Saturday, September 8, 2007

WEEK IN REVIEW V (Sept. 2-8, 2007)

I congratulate Kempite for winning yet another video contest.

Relax, Anthony, this will only be a tangental attack on you today. I do have a couple of thoughts on the subject. It's news at U4Prez, and this is the Week in Review, hence my review and opinion of the week's events.

By tangental attack, I'm referring to the notion that was brought to my attention this week, that it seems every time Kempite puts up a new video, he tags it with the name Olivia. I was skeptical of this claim initially, surely Kempite doesn't have the same obsessive impulses concerning me that, say, Mduminiak has shown beyond a shadow of a doubt--fourteen videos directed at one person is pretty convincing stuff when trying to show obsession. Kempite is a pretty insecure fella to begin with, relying on bashing fellow homosexuals and women to make himself feel important. Such remarks are on the record for all to see, repeating them here is not the point. At least not this time around.

So I go look at YouTube, seeing if my latest video has been put on the U4Prez list yet (by the way, has anyone else experienced this problem with YouTube lately, that it takes literally days for the tags to take effect?), and I ruffle through the, at the time, 142 YouTube videos that readily come up with the U4Prez tag. Sure enough, I look down the list and see Kempite's videos. Don't have to do any digging, any in-depth research, I just have to scroll down and look at the tags.

And wouldn't you know it? EVERY SINGLE ONE HAS OLIVIA AS A TAG!

Now, to be fair, I've used Kempite's name as a tag maybe once or twice. When I made specific reference to Kempite, as I did with the Grinch video, I used his name. When I made slight reference to him and Mduminiak, I may have used their names one other time. Trust me, though, when I made videos for the Independents, or for TheWiz, or even for Kiss & Tell, I didn't use their names as tags. And there's two good reasons for it. One, THEY'RE NOT ABOUT THOSE TWO LOSERS! Believe it or not, not everything I do is with the handpicked president and his monkeyboy in mind. There are other things going on at U4Prez, believe it or not, than what those two knuckleheads do. And two, Kempite is not a popular tag. The only thing anyone on YouTube, the tens of millions who peek in, would want when they type Kempite in on the search box is Kempite himself. The Some Like It Hot video, on the other hand, included clips from Mo Rocca, Ann Coulter, Donald Trump, and Tommy Chong, among others. I included their names, hoping someone looking for them might want to take a look-see at my own work. In the past, I've used tags like sex and bush and chicks to get a few extra peeks, because they are more effective than the tag Kempite.

That's why I ever used Kempite as a tag. Do either of these reasons fit why Kempite would use the tag Olivia on every fucking video he ever makes? Let's explore.

The first reason, that not every Kempite video is about Olivia, does this hold water? While he has most definitely made videos that are either outright attacks on me or making reference to me is a slight way, there are some where he doesn't make mention of me at all. When he talks about eminent domain and a family in New Jersey losing their home, he makes not a single reference to a prostitute in Phoenix. When he jumps on a couch with Mduminiak just down the street from that house and makes a video, he talks about me for about twenty minutes. And yet, for both videos, there's my name. So it's not for the first reason, because he's constantly making videos about me, because he isn't. And yet, they all have Olivia for a tag.

The second reason is that Olivia must be a popular tag. I realize there is a current pop singer named Olivia and a children's set of books with the main character named Olivia, and even a pig named Olivia. For me, when I was looking for clips for recent videos, I looked up Olivia Newton-John, hoping to find something that works. Were I named Mary or Linda or something a little more traditional, it would make sense for those seeking Mary Tyler Moore or Linda McCartney to maybe see a new Kempite video, but alas, my blessed father and my dearly departed mother named me Olivia. I can't forsee who it would be such a popular tag.

Except in the U4Prez world, where the name Olivia, for better or for worse, has become rather popular.

In this realization, we can guess as to why Kempite is obsessed with Olivia and puts her name on all his videos. One possibility is that he knows no one will watch his videos without it. He typically will get about 30-40 viewings tops, and then that will be it. His buddies will watch them, maybe a couple others, but that's it. Olivia's been putting out fewer videos in less of a time frame, and she can rely on there bring a hundred viewings a month or more. The oldest have around 300 viewings. Compare that to the "historical" meeting of Kempiniak in a hotel room beyond the reach of their significant others, the 67-minute epic of cataclysmic proportions, the heart-stopping never-ending action of two nimrods on a couch, and I swear to you, after a month, aside from maybe the starting fragment any anything having to do with Olivia, how many hits do the others have, six? Nine? Kempite wizens up, puts Olivia as a tag, and boom, 130 hits in about two weeks AND a win in a video contest. The notion that no one will watch his videos without the Olivia tag apparently has some merit to it.

Another possibility is that he is trying to attach his videos to mine, so when someone does put "u4prez olivia" in the search box, they see his as well. Which makes sense, if you were trying to attack someone. If you use that search, I promise you, you will see a handful of negative adds against me as well. You will also see FOUR KEMPITE VIDEOS, dated from "1 week ago", in that search. FOUR VIDEOS IN A WEEK, ALL WITH OLIVIA FOR A TAG! At least one has nothing at all to do with me, maybe a passing reference no one caught. The others go at me, either subtlely or convincingly. As I said, I can see him doing it in he were on the attack, and he would want the negative videos to be intermingled with the ones I made. That would be one thing. Mduminiak made fourteen videos about me, and virtually every one has Olivia or OliviaLLC as a tag, but then again, I am the subject of those videos, and I am the obsession of his heart.

I'm not saying Kempite can't do this, or even that he shouldn't. But I do think it incredibly silly, the lengths this ghoul will go to to try to "get back" at Olivia, to think people will watch his video if it has my tag on it, whether it has anything to do with me or not. It's not illegal to do it, and hey, if he can get 137 hits on a video by putting my name as a tag, perhaps MORE of you should do it. It's just a slimy thing to do, a thing you would expect out of a weasel, not someone trying to promote himself as above petty gameplaying and prove he is not benefitting from the fix. He is proving himself to be a parasite, and using his words, he is a parasite sucking to the side of the reputation of a crackwhore.

But this is what you have come to expect from the Hard Right. There's no angle they won't try, no measure they won't explore, no tactic beneath their snake-bellied dignity. You have BigDaddy, the loudest and most obnoxious troll on U4Prez barking down the Hard Right's opposition so they can keep their hands clean, yet blocking those same opponents from responding to him. Mduminiak projects his bullshit onto me and hopes it will stick, and calling me obsessed for anything, after posting the number of videos he has about me, is ludicrous at best, disturbing at worst, but hypocritical either way. Kempite's trying to promote himself as the Idea Man, but the only great ideas he puts into practice at U4Prez are underhanded and slimy. And God Bless Iron Lady for defending each and every one of them each and every time, no matter how filthy the words are that come out of their mouth, no matter how disgusting the act.

Hell, compared to those hypocrites, asskissers, petty gameplayers, and cowards, Hawk and RogueJew look downright gentlemanly. Mere bashing of liberals and putting up false candidates so they can spew even more hate against their lefteinged foes is rather amateur compared to their Hard Right brethren. Never thought I would ever refer to someone who goes out of their way to bash a liberal a slacker, but Hawk, RogueJew, if this is all you have, if all you offer is freeper madness, you need to keep up with the rest in your clan before they think you're too weak to stick around. Dare I say, it, they might think you moderate, and with a little time and continued eroding of your thugly talents, they might end up voting for Mike Huckabee.

The horror!

I'm not going to complain about why Kempite won, except to say I think more U4Prez candidates need to start getting themselves involved in all the processes thereof. There's no reason why only about eight candidates out of 2500 should be putting out videos for a contest. Though I realize there are only about 50 active members at any given time, I guarantee you, that number would go up if they felt more involved in the process. Kempite wins these things because not enough of you are willing to get involved. The Hard Right runs amok and berates others into capitulation because not enough candidates are willing to take a stand. Pretty much anyone with a working computer, camcorder, or even a decent cellphone, can make videos. Don't spend any money on this, just realize that you probably already possess the tools to do so. That's when I started making videos, when I went, duh, I have Windows MovieMaker on my computer already! The video contest, that's one thing. I figured I would be seeing about 20 or 30 talk blog shows, and we're up to, what, eight? MejicoJohn and JohnnyMars are coming up with their own formula, and I think, by the time the general elections come, you'll see a few new faces, some with some real talent!

I've got my blog, as does Maditude and RogueJew and a few others. This works for me, using this blog as a sort of new and opinion source about u4Prez itself.

Everyone needs to find their niche, their shtick. U4Prez won't survive if all the really good ideas come from Kempite. Efferiss had a golden idea of a Debate Room and holding regulated debates, and it seemed like that might take off into being a regular thing. A bunch of us tried setting up organizations within U4Prez, some with more success than others. I've had success in my campaign, and now in my anti-campaign, because I see U4Prez differently, and I am running a very unorthodox campaign, and have from day one. Every candidate has to find something that works for them, and they need to find ways to not only improve their platforms, but to make them accessible and even understood by the rest of us. Trust me, some scoff at this, but as a reader, I truly don't read anyone's platform, top to bottom, and the longer it is, the less I read of it; I think most candidates are looking for that candidate that can be both complex and simple, the ones who take this tough job of selling yourself and making it look easy. THAT, my friends, is the definition of professionalism.

Don't be afraid. Try new things. I've said this all along, this is the perfect place to be creative and to try those same sort of dirty tricks you've seen the Big Boys try. Kempite certainly tries them, even though he now has the impossible task of trying to convince you he's above dumb little games. Some things work better than others.

But it's on YOU if you don't try them.

That's it for this week. Nope, Kempite, I'm not going to talk about how you thought it would be a grand gesture to use your space as winner of the video contest to promote your Tony4Prez memorial, potentially making some wonder if the remark Olivia makes about you using dead candidates to enhance your reputation really is true or not. Not this time, Kemp, I'll let you off the hook this once.


The Wiz said...

If it Olivia wont say it, I will.

Kempite is using that kid Tony again.

Kempite had to come up with something after cutting up all the U4prez candidates on the "love sofa". He called me a drunk, Olivia a "crack whore". Plus the other comments they made about the "horned one" COP, Atticus, Think08, CAtbus..even Big Doody.

So he wins a video contest and instead of capitalizing on that, which he did for one day...he brings out Tony.

What else can the man do, when his chips were down. I didn't see any conradulatory comments about his cutting up the candidates on the "love sofa", even from Hawk, I ron lady or the other paids. He knew he had fucked up big time.

Luckys second video, using their own words shuttled them down to the crap the are. Evil men that say evil things. Their forked tongues spew hatred and blaphsephomy.

And so, Kempite wins the video contest as it was explained to me by the MOD, he won because his video was more political...or more bullshit.

So he uses the few days to either promote himself, but he chooses to offset his tart comments by linking the "light a candle for Tony page". What can you say about that? Nothing, at all. Because if you do say something about it, he will use TONY. Like he is using TONY right now.

Quit quit using that kid Kempite. I don't know what relation you have to him or his family, but it probably isn't too close.

If Tony were alive today and heard what you said about other candidates including Olivia, I am sure he would bitch slap you.

So this is my wish. I wish you would leave him alone and let his family morn in their own way. I never knew Tony. I wasn't on long enough to know him. And I won't speak for him. But I could probably guess, he would say to you Kempite. "Let me rest in peace. And don't use me anymore. And stick that candle up your ass you fucking phony."

Olivia said...

(never mind the delete above, sometimes I need to slow down and read what I write BEFORE I post it)

Wiz, I did know Tony, we started here at about the same time. Of course, I know him like most people knew him, as an Internet friend. Kempite knew him in real life, and he put up a memorial for him. That's all great, it's a wonderful gesture. But when he died, there were a lot of people bending over backwards to show their love and loss for Tony, and at the time, I felt Kempite was saying, look at me, I love him MORE than the rest of you.

I had some personal conversations with Tony that I will keep to myself. But that's me. I don't take the death of fellow candidates and turn them into pissing contests.

Of course, by saying I'm not going to talk about it, I did.

You are right about one thing. Tony would NOT have approved in the slightest of this feud, nor would he have approved how the Hard Right, under Kempite's tutelage, has gone from discussing politics to discussing termination of candidates. Tony was the genuine article, he wasn't corrupted, he didn't need to play any partisan or shitheel games to get ahead. He was genuinely loved, and there wasn't a bad thing you could say about him in real life.

Tony GOT it.

And were he here, he would be mortified with what U4Prez has turned itself into. Would Tony have been proud to come here every day and see BigDaddy browbeating and bullying on a daily basis? Would Tony have appreciated Kempite making such a big deal about my profession, or in the fratboy manner in which he conducts himself? Would Tony have blindly bought Mduminiak calling me obsessed, or would he have said, come on Mike, you made 14 videos on Olivia, knock it off?

If Kempite truly wants to honor the memory of Tony, how about acting in a manner that would make Tony proud?

I made mention shortly after his death, as I was tidying up my MySpace, I came across a Tony4Prez page in my Friends list. I looked over at it, and he had three friends--Tom, one of his real life friends, and me. Now, when I mentioned that, IronLady started chastizing me about it, saying, so what, Olivia, it wasn't his PERSONAL page. Who cares, Olivia, Kempite actually MET him. You want to know why I have absolutely no respect for Iron Lady? It's moments like that, when I wanted to say, hey, I have a piece of Tony here as well, she tried to shut me up. Apparently to her, no one outside of Kempite had the right to talk about him except in broad cliche'd goodbyes.

All Tony wanted to do was play U4Prez and talk politics. No partisan bullshit, no gameplaying, no bullying.

Now you know a little more why I talk about how Kempite uses dead people to get himself ahead.

At the time, I apologized, because it was just a mean and vicious thing for me to say. As time wears on, I might have been right all along.

So, before the Hard Right, and especially Kempite, start in on me again on this, I would deeply appreciate it if, since Kempite alone carries the eternal flame of Anthony Nasso, they would consider if Kempite really is doing more than giving it lip service and trying to enhance his own reputation with it. When he makes videos about my job, would Tony, with whom I had had personal conversations with and even talked about what I do for a living, approve? When Kempite lets dogs like BigDaddy loose on U4Prez, would Tony have liked that? Even worse, if Tony dare disagree with the Hard Right, would BigDaddy have ripped into Tony as deeply as he's ripped into Copulate or Hak or TheWiz of me? When Mduminiak and Kempite went to that hotel room and made a 67-minute video, donating at least a third of that to talking trash about Olivia, was Tony in heaven smiling down on those two, saying, you guys got that bitch Olivia good?

I lit a candle for him when he died. To everything, there is a season, and a time for every purpose unto Heaven. A time to be born and a time to die. A time to mourn and a time to rejoice. A time to pander and a time to call the panderer out for what he is.

I'm probably quite sure Tony is looking down at me and not approving of this reply. But then again, I am not the lone candidate on U4Prez allowed to bring the matter up, and I'm not the one trotting out his name and picture at my own personal convenience. Kempite is, and if he's going to carry the Anthony Nasso mantle in cyberspace, then he had damn sure carry it in his very soul as well. So far, he hasn't, and if he doesn't like me calling him out for it, then perhaps he should stop playing this horrible self-serving game of yanking out dead candidates to get brownie points altogether.

Tony and I, we treated one another with respect and love when he was with us. I mourned when he left us. And since then, like when so many others have left this world, I mourned, and then I moved on. That's what life is. I miss him, but I am not going to trot him out everytime I need a boost in popularity.

To me, he will always be our kid brother. Not a subject for a pissing contest.

Olivia of Arc

Olivia of Arc
My thanks to TheWiz