Saturday, September 8, 2007

WEEK IN REVIEW V (Sept. 2-8, 2007)

I congratulate Kempite for winning yet another video contest.

Relax, Anthony, this will only be a tangental attack on you today. I do have a couple of thoughts on the subject. It's news at U4Prez, and this is the Week in Review, hence my review and opinion of the week's events.

By tangental attack, I'm referring to the notion that was brought to my attention this week, that it seems every time Kempite puts up a new video, he tags it with the name Olivia. I was skeptical of this claim initially, surely Kempite doesn't have the same obsessive impulses concerning me that, say, Mduminiak has shown beyond a shadow of a doubt--fourteen videos directed at one person is pretty convincing stuff when trying to show obsession. Kempite is a pretty insecure fella to begin with, relying on bashing fellow homosexuals and women to make himself feel important. Such remarks are on the record for all to see, repeating them here is not the point. At least not this time around.

So I go look at YouTube, seeing if my latest video has been put on the U4Prez list yet (by the way, has anyone else experienced this problem with YouTube lately, that it takes literally days for the tags to take effect?), and I ruffle through the, at the time, 142 YouTube videos that readily come up with the U4Prez tag. Sure enough, I look down the list and see Kempite's videos. Don't have to do any digging, any in-depth research, I just have to scroll down and look at the tags.

And wouldn't you know it? EVERY SINGLE ONE HAS OLIVIA AS A TAG!

Now, to be fair, I've used Kempite's name as a tag maybe once or twice. When I made specific reference to Kempite, as I did with the Grinch video, I used his name. When I made slight reference to him and Mduminiak, I may have used their names one other time. Trust me, though, when I made videos for the Independents, or for TheWiz, or even for Kiss & Tell, I didn't use their names as tags. And there's two good reasons for it. One, THEY'RE NOT ABOUT THOSE TWO LOSERS! Believe it or not, not everything I do is with the handpicked president and his monkeyboy in mind. There are other things going on at U4Prez, believe it or not, than what those two knuckleheads do. And two, Kempite is not a popular tag. The only thing anyone on YouTube, the tens of millions who peek in, would want when they type Kempite in on the search box is Kempite himself. The Some Like It Hot video, on the other hand, included clips from Mo Rocca, Ann Coulter, Donald Trump, and Tommy Chong, among others. I included their names, hoping someone looking for them might want to take a look-see at my own work. In the past, I've used tags like sex and bush and chicks to get a few extra peeks, because they are more effective than the tag Kempite.

That's why I ever used Kempite as a tag. Do either of these reasons fit why Kempite would use the tag Olivia on every fucking video he ever makes? Let's explore.

The first reason, that not every Kempite video is about Olivia, does this hold water? While he has most definitely made videos that are either outright attacks on me or making reference to me is a slight way, there are some where he doesn't make mention of me at all. When he talks about eminent domain and a family in New Jersey losing their home, he makes not a single reference to a prostitute in Phoenix. When he jumps on a couch with Mduminiak just down the street from that house and makes a video, he talks about me for about twenty minutes. And yet, for both videos, there's my name. So it's not for the first reason, because he's constantly making videos about me, because he isn't. And yet, they all have Olivia for a tag.

The second reason is that Olivia must be a popular tag. I realize there is a current pop singer named Olivia and a children's set of books with the main character named Olivia, and even a pig named Olivia. For me, when I was looking for clips for recent videos, I looked up Olivia Newton-John, hoping to find something that works. Were I named Mary or Linda or something a little more traditional, it would make sense for those seeking Mary Tyler Moore or Linda McCartney to maybe see a new Kempite video, but alas, my blessed father and my dearly departed mother named me Olivia. I can't forsee who it would be such a popular tag.

Except in the U4Prez world, where the name Olivia, for better or for worse, has become rather popular.

In this realization, we can guess as to why Kempite is obsessed with Olivia and puts her name on all his videos. One possibility is that he knows no one will watch his videos without it. He typically will get about 30-40 viewings tops, and then that will be it. His buddies will watch them, maybe a couple others, but that's it. Olivia's been putting out fewer videos in less of a time frame, and she can rely on there bring a hundred viewings a month or more. The oldest have around 300 viewings. Compare that to the "historical" meeting of Kempiniak in a hotel room beyond the reach of their significant others, the 67-minute epic of cataclysmic proportions, the heart-stopping never-ending action of two nimrods on a couch, and I swear to you, after a month, aside from maybe the starting fragment any anything having to do with Olivia, how many hits do the others have, six? Nine? Kempite wizens up, puts Olivia as a tag, and boom, 130 hits in about two weeks AND a win in a video contest. The notion that no one will watch his videos without the Olivia tag apparently has some merit to it.

Another possibility is that he is trying to attach his videos to mine, so when someone does put "u4prez olivia" in the search box, they see his as well. Which makes sense, if you were trying to attack someone. If you use that search, I promise you, you will see a handful of negative adds against me as well. You will also see FOUR KEMPITE VIDEOS, dated from "1 week ago", in that search. FOUR VIDEOS IN A WEEK, ALL WITH OLIVIA FOR A TAG! At least one has nothing at all to do with me, maybe a passing reference no one caught. The others go at me, either subtlely or convincingly. As I said, I can see him doing it in he were on the attack, and he would want the negative videos to be intermingled with the ones I made. That would be one thing. Mduminiak made fourteen videos about me, and virtually every one has Olivia or OliviaLLC as a tag, but then again, I am the subject of those videos, and I am the obsession of his heart.

I'm not saying Kempite can't do this, or even that he shouldn't. But I do think it incredibly silly, the lengths this ghoul will go to to try to "get back" at Olivia, to think people will watch his video if it has my tag on it, whether it has anything to do with me or not. It's not illegal to do it, and hey, if he can get 137 hits on a video by putting my name as a tag, perhaps MORE of you should do it. It's just a slimy thing to do, a thing you would expect out of a weasel, not someone trying to promote himself as above petty gameplaying and prove he is not benefitting from the fix. He is proving himself to be a parasite, and using his words, he is a parasite sucking to the side of the reputation of a crackwhore.

But this is what you have come to expect from the Hard Right. There's no angle they won't try, no measure they won't explore, no tactic beneath their snake-bellied dignity. You have BigDaddy, the loudest and most obnoxious troll on U4Prez barking down the Hard Right's opposition so they can keep their hands clean, yet blocking those same opponents from responding to him. Mduminiak projects his bullshit onto me and hopes it will stick, and calling me obsessed for anything, after posting the number of videos he has about me, is ludicrous at best, disturbing at worst, but hypocritical either way. Kempite's trying to promote himself as the Idea Man, but the only great ideas he puts into practice at U4Prez are underhanded and slimy. And God Bless Iron Lady for defending each and every one of them each and every time, no matter how filthy the words are that come out of their mouth, no matter how disgusting the act.

Hell, compared to those hypocrites, asskissers, petty gameplayers, and cowards, Hawk and RogueJew look downright gentlemanly. Mere bashing of liberals and putting up false candidates so they can spew even more hate against their lefteinged foes is rather amateur compared to their Hard Right brethren. Never thought I would ever refer to someone who goes out of their way to bash a liberal a slacker, but Hawk, RogueJew, if this is all you have, if all you offer is freeper madness, you need to keep up with the rest in your clan before they think you're too weak to stick around. Dare I say, it, they might think you moderate, and with a little time and continued eroding of your thugly talents, they might end up voting for Mike Huckabee.

The horror!

I'm not going to complain about why Kempite won, except to say I think more U4Prez candidates need to start getting themselves involved in all the processes thereof. There's no reason why only about eight candidates out of 2500 should be putting out videos for a contest. Though I realize there are only about 50 active members at any given time, I guarantee you, that number would go up if they felt more involved in the process. Kempite wins these things because not enough of you are willing to get involved. The Hard Right runs amok and berates others into capitulation because not enough candidates are willing to take a stand. Pretty much anyone with a working computer, camcorder, or even a decent cellphone, can make videos. Don't spend any money on this, just realize that you probably already possess the tools to do so. That's when I started making videos, when I went, duh, I have Windows MovieMaker on my computer already! The video contest, that's one thing. I figured I would be seeing about 20 or 30 talk blog shows, and we're up to, what, eight? MejicoJohn and JohnnyMars are coming up with their own formula, and I think, by the time the general elections come, you'll see a few new faces, some with some real talent!

I've got my blog, as does Maditude and RogueJew and a few others. This works for me, using this blog as a sort of new and opinion source about u4Prez itself.

Everyone needs to find their niche, their shtick. U4Prez won't survive if all the really good ideas come from Kempite. Efferiss had a golden idea of a Debate Room and holding regulated debates, and it seemed like that might take off into being a regular thing. A bunch of us tried setting up organizations within U4Prez, some with more success than others. I've had success in my campaign, and now in my anti-campaign, because I see U4Prez differently, and I am running a very unorthodox campaign, and have from day one. Every candidate has to find something that works for them, and they need to find ways to not only improve their platforms, but to make them accessible and even understood by the rest of us. Trust me, some scoff at this, but as a reader, I truly don't read anyone's platform, top to bottom, and the longer it is, the less I read of it; I think most candidates are looking for that candidate that can be both complex and simple, the ones who take this tough job of selling yourself and making it look easy. THAT, my friends, is the definition of professionalism.

Don't be afraid. Try new things. I've said this all along, this is the perfect place to be creative and to try those same sort of dirty tricks you've seen the Big Boys try. Kempite certainly tries them, even though he now has the impossible task of trying to convince you he's above dumb little games. Some things work better than others.

But it's on YOU if you don't try them.

That's it for this week. Nope, Kempite, I'm not going to talk about how you thought it would be a grand gesture to use your space as winner of the video contest to promote your Tony4Prez memorial, potentially making some wonder if the remark Olivia makes about you using dead candidates to enhance your reputation really is true or not. Not this time, Kemp, I'll let you off the hook this once.

Thursday, September 6, 2007

All My Mister Olivia's

When I get in the spirit of making videos, I usually do three or four in rapid succession. This was downloaded a few moments ago onto YouTube, but like before, before the U4Prez tag takes effect and it is on the list of now 140-odd videos with such a designation, it was here first.

For my friend, TheWiz, here is "Don't Go Breaking My Heart".

I've gotten to know Wiz over the last few months. Initially he was a wisecracking Republican who seemed to have just the right mix of caustic wit and cynicism to slice anyone in half with a simple quip. His tongue was sharp, and he had no problem slicing and dicing anyone at a given moment. To a degree, he resented the bigger names at U4Prez, including me, and he had a way of putting me in my place without a bludgeon, but with the surgical elegance of a specialist's scalpel.

These days, he himself one of those bigger names at U4Prez, he was the interim Independent Leader upon my resignation, and he is the most recent Independent Primary winner.

His recent accomplishments have most likely been overshadowed by his position in this holy war the Hard Right started and Olivia is finishing. On one hand, he is the genius who has come up with a ton of Photoshop masterpieces, and I am proud to incorporate them into my videos; all I need to do is tell him I'm making a video, and he seems to read my mind and present me with nine or ten incredible works of art, literally overnight. On the other hand, because we have collaborated and become close, he has taken a LOT of heat from the very candidates who once came after me, and he has received an abundance of unfair abuse, especially from BigDaddy.

I've called BigDaddy the biggest coward around, and everytime--that's not hyperbole, EVERY FUCKING TIME--I get on U4Prez and poke around, there's BigDaddy, doing exactly what I tell you all the time he does, browbeating his perceived opponents with relentless sarcasm and insults. He'll say a few rather nasty things to you, then he'll block you so you can't respond on his comment board, which is just about the most chickenshit thing you could do on U4Prez. He'll whisper a few things, saying he's got the goods on you, hoping the mere thought of impropriety will shut you up. He'll present the dumbest items of evidence, and then put your name on his GOTCHA list, just like the notches he puts on his bedpost to keep track of all the girls he's nailed in his life.

That's nothing new. I've talked about this ad nauseum, which, for my mouthbreathing friend, is Latin for "til we puke". Why you candidates don't ignore him is beyond me, the more you let him rant, the more encouraged he gets. This is nothing you don't already know.

Going at Wiz and taking personal potshots at him breaks my heart, and when I peek in, and there's Daddy saying some rather cruel things about him, about having a few too many, I want to jump in there and rip him a new one. I can't, and I won't until after the general election. He is such a fucking coward, he knows he can't touch me, so he'll go after those close to me.

And if the point is to hurt me by browbeating those I adore, it's working, I'm not going to lie. Copulate, HAK, Wiz, they all can take care of themselves, and they put up a fight, but Daddy does not stop. At least a parent who beats his children usually stops when they start to cry, not Daddy, he does not rest until he can taste blood.

I've made it a point to never go at a candidate personally. I don't bring in what I know of them from the outside world. Everyone has a sore spot, and I don't use it against them just because I can. I bag on candidates for their words and deeds in the U4Prez world, and the line is drawn there. That is why I made it a point to never betray a PM. And that is what separates me from my adversaries. Kempite has made it clear a PM in his hands is a bomb he will eventually drop on you. Hedrick is so eager to betray your PM to him, he can't pass it on fast enough. BigDaddy, absolutely nothing is off limits. He has no heart. He cares for nothing except for the GOTCHA. He is the quintessential Hard Right thug. Scruples are mere obstacles to be brushed aside.

And unless you are indeed part of this Hard Right cabal, it's only a matter of time before he stabs you in the back and laughs as you bleed and die.

Witness MejicoJohn. Up until a couple of days ago, he and Daddy had at least a tolerance for one another. Everyone loves John, everyone should. He doesn't have anything bad to say, he's having fun watching us all take this way too seriously as he sits there in Nuevo Laredo, a beer in one hand and a cig in the other. In the great Kempite-Olivia spat, I saw him as a smiling neutral, not really caring who wins, just enjoying the heck out of watching us gouge each other's eyes out.

A couple of days ago, John started sporting a new Wiz Photoshop work of art, John and me as Bonnie and Clyde. There we were, the DynamicDuo, with another Wiz masterpiece as the avatar. I like everything Wiz does, but this one was smooth, elegant, classy. It clicked, like everything else he does.

BigDaddy saw that and started turning on MejicoJohn. Apparently my face is like a red cape to the bull that is BigDaddy. Every time he sees it, or sees anyone associated with it, he loses his mind. The same fury he's previously used against Copulate and Wiz, he's now aimed at MejicoJohn.

I've watched him really go at Copulate and HAK and Wiz, calling them Mr. Olivia, taking orders from me. Personally, I think it's nothing more than projection. Much like Mduminiak has made FOURTEEN VIDEOS about me, yet has the nerve to say I'm the one who's obsessed, BigDaddy is projecting his own flaws onto others. He makes no bones about being Kempite's bloodhound, he goes against his own beliefs to play GOTCHA games with the rest of us in the name of protecting his significant other. He has made homophobic remarks of his own all over U4Prez and even on this blog, just as Kempite has made gaybashing remarks against Bluproject, yet he has the hypocritical gall to relentlessly bludgeon Copulate as a faghater. He has made remarks promoting wifebeating, yet he has the nerve to call me, an ex-wife, a bully. He sees all these candidates enjoying my company and conversation, and he is out to get every single one of them!

I do intend on returning after the general election, and if you dare to talk to me or have my picture on your profile, watch out, BigDaddy will slit your throat and look at you as if he did you a favor. His complete concern is with me. ME ME ME ME ME ME.

Now, I am one who talks a big talk about personal integrity. I try to set a standard and then maintain it, not make excuses as to why I can't. For example, after really giving Eric Gurr the business for handpicking Kempite to be president and going on his show, I could have looked the other way when he signed the petition to get me back onto U4Prez, but no, it's still favoritism, and moderators cannot fraternize, period. That was the argument I made when I quit, and I would be a hypocrite if I made some excuse to somehow let Eric off the hook. So I ripped into him again, even if he was trying to be nice to me. THAT'S integrity, consistency, scruples, and a few other things the Hard Right ghouls will never understand.

Follow me, if Kempite were really so gung-ho about cleaning up U4Prez, if Mduminiak was really tired of the gameplaying, why don't they reel BigDaddy in? Their big beef was with me, and I haven't been a candidate for a month. Daddy is on U4Prez every day, bullying candidates left and right. I see new candidates get irked by it. I've watched those who have nothing to do with it, they ask him if that's all he's about. If they want to really clean up U4Prez like they say they do, why don't they start by taking care of one of their own?

They won't do it, because Daddy serves an important purpose for Kempiniak. With Daddy willing barking down everyone, they don't have to do the dirty work themselves. He's doing them a favor. Kempite doesn't have to directly deal with Copulate over alleged homophobic remarks, he can just tangentally insult him, knowing BigDaddy will willing beat Copulate down. They won't reel the bastard in because he is THEIR bastard!

And that renders all their talk about wanting to get back to the issues 100% horseshit. If it's Olivia and her friends, it's wrong. If it's BigDaddy and Mduminiak, it's fine. That, candidates, is called a double-standard, and I am calling them out for it.

If you are going to go after me for any alleged bullying I might have done, and not do anything about BigDaddy, then consider me looking you dead in the eye and calling you a hypocrite. Yes, Kempite, Mduminiak, I know you read this. You two are fucking hypocrites, and you better start taking care of what you and yours do around here LONG before you worry about anything I might say or do.

What you might think of me is one thing. Copulate brings a lot of heat onto himself. But why is BigDaddy going after TheWiz and now MejicoJohn with such tenacity? Since when is MejicoJohn and TheWiz the kind of communist pinko traitors Daddy used to accuse me of being? Last I checked, they were both right-leaning Independents, maybe not right-wing enough for you guys, but conservative nonetheless.

And since when does the rest of U4Prez look on and ignore it when John gets berated by ANYONE?

I know Kempite doesn't care about anyone but himself, he's said so on his show, if I were attacking anyone else, he wouldn't lift a finger to defend you. Do these hard Right hooligans really care so little about someone I thought was as generally loved as MejicoJohn that they would allow their goon BigDaddy to beat him down, and not lift a finger? Are the only ones the Hard Right looks after are the Hard Right?

If, for whatever reason, your name becomes attached to mine, you can bet your lucky stars that BigDaddy will come around to hump your shin until his eyes roll back. Do you really expect Kempite and Mduminiak to give a rat's ass about it? They talk about being above such petty gameplaying, when they were the ones who initiated it here in the first place. Do you honestly think they care about anyone but themselves? Hell, they probably told BigDaddy directly to go after you. They are probably laughing at you for it. Like Mike says, you CHOSE to have BigDaddy make love to your leg. When you leave in frustration, do you honestly expect them to care that you're gone? More likely, expect them to give each other high-five's.

I've learned that your actions at U4Prez speak louder than your platform, and your conduct is as much an indicator of your presidential abilities as is your ideology. When Mduminiak puts out two dozen attack ads against various candidates, that speaks louder than his verbal yammering about wanting to run a professional campaign. When Kempite says he is a serious candidate with all the answers, yet he laughingly calls me a crackwhore on video, exactly how serious can this poser be? And when they talk about how Olivia is such a detriment to U4Prez society, yet they pat BigDaddy on the head and give him a MilkBone for attacking those closest to me, exactly what is it they really stand for? When they say nice things to MejicoJohn, yet unleash their attack dog on him, I think them a little more vicious than their pretty words lead you on.

Your platform is more than just where you stand on given issues. It is a contract you make with the rest of the U4Prez world. It is your way of saying, this is my code of conduct, this is how you must judge me. This is what I stand for, and you have not only the right, but the responsibility, to jump my shit should I stray. I took the time to write this, it should mean something to me. So when I talk about leadership, and you catch me acting like a fool, call me out. When I talk about integrity, yet act in a way that proves my lack of it, I can't blame anyone but myself for being caught.

The first thing you see on BigDaddy's profile is a list of GOTCHA's. That should tell you right away the level of integrity this coward has and what he stands for. He doesn't believe half the crap on his profile, it's there to try to convince you otherwise. He'll turn on his own platform to GET an opponent, he's done it in the past for all to see.

He just backstabbed MejicoJohn, merely for putting my image on his avatar.

He can spin all he wants on this. Actions speak so much louder. He's sold out fellow Republicans and turned their reputations to sewage in his quest for the GOTCHA. He's now going after new meat--and rather viciously--because the sight of Olivia enrages him. He's turned on acquaintances and has done so again.

And when he comes after you, are they hypocrites who talk about being serious candidates with serious solutions going to lift a finger to stop him?

Or is Olivia going to have to jump in and call them all out on it?

As far as I am concerned, with notable exceptions, every male at U4Prez is Mr. Olivia. Are you really going to go after over two thousand Mr. Olivia's, BigDaddy? Pick your fights carefully, you never know, one day you'll wake up, and your worst nightmare will have come true. Two thousand profiles, all with Olivia on them. Are you going to fight them all, just like you're trying to fight them all now, when there are only maybe four or five "friends" of mine you attack relentlessly?

Those who call me out for my mouth, yet do nothing to stop BigDaddy, are hypocrites, plain and simple.

Monday, September 3, 2007

New Video, Same Eric Gurr

While YouTube is processing my latest video, another collaboration with TheWiz, I thought it would be neat to try to beat them to the punch. Debuting right here on Kiss & Tell, here is "Some Like It Hot".

The video is to dramatize the skirmish going on between the Hard Right on one hand, and myself and my cohorts on the other. I've said it many time in many ways, but this battle is not over party or ideology, but for the direction of U4Prez. Will it turn into every other political message board on the Internet, where conservatives and liberals play their petty games with one another, and victory is measured by how annoying and catty one can be as he is getting others to quit, or will it become something vibrant, living, the kind of democracy we allegedly promote? This is just my gut feeling on this, but I think almost everyone wants to revitalize U4Prez and return it to how it was at the start of the summer, when there was hope, when you could extemporize without being ganged up on, when GOTCHA games were dismissed for what they were, when negative attacks at least had some humor to them, and when such items like vote count manipulation and favoritism weren't a strong undercurrent waiting to bubble up to the surface and erupt, as it most certainly has.

Even I am in awe with just how viciously I attacked Eric Gurr. I don't withdraw any of the harsh words I've said about him over the last month; on the contrary, I am going to add to them. I would be a hypocrite if I didn't.

My big beef with Eric is, as creator, his function cannot include buddying up and playing U4Prez with the rest of us. Instead of going onto talk blog shows and trying to get his favorites on real television, his job is to promote an equitable playing field, a stable infrastructure, and a working template for his pride and joy to take flight.

I truly appreciate Eric wanting to be an active part of the U4Prez world. I feel it too. I quit almost a month ago, and yet I am more attached to U4Prez than ever. No one happily quits this place. There are several former members that could possibly be swayed to return under certain conditions, including me.

But in all this time of me jumping on Eric's case and really sticking it to him, I would have thought he got the hint, that if he wanted his baby to continue to grow and prosper, he couldn't jump in with the kiddies. He would have to keep the place up to spec. He would have to present an appearance that was aboveboard and not susceptible to rumor and accusation. I would have thought, with how viciously I left U4Prez and started this blog, with how his corporate bosses snatched him back for him to remain behind the scenes, with how many complaints there have been concerning vote count trustworthiness and favoritism, he would have learned.

For as much as I appreciate him signing the petition to reactivate the OliviaLLC profile and let me back onto U4Prez, I have to tell him, he hasn't learned a damn thing.

I cried foul when I saw Eric jumping onto Kempite's talk show, and I laid out my case for his favoritism. We can debate the merits therein, but that is how I felt at the time, and I still do, that anyone behind the scenes should not be part of the U4Prez world, and the moderators should not be in any position where they can influence and manipulate outcomes.

Let me be clear on this. Eric Gurr signing this petition to reinstate me is the EXACT SAME THING as going on Kempite's talk show.

And I would be a complete hypocrite for not pointing this out. It would be a gross double-standard on my part to cry bloody murder when Eric befriends Kempite in one aspect, then thank him for befriending me in another.

Nobody had to point this out to me. If there were such grumblings at U4Prez, I am oblivious to them. I came to this realization when I saw his name on the petition.

I realize how shitty this all must sound. One might think, Olivia's winning her war, she's as popular as ever, she should thank her lucky stars and accept being brought back and show a little fucking appreciation. Maybe that's the way I should take it, but I can't, because I have already laid down the gauntlet of favoritism. I have stated plainly that Eric has shown it to me, he's shown it to Kempite, and I am not going to allow him to play it again with me.

Whether or not this takes some of my personal momentum away, that remains to be seen. There is a principle at stake, and I was willing to resign over it. I played the favoritism card, I accused Eric and Kempite for being in cahoots, and I simply refuse to accuse others of such a crime, yet turn a blind eye when it's to my advantage. That is called hypocrisy, and instead of trying to rationalize it by trying to say it's two separate issues, or letting something go that others may not have even caught or even care about, I have to speak up.

Where was Eric when Catbus quit? Or GESmith? Elected_Al? Where did he show any regret for these three candidates, all with a degree of gravitas attached to their nomenclatures, all having contributed to the U4Prez world? Why didn't Eric fight for them? In the same way, he should remain consistent and not try to woo me back.

See, this is why I'm not coming back today.

And this is why, if I do come back after the general election, I am going to call on the president and anyone of stature within U4Prez to draw up a Constitution. If Eric isn't going to hold to his job of impartial moderator, we need to do it for him.

If Eric decides to let me in, as the creator and moderator allowing a candidate to rejoin and to have the profile she previously used unsuspended, there is a way for it to be done. That way, however, is not to sign a petition penned by Maditude, a candidate, and designed for other candidates to sign.

Eric, you are not a candidate! I know you want to be part of this world you created, because it is a neat little place. It has its own energy and feel, it's deciding its own course, it's vibrant and alive, and right now it's going through a tough time, because you're admiring your handiwork, but forgetting the most important thing. You are the creator. You have a job to do to make U4Prez run smoothly. I've been very critical about this. Basic bodily functions still cannot be performed. You have a vote count system that swings back and forth between two concepts, and whichever one you choose for a given day, that's what you go with. You don't need to spend $25,000 for a new program. You just need to think it through, write out a system, and stick to your guns on it, no matter who ends up winning. This is why the accusation of favoritism runs rampant, because no one can trust the voting system. It is too easily manipulated. When that happens, the concepts of negligence and favoritism follow suit. No one is asking you to spend your life savings to solve the problem. All that is being asked is consistency. You cannot be consistent, though, when you try to play candidate, and then neglect these nagging demands.

I've come to realize God is a very lonely guy, having created the earth and people but can't go out for a beer with them. I'm sure he would like to shake Nelson Mandela's hand, or be backstage at a Metallica concert, or make love to the most beautiful women on earth like Zeus used to. But he can't and won't, he has the whole cosmos to control, he can't jump in with the kiddies, no matter how bad he might want to.

I'm not saying Eric Gurr is God, but I am saying, in creating something wonderful, there is a price to pay. For Eric, that is letting the candidates run their course, without him getting involved.

I truly appreciate Eric signing the petition, probably just as much or more so as when Kempite appreciated Eric coming onto his talk show.

But both were items Eric shouldn't have taken part in in the first place. After a month of Olivia being on his back about these things, he still hasn't learned.

And I would be a complete hypocrite if I didn't call him out on it.

Olivia of Arc

Olivia of Arc
My thanks to TheWiz