Saturday, August 25, 2007

WEEK IN REVIEW III (Aug. 19-25, 2007)

A relatively calm week at U4Prez. Many of the more pressing questions have been answered, and the last few days have been a lull before the finishing-up of the August Primary, which will occur before Labor Day. What were some of those questions? Well, let's recap. Is there favoritism? Well, since Eric Gurr got jerked back to moderator status, I guess there was, or at least his bloodless corporate masters thought so. Are the elections fixed? Considering there is STILL NO CLEARCUT VOTECOUNTING SYSTEM, I don't know how anyone could not say the moderators are at best negligent, at worst picking their buddies. Will the Independents remain in chaos? With Demopublic taking the helm, the Indies are in very capable hands. Will the Hard Right ever end their freeper madness? As much as I am rooting for them to see the error in their ways, their arrogance will never allow them to apologize for a single crime against U4Prez humanity, so the answer is No.

Will Olivia ever shut up? I think you know the answer to that one!

I do see there is a new video contest going on. Like everything else, it's sort of thrown out there without any real organization. I was thinking about putting out a video, anyway. Could someone please tell me what the deadline is? My clandestine production staff and I will definitely put our best foot forward to deliver another scorching, entertaining, deep-probing video for your perusal.

I can see the Kempuniak is out there already, trying to ruin another contest by overleading it with their own mugs. The ruin the Delete Photo function because they can't stop themselves and Eric of course would never say No to them alone, so they move onto destroying a video contest. I swear, they accused me endlessly about self-promotion, and here Kempite and Mduminiak are, posting, what was it, ten more videos for the U4Prez audience to be stuck with? I think it was ten, I didn't count. I did not watch a single second of them, so I am hoping my readers will clue me in as to just how many times my name is brought up. I put the over-under at ten, and I have a crisp twenty dollar bill in my bra, nestled against my saline-enhanced right breast, for anyone daring to take the under.

Before this, Mduminiak was up to THIRTEEN videos where he couldn't stop talking about me. How much higher will that total go? Stay tuned.

I didn't count how many videos they put up, and I didn't watch any of them. But I did roughly count how much time these videos consume. Sixty-seven minutes, give or take a few minutes! The handpicked president and his monkeyboy expect you to sit down for over an hour, while they sit on a couch, chatting over the same boring things they already do on their talk shows. Hey, if you really want to waste an hour of your day watching two grown men making sure there is enough distance between them to ensure they're not an item, talking as dryly as they do on their shows about the same three or four items, that's your prerogative. I doubt someone will watch every single one, maybe they heard one particular clip is worth watching over the rest and will tell everyone to watch it instead. Just do me a favor, if they sit there for more than 20 minutes doing little more than chatting on opposite sides of a couch, and you're still watching, would you please stick your own head under the driver's side rear tire of your neighbor's car and ask him to back up? I'm sorry, unless you are family or threatened by violence, I don't know how anyone can sit for over an HOUR, thinking, that last segment was pretty good, I wonder what those wild and zany characters are going to do in their NEXT clip.

Trust me, on your deathbed, you are going to wish you had that hour back.

Brevity is the source of wit. Kempite and Mduminiak surely could take the Bard's advice on that one.

As could I.

For the same reasons that I bag on the U4Prez audience for sitting at their desks until their tingling toes finally go numb from watching Kempuniak cuckoo crazy antics, I am going to cut this blog from a daily blog to a bi-weekly. As you can see, I have a lot to say on the news and history of U4Prez, and there should be some element of the Fourth Estate therein to give some sort of description as to what's really going on.

But as I know you have better things to do than to see if Kempuniak will go to the bathroom in that entire hour, I know you're not going to sit there every single day, reading my usual 2000 words on who pissed me off on this given occasion. Why should you?

There is a good reason why my seven videos, totalling 22 minutes, have gotten far more mileage than the thirty-odd videos Mudminiak has made, the dozen-or-so Kempite's put out there, the perhaps three hours of video they've put out there for the U4Prez world to absorb. That's because quality is more than quantity.

But then again, this is how the Hard Right thinks. If they can overwhelm you with numbers, they don't really have to think. Better to have four thugs attacking one perceived opponent than allowing one to eloquate a succinct argument. Better for BigDaddy to post the same post five or six times on you board, hoping it will irritate you enough to want to quit. It's the same tactic, done slightly differently. Ten videos in one day, you would hope there would be some substance. Nope. Just the same two jackasses saying the same jackass things over and over again.

I remember the last time Mduminiak put out ten videos in one day. That was the day he re-declared war on me, and he posted all ten of the Top Ten videos, all at once. Lest we forget, he ended up surrendering to me. I hope, since he is delcaring war with U4Prez and more-or-less promising to bore the entire population to death, he will end up surrendering to you all as well.

Unless they're kissing and groping one another, I don't know why two men on a couch would interest anyone enough to watch them for a continuous hour.

But then again, that's Kempuniak for you, hoping you are truly as stupid as they think you are.

It is that line of belief that is pulling me back from a daily to a bi-weekly. By no means am I giving this up. Au contraire, mon frere. I am counting on my readers continuing to support this blog, and last week was the biggest week in terms of readership. To continue the upward trend, so I am not boring you or forcing you to keep up with all the rants, instead of making you come here every single fucking day, I will have two articles a week, on Tuesdays and Saturdays. Trust me, they will be just as opinionated, just as caustic, just as revealing as anything else on this blog, maybe even more so.

Kempuniak thinks you have absolutely nothing else to do but watch sixty-seven minutes of Kempuniak. Maybe I should ask my ex to bring out some of my "home movies", the ones where I am, shall we say, working. If you're going to watch men on a couch, at least watch them doing SOMETHING! Knitting. Putting a puzzle together. Holding a rock. Making out. Getting lapdances and blowjobs, either with an additional pretty girl or them doing it to themselves. ANYTHING AT ALL!

To those wanting to put together a winning video, here's the one word you need to remember--LAUGH! The best videos are the ones that make you laugh at some level. If you are putting together an attack video, make sure you insert a healthy dose of humor, witness my Grinch video. If you want to make a point, don't take yourself so seriously. Allow people to see you as human, someone with a sense of humor, someone able to laugh at himself. MejicoJohn's videos make you chuckle on several levels. Faustus's videos have included warm family humor. Copulate made a funny video once upon a time. The ones that get stuck in people's heads, the ones that get replayed, they are the ones that don't pound you over the head, that don't bore you, and that don't make you wonder, why did I waste my time? Make them laugh, and they will have a reason to tell others and watch it multiple times. Odds are, if you are laughing while you are making it, your audience will laugh as well. Whatever energy you put into it, it will definitely be felt by the viewer. If it's mean and negative, they'll feel that negative energy. But if it is light and humorous, the audience will bond with it better because of the positive energy. You can make a negative or even an attacking video, but if you add humor to it, you are giving them a reason to like it.

See you on Tuesday.

Love, Olivia. XXX

Friday, August 24, 2007

DWF Seeking VP

About a week before I quit U4Prez, I had another brilliant idea. I get brilliant ideas all the time, some I would ue for myself, some I would give out to others if I thought they were good, but just didn't quite fit what I was doing. The Antipartisan Pledge, in my opinion, was a good idea, and I got thirty-five candidates to sign up for it at one time or another, which I believe still makes it the most signed petition in U4Prea history. Using the Indyleader profile as a viewing screen for Independents to show their videos, I think that was a pretty good idea on my part. Using humor in my attack ads ended up being a good idea in hindsight, because I learned if I just went at a candidate without offering a few lighthearted chuckles along the way, it would backfire horribly.

Whether Demopublic wishes to use this idea or not is up to her, but at the end of the September primary, with the number of candidates set for the Convention to compete for the general election, I was going to propose to the primary winners that they come up with a short list for potential runningmates. I know that's something that was always lightly talked about, but there was never anything formally discussed on the subject. Many would playfully ask if they could be my vice-president, all in jest, I am sure. But I was going to try to talk the primary winners into picking runningmates.

My hope was to get as many Independents involved in things as possible. The way U4Prez functions, there might end up being 20 or so candidates who qualify to go onto the convention. That's less than 1% of the U4Prez population. In order to get as many Indies in the game--and hence, fewer Indies to quit in the thought that they have no chance--I was going to talk the primary winners to take on a VP who had NOT previously won a primary. I never made a single rule in terms of what the Independents should do in the course of their campaigns, but I was going to ask them in the most polite terms to consider such a running mate. By doing so, instead of, say, five Independents in the mix, there would be ten.

I was also starting to set up for the Convention. I was putting together speakers, presentations, representatives from third-parties, a keynote address, a movie marathon, all sorts of ideas. The Vice President thing was part of this, part of generating excitement among the Independents.

My departure, of course, dashed these hopes. But, had I just shut up like many wish I did, had I silently accepted the invitation as the mysterious "April winner" like Eric Gurr wanted me to, I would have had to make my own choice for my running mate.

So I started to think, who would be a good running mate for Olivia? I thought about the real world, how party nominees choose their VP's. Well, they seek to "balance the ticket", and I thought about that. How should I balance the ticket. Geographically? I am in the Southwest, surely I could think of an Independent from the East who would balance this out. Ideologically? Typically, the President and the VP are on the same page, but I started to think about who would counter me in terms of political commitment. I lean left, so of course I would consider someone who leaned right, right?

I also wanted someone who still had enthusiasm for U4Prez, who, when he or she came in, the place was automatically filled with positive energy. There are a lot of burned-out candidates these days, and I would definitely like to be working with someone who could pick me up when I needed it.

Someone who shared my zeal for promotion as well. I didn't want someone who was going to just sit there and let me do all the work. I considered candidates who I felt would show some initiative in terms of promotion, who would use his or her own abilities to make the campaign go. By the time of the convention, everyone knows everyone's platforms and the candidates themselves pretty well, I wanted someone who would work WITH me to promote us, not just rely on my own talents as if they were coattails.

Lastly, I wanted someone who agreed with my central issue, that the two-party system is corrupt to the core, that the Republocrats work together to being bad legislation to bear, and that collusion is what keeps the possibility of a third party nominee or an independent from every making a truly serious run. The sooner we vote the current crop of bastards out, the sooner we can refashion this country and have the government actually become answerable to the people who vote them into power, what a concept!

I had 700 candidates to pick from, and I thought quite a bit on this. Ultimately, I came up with two possibilities, one you can probably guess, the other you could figure out if you've been paying attention to this blog. Both are popular enough to win a primary, having been given a chance. Both have partaken in run-offs, and I truly hope, with me gone, they get a chance at another run-off before it's too late.

TheWiz is a no-brainer. Being from Cleveland and with conservative tendencies, he balances me, both geographically and politically. He is one of those few candidates--MejicoJohn is another one, but he won already, so no luck for me--who make people laugh on a consistent basis. He certainly can dish back out what he gets, and he has no problem with being outspoken. Considering his Photoshop talents and my usage of them to make at least one kickass video, he certainly would qualify as someone who shared my desire for promotion. Finally, as possibly the best-known defector from the Republican Party, TheWiz realizes there are more important things than being part of a top-down party that would prefer you tow the line instead of thinking for yourself.

Don't ever underestimate TheWiz. He has been attacked in recent weeks, especially since my departure, as being my lackey. Au contraire. For as much as I appreciate his strange position, TheWiz should never be seen as Mr. Olivia, and I thoroughly resent such beliefs from any candidate. Wiz will rise and fall on his own merits, and I truly hope he will be allowed to do so. This is not a defense, he would never accept me defending his honor. He is no punching bag, and for the Hard Right to target him because they don't have Olivia to pick on anymore is a pretty shitty thing to do. TheWiz is not to me what Mduminiak is to Kempite. Wiz is no monkeyboy. I detest any candidate who treats him as such.

The other candidate was CHASE, and I even mentioned this idea to him, that he was on my short list for VP candidates. He has everything I'm looking for in a candidate. He beings that genuine and positive energy with him wherever he goes, I rarely see him making disparaging remarks about anyone. He is a good kid who deserves someone taking notice of him and giving him a boost. He LOVES his camera and the videos he makes--I think I told you how he adored the idea of me putting his videos on the Indyleader profile, and the time he told me aobut the video he couldn't get onto YouTube, and yet I got it on the profile about five minutes after he announced his existence. That kind of spirit and want to promote were just what I was looking for.

I think he's just turned 17, he's 16 or 17, but he's already figured out this two-party system is suffocating us. There have been politicians in Washington who have been there for fifty years, and he seems wiser than they are.

That is not to say the rest of the Independents were not worthy of being my vice president. MejicoJohn and Maditude have already won primaries, both of them could make great VP's for someone. CoryF is one of the most steadfast candidates the Indies have, and I was seriously considering him as well. There are at least two more Independents who will win primaries, and I have a feeling Eric Gurr will pull the "April winner" card out of his ass again, maybe even a "May winner". Every candidate whose face I put on a video sometime in the past, the Independents, they all would make excellent presidents and VP's.

Were I still there, however, I would have picked either TheWiz or CHASE.

I am curious who others would have picked. Who would MejicoJohn, or Efferiss, or Faustus37, or Maditude, who would they want working with them as their running mate? We're starting to get down to crunch time, it's something to consider, a new wrinkle to throw in.

Thursday, August 23, 2007

Accepting Mduminiak's Unconditional Surrender

I was thinking about this earlier. Witness the You-Know-Who video Mduminiak put out.

And ask yourself, was that a concession speech he made?

Does that mean his petty little war against me is over?

Does that mean I won?


A while back, Mduminiak alleged that I apparently broke the terms to a "cease-fire" agreement I made with him concerning my attacks on the Liberty Caucus. You remember, I told you Mike made EIGHT anti-Olivia videos in ONE FUCKING NIGHT, the same night Kempite released his Prostitute video?

Well, the next day, Mike comes up to me and wants to negotiate a truce between me and him. He was very professional in his usual creepy way, and we set the terms for a truce. Under the terms, he would remove the videos and keep his buddy Kempite dangling out on his little limb, and I would stop making the Liberty Caucus look bad.

And I always wondered about that, and others did as well. Copulate, for instance, called me a pussy because I didn't snap both his and Kempite's necks when I could have. For me, I went along with the truce, because it isolated Kempite. Mduminiak made it clear he wasn't protecting his buddy, Kempite could apparently rot in hell for all he cared. Mike was protecting the Liberty Caucus and his own arse.

What's strange is, if Mike and Hawk and Kempite kept telling you I am a nobody and a liar and a psychobitch who will say and do anything, why were they so concerned with what came out of my mouth? I refer to myself as "the little lady who brought down the Liberty Caucus", and since they release NINE ANTI-OLIVIA VIDEOS IN ONE NIGHT, I also referred to myself as the most powerful candidate on U4Prez, getting such strong candidates to jerk whenever I pulled their strings.

Again, after the melee, the Hard Right lunatics kept trying to downplay the Olivia factor, and I kept taking the entire group on at the same time. Which I still don't get, again, is, if I was a loser and a liar with no credibility, why would they even bother with sicking five of them on me at once?

A few weeks after the truce, Mike told me unflinchingly that I apparently broke the terms, and the war was back on. I sent him a one-word message: Whatever.

He put the videos back up, along with two more, and if you read them, they are the top ten reasons why you should not trust Olivia. It must be obvious, for someone to put so much effort into making TEN anti-Olivia videos, I must have been a real threat to him and the Hard Right in general.

We both won party leadership roles and took potshots at each other. I questioned the merits of creating an elite, a bureaucracy, within the GOP in the form of the Steering Committee, and he just hacked to hack. He wondered why a party leader wouldn't put together a platform, and I told him, duh, we're Independents!

Instead of promoting candidates from within the party--I mean, candidates other than himself and his buddies in the Politburo--errr, Steering Committee--he uses his talents to attack Olivia. Hence, the Olivia Party video, where he basically tells 700 Independents they are morons for following a leader who is basically doing nothing but promoting them. It takes a true twist in logic and a whole lot of gall for someone who tried to shove 700 Republicans into one tiny box of a platform to tell me, someone who never put her name on the Indyleader board except in passing, and instead used it as a billboard to promote other Independents, that I am using the office of Independent Leader for self-promotion.

I would occasionally take jabs at both parties, especially the Republicans, I won't lie. I would often come up and say, while other party leaders are turning their leadership profiles into jukeboxes, we at the Indyleader profile are promoting real Independents. While others are trying to create bureaucracies and cram 700 candidates into a box, the Independents are free to run their own campaigns without answering to party leadership. I know this rubbed him the wrong way, and his catty remarks to me on a nearly daily basis were evidence of this.

BigDaddy thinks I was part of some grand conspiracy to steal Republicans, and he cites the Hedrick incident as his proof. In all honesty, candidates from both the Reps and the Dems were indeed defecting to the Independent Party, either they liked what I was doing or they couldn't stand their previous party's leadership. Other high-profile candidates confided in me and said they would defect as well if it didn't cost them what they've worked for. For those who thought I was stealing candidates, and Mike was one, I offer the following:

1. I never had a problem with any Independent defecting. I was sad by some, but I never took it personally. Such a candidate is acting in his own self-interest, and I respect that. That is the spirit of being Independent, and I commend anyone leading his own campaign his own way.

2. If the GOP powers-that-be were concerned about me "stealing" candidates, they'd better be. They had a near mutiny on their hands. Candidates were jumping ship. Copulate and HAK were swarming all over the Steering Committee, demanding better representation. Mike can say anything he wants, no leader is going to tell the world everything sucks, vanity and pride will always make him say what his followers want to hear. I will tend to believe my own eyes, as I invite others to do the same. Instead of worrying about how Olivia runs her show, how about battening down your own hatches?

3. If the fearless leaders at the GOP were concerned that Olivia could sway Republicans at all, either they think their fellow party members were stupid, or that Olivia was really that powerful. I pick the former, Mduminiak generally thinks everyone is stupid anyway, why not his fellow Republicans? If a single PM from Olivia can shake the GOP to its foundation, they're scared shitless about something, either that their own members are so stupid as to fall for anything, or that Olivia really could take candidates at will.

Not that I made it a point to send candidates PM's asking them to defect. I still don't see anything wrong with recruitment, and if an Independent wanted to be part of the bad leadership and the tyranny Mduminiak had to offer, that was his business.

Considering how Kempite would PM candidates who signed the Antipartisan Pledge and demand they take their names off, I fail to see how approaching a Republican who seemed to be neglected from the outside looking in and could use the sort of attention I could offer is any worse. If such a thing as recruitment is a crime--and U4Prez is notorious for concocting its own sense of morality--then whatever sentence you give me, it better be fivefold for Kempite.

Up until this point, I had Mduminiak's number on everything. I was putting my party leadership role to use, and the Independents themselves seemed to enjoy it. I was taking on the Hard Right and holding my own. For every jab Mduminiak took at me, I offered a solid uppercut.

And then the Bitch video came out, and even Mduminiak was impressed to see his face superimposed on Jabba the Hutt. Slam Dunk.

After that, Mike really didn't put up much more than usual freeper nonsense. He and his would harass, but they had nothing but dimwitted logic twists and namecalling. Typical guy for you, if you reveal his lack of intelligence, he will make up for it by turning into an asshole.

Mike started his talk show, which, as I've said, when he was talking policy, sounded like the same thing you could hear all over the real radio, why pull yourself away for this? Just what the Western World needs, ANOTHER conservative talk show! Mike, you genius, you did it again.

Trust me, the idea that favoritism was rampant throughout U4Prez did not start with me, and it didn't start the day I quit. It's always been there, this underlying belief that Eric Gurr had his favorites, that he really didn't care about the rest. Letting the infrastructure at U4Prez go to pot didn't do him any favors. When I saw he was starting to do talk shows for his buddies, it clicked, the fix is on!

For all the efforts, all the battles, all the names I've been called, to realize that no matter what I did, it didn't matter, it set me off. So I left. Very loudly.

Read the above. Do you really think I quit because Mduminiak was getting the best of me?

Considering the way he can't keep my name out of his mouth, do you really think I left because he is a political genius?

Considering how he talks about me on his talk show, does that sound like he put a nobody in her place?

And considering how he alleges he doesn't read this blog, yet deposits a remark for every second or third article here, who seems the one with the obsession problem?

I consider Mduminiak's video, You-Know-Who video, the one where he is so frustrated that he can't stand himself, the one where he is telling me he's had enough, his concession to me. He was the one who declared the truce was over and resumed hostilities, and I am the one who, at every turn, got the better of him. They tried to play the game of dirty politics, in every way, shape, and form, and they lost. Beaten by a girl.

So I humbly accept Mduminiak's unconditional surrender, and from this point on, he is officially my bitch. Not like when Kempite treated Bluproject like his bitch for months. No, Mike will find I am too kindhearted for the dominatrix role. The cuckold of failure he currently wears is enough for me. Knowing he gave up, knowing he had nothing else, knowing resistance was futile, he surrendered.

I should hope he learns a little humility in this.

Mduminiak is little more than a well-organized freeper, nothing else. Don't put any more stock into him. He's done. He has shown his true colors over and over again. Telling me we were at war, as juvenile as it sounded to me even then, is evidence he isn't here to talk politics, just to bully candidates around. After blowing his wad, he gave up.

I originally thought that video was just him projecting his own sins onto me. Calling me obsessed, when everyone knows he has THIRTEEN anti-Olivia videos out there, is the typical freeper tactic of projection, attaching your own sins onto someone else and then pointing the finger at him so the finger doesn't get pointed at you. Mike must think you candidates are pretty fucking stupid.

But it came to me, it's not another attack, it's a concession speech. It took me a week to come to it, but you know, how could it be anything but a concession?

Anything that comes out of his mouth that reaches my ears will be imbued with the sweet melody of victory. Well, victory is relative, I guess. I'm sure his own words will sound to him like the music of failure. Oh well. I'll say to him at the end of this war what I said to him at the start of it: Whatever.

Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Blind Loyalty vs. Friendship

I gotta give BigDaddy credit. When I yank his chain, he spazzes at least twice as much as his masters did. At least Kempite and Mduminiak would wait until the following day before they post. The last article wasn't up but maybe two hours, and BigDaddy was already falling all over himself to get in on the action.

I resigned two weeks ago, and I am still the single most powerful candidate at U4Prez, and this blog is still the single biggest story. Thank you for jumping when I tell you to jump, Daddy.

I know Daddy has his heart set on jumping again. Easy, Sally La La, I'll pull your string again in good time. Don't be so selfish in demanding my attention. There's plenty of other candidates for me to blab about.

Like Iron Lady.

I always tried to get close to Iron Lady--you see her typically opine on this blog with WAAAAAAAA--because that's what I do. Especially when I was first trying to put together a women's league for U4Prez. I've found that most of the female candidates are moderate to liberal, no radicals, no ultra-anything. There are a few conservatives, but they could easily be lumped in as moderate, not so far to the right that you find them quoting Republican talking points and watching Fox News. By and large, they are centrists that lean slightly to the left.

That makes Iron Lady sort of an oddity at U4Prez, an outspoken female conservative.

Wanting diversity within what became the League of Female Candidates, I approached Iron Lady on this. Now, as every female I've ever approached in this knows, by definition, merely for showing up at U4Prez everyday with a vagina, every female is in the League, and later, the Women's Society. Participation is always voluntary. I did try recruiting Iron Lady to this end, in wanting diversity within the League, in wanting to gain support for the League itself, I wanted her to feel she could contribute.

She politely turned me down. Which is fine, I don't twist arms to try to pump up active membership. Whatever's clever.

But in the grand and never-ending war between the forces of good and evil, I was alarmed to see her choosing to fight for evil. Politics made little issue on this, I have no problem with differences in political opinion. What I've always had a problem, though, is the kind of bullshit games that are played on virtually every message board in Cyberia. There were a handful of nutbars who were already starting the very kind of partisan hackery Jon Stewart begged Paul Begala and Tucker Carlson to stop on that infamous night in 2004 on Crossfire.

See, the real battle at U4Prez is not drawn along party or ideological lines. Republicans and Democrats generally get along there, and Independents would have a fighting chance if they didn't have to worry about moderator negligence as well. Mature conservatives and liberals find they can conduct themselves in an adult manner. THIS is what attracts people to U4Prez, being about to present their platforms in the marketplace of ideas, and having others talk about them and vote for them. That is the U4Prez I always fought for, one where it didn't matter where on the political spectrum you fell, if you had a million-dollar idea and could sell it, you would be thrust into the limelight. A true meritocracy.

Others have a different view. They want to take the same filth in American politics, all the backstabbing, the lewd comments, the immaturity we've seen get worse and worse every election cycle, and bring it in here. They've made no bones about it, they have no problem with dirty politics. By any means necessary, they are determined to bring U4Prez down to the level of Freeper Hell.

I've long made the argument, U4Prez is a microcosm of American politics. We can choose to either REFLECT the real world--take the good and bad we see in the current bipolar system and play the same kind of games we hear on talk radio--or we can PERFECT it, by ditching the known world and starting from scratch, a fresh start, free from corruption and cynicism.

In my travels, most choose to perfect rather than reflect. Most try to find new ways to improve their campaigns and promote them, and aside from occasional personal squabbles, they succeed. Some came in here, though, wanting to bring the worldly flotsam here, ruin this virgin territory, and let the same dirty politics and freeper gameplaying in.

Iron Lady not only chose to be on the dark side in this battle, she has become arguably the biggest asskisser the Hard Right can rely on. There is no one who will defend the Hard Right chumps as loyally, or as blindly, as she. No candidate is more willing to throw away her own personal beliefs, common sense, even fact, in the defense of her "friends".

I often refer to the Hard Right as a gang, a wolfpack, a roving tribe of thugs, looking to pick on the more innocent elements at U4Prez. Someone dares to speak up against one of them, you can be assured that four or five will gather around. Strength in numbers. What was that rule Mduminiak had--create your own goon squad. That was the Hard Right, willing to twist the logic and browbeat the candidate into quitting. Thugs like Mike call that just playing the game, and they rejoice when they get someone to quit. Tis a pity, how anyone could revel in a game where apparently the biggest asshole who can get away with it rises to the top?

Iron Lady is one of the most ardent members of the Liberty Crips. The only candidates she ever assisted were in that Hard Right cabal I refer to.

There was one night, the night when everything really went down between Kempite and myself. Iron Lady jumped right in the middle of everything, per usual. BigDaddy had just made a comment on my big mouth, and he unashamedly said that, if a man were married to me, he could see why a husband would beat his wife. I went ballistic on BigDaddy, as I think anyone should. I don't know how anyone could condone a statement supporting wifebeating.

Iron Lady chimed in, wanting me to shut up. She played stupid when I tried to explain to her what I was upset about. I begged her to look through the comment board, Daddy's statement was there for all to see. She refused, choosing to maintain her ignorance. Had she seen the evidence herself, I don't know if she could defend the goon who said it so ruthlessly. By refusing to educate herself on the situation, she maintained her self-imposed ignorance.

It's not like she had to look through some 14th-century Italian library to seek the forgotten evidence. All she had to do was scroll the comment board back a few pages. Couldn't even do that. What she COULD do is play stupid, and go after me instead of Daddy. Had anyone said to Lady what Daddy said to me, I would like to think she would have reacted with the same obnoxious zeal I sported that night.

I think what really cheeses me off about that night is, a couple of Friday nights ago, on Kempite's talk show, in that first hour completely devoted to how beautiful they think I am, Daddy repeats, with the same degree of pride, what he said to me that night to set me off, the wifebeating comment. Lady admitted that even she would find that offensive and gave him a verbal slap on the wrist. That fucking bitch! If she had done that on the night in question, perhaps I wouldn't have blurted out about Kempite's use of Tony4Prez's death for political advantage, thus launching the most explosive personal grudgematch U4Prez has ever seen.
But no! In the heat of battle, she chose blind loyalty over fact. She chose to conveniently keep her ignorance on the subject, because had she known, she would have had to actually criticize her fellow Hard Right hooligan. Heaven forbid that!

There is not a woman in the world, I don't care her political leanings, who would have not reacted exactly as I did when Daddy made his wifebeating statement. It wasn't a left-right comment, it was just a vicious thing to say to a woman. Daddy is so proud that it upset me, I have no doubt he would say it again. Had it been said to kt2020 or Think08 or Demopublic or even Iron Lady, I fail to see how they wouldn't react adversely.

Iron Lady chose ignorance over doing the right thing. She chose defending a wifebeating thug like Daddy instead of just coming up and saying, Olivia, what's your problem tonight?
But she's like that. I don't know how many times she put blind loyalty for her lovenest with the Hard Right ahead of common sense. When just a little work on her part might make her look a little less petty, she will refuse every time to do so.

When I ended up shouting out the moderators on the Fifth of July and putting myself on the line to ensure MejicoJohn got his rightful spot in the run-offs, who was one of the biggest shills trying to shut me up? I shit you not, even with me going off for over an hour, with her trying to insult me into shutting up, after the fact, she had the gall to say, well I didn't know, don't get mad at me! She would rather MejicoJohn be screwed out of the run-offs than stand up for him in a moment of real need. Pretty pathetic, if you ask me. When the moment of truth arrives, Iron Lady chooses to bag on Olivia than do the right thing.

When I realized that several of us were going after Hedrick for selling his soul to BigDaddy and giving up a PM for the VRWC to play with, I begged everyone to back off him. Copulate continued, and after trying to get him to lighten up, I finally had to shout out SHUT THE FUCK UP, COP! THAT'S when I finally did right by Iron Lady. Heaven forbid she should ever tell Mduminiak, Kempite, BigDaddy, or any other Hard Right criminal to shut up when they relentlessly attack a candidate.

She knows integrity when she sees it, which makes her lack of it even more horrific. Everything that comes out of her mouth is completely insincere. Even when she pats me on the back for having the nerve to tell one of my closest allies to shut up, I know it has more to do that it was done to her perceived enemy than any virtue I might have displayed. I did what she refused to do, tell someone, even if he is one of my best friends here, to knock it off. She didn't salute me because I did the right thing. She saluted me because it was Copulate I told off, sworn enemy of the Hard Right
And that turns a pat on the back into catty gameplaying.

There is a distinct difference between blind loyalty and friendship, and Iron Lady has not clue number one as to what that means. To the Hard Right, friendship constitutes asskissing, nothing else. They have absolutely no use for anyone who cannot tow their line. Whoever enters their circle, unless they are kneeling and puckered, they have no value. To hell with right and wrong, loyalty trumps fact. Any vicious attack is okay if THEY do it, heaven forbid you should try to stand up for yourself against such an onslaught.

Friends tell the other when they've gone too far. They don't cheer you on, no matter how stupid you're acting. They tell you when you're acting like an asshole and pull you back to your senses.

Consider it's last call at your neighborhood pub, and your bestest buddy has had way too much. Blind loyalty, never questioning your friend, dictates that you let him drive himself home if he demands the keys, defending the action, who the hell are you to tell him he is wrong, you must be the enemy and need to be eradicated. When you see BigDaddy, or Hawk, or RogueJew being challenged for some disgusting thing they grunt, who among the Hard Right is there to pull him back, look him in the eye, and tell him they're acting like idiots, grow up already. You don't see it from them, because they value blind loyalty over real friendship. Disgusting grunts is what they live for! Of course THEY won't tell their buddies to shut up, they encourage it and want more. Instead of pulling them back for their own good, they join in and attack!

A real friend snatches the keys from her drunk friend and tells him to shut up, the booze is talking for him. And before he says something to get him in real trouble, she snatches him out of there, drives him home, and lets him pass out on her couch. A super friend will make sure he is sleeping on his side, so he doesn't choke on his vomit, but you've done enough in getting him home without him getting in a fight or saying something he can't take back, letting him puke on himself is no real crime at this point, so long as it's done safely in sanctuary.

Those I have some sort of close relationship with at U4Prez know they can call me out anytime. They have no problem telling me I need to pull back, I need to lighten up, I need to make a small change here and there. I appreciate that. I've had fun with several candidates I consider friends, or at least friends in this realm. But they don't owe me anything. They don't defend me, although at times some will try to put them in such a position. They don't kiss up to me, I wouldn't respect them if they did. When I say something I shouldn't have said, they tell me. They don't defend the practice. And I do the same fo them. Real friendship can withstand such criticism, such minor crises. A so-called friendship that relies on you turning a blind eye to their bullshit isn't a friendship at all. It crumbles with the slightest pressure. Instead of strengthening, it remains superficial if all you do is kiss ass.

Iron Lady doesn't get it and doesn't care to. I hope YOU know the difference.

Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Are YOU BigDaddy's Accomplice?

I still peek in on U4Prez, and I usually don't have to look far to look for something to write about. Trust me, on what I know about the candidates and the games they play, I could write until Christmas and still have material. It's one thing to blog and talk about things I remember, friends I've made, secrets, battles, victories and losses, but I am not just writing to the veteran candidates, many of whom I've bled with, many of whom I've fought with and fought against. I am also writing to the new candidate, the one trying to figure this thing out, who the real players are, and who's this pretty girl with the potty mouth, I thought she quit?

Take last night. I would like to bag on BigDaddy for being a relentless little twerp, but everyone ought to know this by now. It would be easy to talk about him happily playing the role of thug for the Hard Right, letting them benefit from his constant annoyance of their key opponents, trying to bring them down to his sluglike level, taking the smallest things and trying to get you to believe he has exposed some grandiose scandal. It would be easy to bag on him for this, and more.

But BigDaddy is a known, a given. He is constant as the Northern Star.What's YOUR excuse, candidate?

I am dead serious when I ask you, the everyday candidate, this question. You know BigDaddy has nothing to offer but freeper games. You know he will dig himself into a candidate like a tick into a dog's hairy ass, and suck on it till he tastes blood. You know you are a socialist if you are the slightest bit left of his adolescent point of view. You know, above all other Hard Right hooligans, he takes the greatest pleasure in seeing a candidate quit.

But I don't blame him anymore. He is what he is, and we all know him for what he is. My big problem today is, why are YOU enabling him?

I'm not talking about those who are fighting the fight against him, usually alone. I'm not talking about Copulate or HAK, they fight back, they stand up to him, and when he summons his buddies, they continue to stand. And when he cowardly blocks those he badgers from his profile, they are still there, withstanding the bullshit.

But you, everyday candidate, you've seen this happen all too often. Why aren't YOU doing something about it? Why are YOU talking to BigDaddy at all? Why are YOU encouraging this freeper madness?

BigDaddy doesn't even pretend to be anything but a horny chihuahua looking for a leg to hump. He has no function except to pleasure himself on your shin, and leave a little gooey something to show for it. As the primary force behind the Vast Right Wing Conspiracy (V.R.W.C.), his soul purpose in life is to dig for something, ANYTHING, to be used against anyone and everyone who dares to speak up around U4Prez. He is to us what Ken Starr was to the Clinton Administration--a brown-nosing hack willing to spend all the time in the world, looking for something that will shut you up and get you to quit.

That's it. That's all he is about. He has no real stance on anything, at least nothing you can't hear on Sean Hannity's program. There is not an iota of thought behind this character, nothing even remotely similar to original. Building the better platform is not his business. Regurgitating the extreme right's party line takes no thought. I am pretty sure he just cut-and-pasted his platform straight from the Free Republic website.

But you know he doesn't stand for anything. You know full well, if you want to know what BigDaddy thinks politically, just listen to Laura Ingraham or Sean Hannity for about five minutes.If you know this, why do you bother?

In fact, even HE isn't much for his own platform, that's why it's secondary on his own profile. What's the first thing you see when you visit his profile? You see names of candidates he's played GOTCHA with. Not a personal introduction, not an anecdote, not where he stands politically. The first thing that catches your eye, like notches in a headboard, are names of those he's dryhumped. This is his pride and joy. This is why he hasn't slit his wrists yet for living such a miserable existence. This little list.

But of course, candidate, you know this already. Why do you continue to discuss anything with such a freeping adolescent?

Look at the bottom of this list, and you will find the evidence to what I've said all along concerning the Hard Right. They delight in making candidates quit. Read for yourself what he has to say about the PNV, the defunct and previously lone antiwar voice on U4Prez. He and his cohorts are tickled pink that the three most active members of the PNV--dk08, Atticus, and myself--have quit, and hence the PNV has been left to die. Let's never mind it was the sole profile on U4Prez which dared to talk about world peace, apparently world peace is something he likes to piss on. The idea of children dying in genocides and wars all over the world is more to his taking. He marvels at how the thought of peace was twisted to suit his and his fellow warmongers' selfish needs. How he chooses death over peace is beyond me, and I will never understand why he is so unashamedly delighted in the solitary candle flickering for peace at U4Prez being smothered.

And you talk amiably to THIS, candidate?

Copulate can speak for himself concerning any remarks he made concerning Kempite's sexuality. The fact that Daddy brings it up every single fucking day, over and over, that's got to annoy you. Bringing up the same thing, over and over and over, a personal issue between Cop and Kemp. I wonder, why does Kempite applaud this? I don't mean, turn a blind eye, I mean APPLAUD it, putting hands together and clapping and cheering. I have no doubt anything Daddy does is done completely to the benefit of the higher-ups on the Hard-Right totem pole. Kempite gleefully loves these games of GOTCHA. Daddy does the work so Kempite can lean back and relax, amused that his enemies are conveniently being dealt with.

Doesn't it bother you that such an extreme right goon, someone who clings to ultraconservtism like Linus clings to his blanket in the Peanuts cartoons, is suddenly AGAINST gaybashing? Doesn't the fact this alleged strain of protection for homosexuals is coming from a man just slightly left of Hermann Goerring, doesn't this strike you as odd in the least? If he truly felt this way, then surely he should be OUTRAGED by how Kempite berated Bluproject on nearly a daily basis, constantly making slurs about Blu's sexuality. If Daddy truly was out to get homophobes, then shouldn't Kempite also be on his shitlist?

Everything Daddy says on this subject is worthless, because it is a fullblown doublestandard.

But of course, you candidates, you know this already. Daddy is a pest. He is annoying. He digs for dirt on anyone who looks at him and his masters wrong. He is a hypocrite. He is a coward. He is a tool for the Hard Right. He takes more pride in playing freeper games than in actually campaigning.

And yet you continue to talk to him as if he had a single scruple in him.

Daddy is what he is, and in time I'm sure I'll talk more about how he tries to turn everyday junk into scandals, how he badgers and harasses others, how he uses candidates to get to his perceived enemies, how he annoys and pesters others, and how he has no worth except to be a sugared-up ADD child, running around the laundromat, chanting I KNOW SOMETHING YOU DON'T KNOW, when he has nothing on nobody, and does so because he likes to do his masters' bidding.

That's Daddy. Why are YOU, U4Prez candidate, knowing what you know about him, knowing the kind of games he plays, knowing how annoying he can be, knowing he lives for digging dirt, knowing he is a hypocrite and a coward, why are YOU talking to him at all? Do you think these are all good qualities? Does Daddy somehow look virtuous in your eyes? I expect the Hard Right goons to stand up for him, he's one of them, playing the game his own conniving way. That's what they stand for. They like dirty politics and backstabbing and getting candidates to quit, and the only thing they like more than all that is someone willing to do it for them so they don't have to get their hands dirty.

U4Prez candidate, why are you enabling and encouraging this by giving him the time of day? I don't blame Daddy for being Daddy, he is what he is. I blame YOU, candidate, for not putting your foot in his ass and telling him this garbage is beneath U4Prez dignity. I blame YOU, candidate, for not speaking up when he's basically spamming a candidate, repeatedly, over and over.

The only way evil stands a chance of succeeding is for good men to do nothing about it. Evil, thuggery, cowardice, hypocrisy, they all dwell in BigDaddy where he soul used to be, before he sold it to the Hard Right devils. Daddy would have gone away in boredom a long time ago had you, candidate, not encouraged his antics. G.E.Smith referred to U4Prez as a cesspool, and Daddy is one of the biggest guttersnipes, one of the biggest backstabbers, at U4Prez.

I fought my fights, and continue to do so. I'm not even a candidate and am still fighting the fights YOU need to be fighting, candidate.

If you want U4Prez to continue to slip into this cesspool, keep letting Daddy do what he does. Stay friendly with him. Refuse to question his tactics.

Do what you want, because I don't blame BigDaddy for being BigDaddy anymore.

If you don't do something about BigDaddy, I blame YOU!

Monday, August 20, 2007

Turning Blu

In my humble estimation, no one has taken as much bullshit from U4Prez as Bluproject. What is said in PM stays in PM, so he need not worry about any pillow talk he and I shared, nothing specific he ever said to me will be part of this post. Unlike some readers of this blog who use PM's for political advantage--and not only do you know who you are, everyone else does--I am not a snitch. Everything in this article is already in the public domain.

I am not at all trying to downplay the suffering of others. I know kt2020's had a rough go of things all around. TheWiz has become the Hard Right's favorite whipping boy, as he is often seen to be the official U4Prez spokesman of Olivia. HAK has had to take a lot of crap, but I have always given him credit for standing up for himself, for never lowering himself to the level of those who dogpile him. Copulate gets a lot of shit, but then again, Copulate gives as good as he gets.

No one, though, has quietly dealt with more crap, has been hurt more times by the elite of U4Prez--including me--and no one has dealt with it with such a quiet demeanor has Bluproject. Someone needs to say something about him, so here goes.

Blu and I started at about the same time. We were part of a group that started on March 16th, give or take a day. Think about this list. Bluproject. OliviaLLC. Elected_Al. kt2020. Demopublic. That is a strong line-up, I don't care what anyone says, and we all started within hours of one another. Ever since then, there has been an unspoken, maybe even unrealized, bond between us all, and I think the five of us have interacted with one another with a certain closeness. Blu and kt2020 are friends in real life and both live in McHenry, Illinois, but Al is in Jersey, I'm in Arizona, and I'm not sure about Demopublic.

This is a lineup that includes at least two primary winners and three definite contenders. Everyone has U4Prez leadership experience, almost all of us have started our own groups and have been active in others. Two were in the influential Liberty Caucus. Three were or are party leaders, elected to those positions by their peers. This is a strong group.

This article, although it will include other members of this clique, is about how I see Bluproject.

He and I hit it off quickly, and he was probably the first candidate to actaully say Hi to me. We were new and trying to figure this out, and we bonded immediately. We confessed a few things to one another which are now common knowledge, him being gay, me and my bisexuality, among other things.

What I saw in him right away way his eagerness to please others. He was always excited to chat, and as we started brainstorming ideas as to how we were going to take U4Prez by storm, he really wanted to work with me. Within a month, however, he was starting up the Gay-Straight Alliance, and I was putting together the League of Female Candidates. We started putting together names for ourselves, and among us, a small but strong pool of leftwing candidates started to form. We were part of this mix. U4Prez was maybe two months old, tops. It was a blank slate. We were having fun.

I think it was in mid-April that I was starting to get too big for my britches. It would still be months before Independents would get a sniff of the primaries, so it was enigmatic at best as to who the real powerplayers were among the Indies. I was pretty popular, not only for my pretty audacious platform (which included teasing details about how a prostitute would have made a better president than the tool currently in charge), but because I was already getting a reputation for having a loud mouth and not being afraid to use it, especially against the Liberty Caucus. I was on the upswing without a way to truly gauge it.

Bluproject, being a Democrat, was already in the thick of things with the run-offs. He had proven himself to be a strong candidate, willing to create coalitions and work with others. He deserved the attention. He was one of the only pure souls at U4Prez at that time, and I would couple him with the likes of Tony4Prez and CHASE as candidates who were genuinely good guys, eager, never a harsh word to say about anyone.

I think I was the one to change that in him.

That primary cycle, Blu was pitted against Elected_Al. That was a tough call. Two up-and-coming Democrats, two positive candidates, both gaining a reputation for being coalition builders and reaching across the aisle to work with others. And here is Olivia, part of this Ides of March clique, wanting to take my popularity out for a spin and see what I could do with it.

I don't know if I was the first to publicly endorse a candidate, but in typical Olivia fashion, I was the first to make sure everyone knew I was making such an endorsement. I wrote a press release, being very cordial to both of them, talking them both up as the strong candidates they are. At that time, I felt Al might have been just a bit stronger, and the fact that Al had mentioned me in a recent video certainly stroked my ego. I endorsed Al and wished the best for both candidates.

I haven't endorsed a Democrat since. I had no idea Blu would be so hurt by what I did. At first I thought, maybe I made the right move, because Blu started to really distance himself from me quickly, rarely saying a word to me. I thought he would be disappointed, but not like this. I took his actions as immature and unprofessional, and they validated my endorsement.

I don't remember who won that primary, I think Blu won anyway. What I remember most about that event is the heartbreak he described to me. Blu wears his emotions on his sleeve, anyone who knows him at all knows this. He is fiercely loyal, and it hurts him when others do not reciprocate. Were the roles reversed, he would have endorsed me, I truly believe that, not because I am at all a better candidate than Al, but because I was his friend.

Not long after that, Blu joined the Axis of Evil, commonly known at U4Prez as the Liberty Caucus. I had already had members confide in me about the way Kempite runs his show, about how sick they were with being bullied behind closed doors, about how his buddies would browbeat the more liberal elements, how the concept of bipartisanship was for show alone, and how the token leftwingers were there to merely rubberstamp anything the leader of the Liberty Caucus--and the future handpicked President of U4Prez for 2007--wanted to accomplish. Whatever happens in the LC stays in the LC. I'm sure someone said the same thing to Lynndie England, whatever happens at Abu Ghraib stays at Abu Ghraib.

And, sure as shit, I come onto U4Prez, I'd see Blu and Kemp on at the same time, and Kemp is badgering the daylights out of him, calling him a liberal faggot and berating him right out in public. It hurt me to watch it. It happened about a dozen times, from April to early June, where I would see Kempite just slap Blu around, and Blu take it. Occasionally he would try to retaliate about Kempite being a frustrated fag, or something to that effect, but by and large, Kempite let everyone know, out in the open, that Blu was his bitch.

It broke my heart to watch this. Blu is not built for hand-to-hand combat. Blu is built for patching you up after the fact. This was the price he was paying to be with the perceived Big Boys, to be their token liberal, their rubberstamping Democrat. What the fuck are Blu and Hawk doing in the same group, people? Was I the only one thinking there was something very wrong about this?

It got worse. Not only was Kempite skullfucking Blu out in the open for all to witness, when I would get into it with Kempite, and God know I have, Blu would defend KEMPITE! Blu was fierce. There would be times, like when I talk about the Liberty Caucus, there would be Mduminiak and Iron Lady and BigDaddy and Hawk, doing their best freeper garbage, with me shoving it right back in their faces, and here would come Blu, trying to undercut me. Here I am, making the case that the Hard Right doesn't play fair and will resort to gang violence at the drop of a hat, and Blu chimes in with me having a problem with someone defending their friends, and that friendship is something I would have no idea about.

From the rest of the Hard Right, those are just words, they don't have souls, and you have to have a soul before you can start talking about concepts like friendship. Blu, though, Blu has a soul, one of the greatest souls here, and for him to say that to me, from his mouth, it hit harder than if a dozen Hard Right losers were actually making sense.

I sucked it up, thinking, I know he is still hurt, and maybe he will always be. I've learned the hard way, you can do the worst things to people right in front of them, and if you're honest about it, you can even be respected for it. But if you slight someone, and you do it out of the blue and behind their back, they will hate you for the rest of your life. I didn't think the endorsement was so serious a thing to take, but then again, I wasn't the one who was slighted. It's real easy for me to not take it so serious, I wasn't the one hurt by it. I never considered it betrayal, but for someone who was a fiercely loyal as Blu was, I guess it was. Kempite could treat Blu like his furry little bitch in broad daylight, and depending how you look at it--surely it's how Blu looked at it--that was more honest than being stabbed in the back by an endorsement forAl.

After he did that a couple of times, I pulled him off to the side, trying to be the kind of friend that actually tells someone she loves when he is acting like a complete asshole, and told him to knock it off. I had to do that a couple of times, and each time he gave me a frustrated apology. I went after another member of the LC, and sure enough, Blu would try to roll me under the bus again.

This is why I say Blu has had to deal with more crap on this board than anyone else. He is in the position of having to defend brutes like Kempite and Mduminiak and Hawk, and to let them browbeat the bejesus out of him relentlessly in public, against Olivia's solo assaults, this Olivia he loved and I know he still loved. It must have hurt him to have to call me out in front of them, knowing I knew him, knowing he was in a no-win situation. That slight with the endorsement hurt him bad. And the LC was all too willing to take advantage of it. They were willing to use that loyalty for their own gain, no matter how much it hurt Blu. They really don't give a damn about you, especially if you're left of center. Unless you are specifically there to fellate Kempite and his buddies, there is no reason for a Democrat to be on the Liberty Caucus.

I pulled him over one last time, and told him if he ever did it again, that was it. Of course, he did it again, and I told him, just like I told Eric Gurr two weeks ago, his Olivia privileges had been terminated.

I put out the Bitch video, and Blu left a comment that is still there, that I am bagging on candidates who just want to defend each other from the big bad bully, that one-woman wrecking crew, that cunt Olivia, what do I know about friendship? It didn't sting so much by then.

Within a week thereafter, Bluproject resigned from the Liberty Caucus, and I welcomed him home. THAT is what friendship is, loving someone enough to wait for him to return to his senses, and when he does, have your arms wide open for him. It's not asskissing, it's not defending the indefensible, it's not being blind to what a "friend" does and encouraging it when you know it's hurting you and violates every principle you stand for. It's waiting for him to come back around, back to himself. It's not holding grudges. It's waiting for that apology to come, the heartfelt one, the one you know he is capable of, not the hurried SORRY to get you off his back, but the real one, and accepting it without condition.

Fuck you, Kempite, for what you did to Bluproject! The most loyal soul, the fiercest brother in arms, the one most likely to take a bullet for you, and you treated him like garbage! You treat EVERYONE like garbage! And when they stop kissing your ass, and when they stop taking your shit, and when you have used them as yes-men, punching bags, rubber stamps, emotional tampons, bathroom tissue, you conveniently toss the leftover empty husk away.

And fuck you too, Olivia! You had a chance to slow real loyalty to a friend, and your vanity got in the way. One was stroking your ego a little more than the other, so you went with flattery instead of loyalty. Quite possibly, no one in the U4Prez galaxy loved you more than Bluproject, what would it have hurt to endorse HIM?

The last time we talked, it was on amiable terms. I haven't spoken to him since I left. If he is still in the know around U4Prez, he'll know how to get a private hold of me if he wishes.

Despite all my bluster and cockiness, despite me being so sure about my big mouth and believing the positions I take are correct, I do have a couple of regrets. This is one. Not that I would have acted differently, I would never rescind my endorsement of Al. Since that primary, Al and me, we've developed a deep respect for one another, and when the bullshit at U4Prez was getting to be too much for both of us, we came to be able to confide in one another. Had I to do it over again, I might not have plastered it all over every comment board all day long. I probably would have done what I see candidates do now, just say, hey Al, I voted for you, and left it at that.

No one has had to deal with more crap on U4Prez than Blu, and I should know. Although it was never my intention to do so, I hurt him and turned him to the Dark Side, where they were all too eager to use his faithfulness for their sordid pleasure.

And as long as I am in the U4Prez sphere, I will never forgive myself for this. I have a soul.

Olivia of Arc

Olivia of Arc
My thanks to TheWiz