

If I can wrap up the week myself in simple terms is this. Because Eric said it himself.

"A fond farewell. Management has decided that it is better if I run the operations behind the scenes. This site was my idea, and I love being on here talking to people. I think there are some absolutely brilliant folks here. This is a much better crowd than the group currently running for office. But the site has grown the to the point where the appearance of favoritism was only going to get worse. At 9:00 tonight the night mod will take over, and I will no longer ever post from this account. I will be listening to all of the blog talk radio shows, and may even call in from time to time. If you ever need to reach me the mods can get me through this account.
This really does suck for me, but I think it's in the best interest of the site, and the U4prez community.
My real hope is that many of you will take this further and begin real campaigns. When I have had questions about everything from monetary policy, to foreign policy I have ask people on this site in private messages and public comments. This is a smart bunch.
Farewell, and best of luck to all of you.
I'll continue to be involved on a day to day basis in the upgrades and hope to speak to some of you on the beta test team soon.
And one last thing.
I am not a 25 year old kid. I'm 42 years old, I've been married for 20 years, I have 3 children and one grandchild."


This was the last unedited comment from Eric. And its obvious to me that the downfall of of him has nothing to do with Olivia. It has to do with going on radio shows that may or may have nothing to do with U4prez and the corporation he works for intrests. I doubt the company he works for was very fond of him promoting offsite blog radio shows on a competing site and allowing the U4PREZ site to advertise such things. This might have been a conflict with the paid advertisers.

I have noticed recently that many of the candidates are starting their own radio shows. This takes time away from U4prez. Instead of posting in the rooms about politics and the votes, promoting candidates and such. Kempite, MD, Lucky spend most of the time freely advertising their radio shows on a competing site.

Maybe Eric got caught up in it and didn't realize his mistake, but obviously it was not overlooked by the management.

I would just like to say, don't blame Olivia for the downfall of Eric. I seen alot of heartfelt sympathys on the U4prez board about him leaving. And probably speculating that it had something to do with Olivia.

But the man said it himself. He has to step down, because of the fact he went on the blogtalk shows. Thats his words.

Peace out.
The wiz

Copulate said...

You know, Wiz...I don't think it is because of the "promoting off-site blog radio shows on a competing site and allowing the U4PREZ site to advertise such things."

All of the U4Prez hotlinks open in the same window instantly transporting the U4Prez candidate to that other site. Now, if that were to change and a separate window open up...maybe that would be it.

I see this as a RECOGNIZED political mistake. In politics, even a 400 dollar haircut is a major screw up.

To blatantly imply any kind of favoritism for certain candidates is a major political mistake for the owners of a site that purports to seek an unbiased forum.

Olivia, I believe pointed out some of these mistakes and although she sensationalized them, she made her point....and maybe that was the reason for sensationalizing them. Who knows?

All I can say is there has been a noticeable lack of MODERATION when it comes to allowing people to badger opposition candidates relentlessly. This gives credence to the idea that the site is not as unbiased as they purport as it has lead to numerous candidates leaving the site.

Losing vocal U4Prez members is a detriment to the site and I believe that this is what was being addressed by moving Eric to a unpublicized role.

It won't change anything about the way the site is run...most likely but it Management's eyes...give the site a modicum of respectability in that matter.

They are merely distancing themselves from the idea that favoritism exists.

Just my thoughts on the matter, mind you.

Olivia of Arc

Olivia of Arc
My thanks to TheWiz