Saturday, August 25, 2007

WEEK IN REVIEW III (Aug. 19-25, 2007)

A relatively calm week at U4Prez. Many of the more pressing questions have been answered, and the last few days have been a lull before the finishing-up of the August Primary, which will occur before Labor Day. What were some of those questions? Well, let's recap. Is there favoritism? Well, since Eric Gurr got jerked back to moderator status, I guess there was, or at least his bloodless corporate masters thought so. Are the elections fixed? Considering there is STILL NO CLEARCUT VOTECOUNTING SYSTEM, I don't know how anyone could not say the moderators are at best negligent, at worst picking their buddies. Will the Independents remain in chaos? With Demopublic taking the helm, the Indies are in very capable hands. Will the Hard Right ever end their freeper madness? As much as I am rooting for them to see the error in their ways, their arrogance will never allow them to apologize for a single crime against U4Prez humanity, so the answer is No.

Will Olivia ever shut up? I think you know the answer to that one!

I do see there is a new video contest going on. Like everything else, it's sort of thrown out there without any real organization. I was thinking about putting out a video, anyway. Could someone please tell me what the deadline is? My clandestine production staff and I will definitely put our best foot forward to deliver another scorching, entertaining, deep-probing video for your perusal.

I can see the Kempuniak is out there already, trying to ruin another contest by overleading it with their own mugs. The ruin the Delete Photo function because they can't stop themselves and Eric of course would never say No to them alone, so they move onto destroying a video contest. I swear, they accused me endlessly about self-promotion, and here Kempite and Mduminiak are, posting, what was it, ten more videos for the U4Prez audience to be stuck with? I think it was ten, I didn't count. I did not watch a single second of them, so I am hoping my readers will clue me in as to just how many times my name is brought up. I put the over-under at ten, and I have a crisp twenty dollar bill in my bra, nestled against my saline-enhanced right breast, for anyone daring to take the under.

Before this, Mduminiak was up to THIRTEEN videos where he couldn't stop talking about me. How much higher will that total go? Stay tuned.

I didn't count how many videos they put up, and I didn't watch any of them. But I did roughly count how much time these videos consume. Sixty-seven minutes, give or take a few minutes! The handpicked president and his monkeyboy expect you to sit down for over an hour, while they sit on a couch, chatting over the same boring things they already do on their talk shows. Hey, if you really want to waste an hour of your day watching two grown men making sure there is enough distance between them to ensure they're not an item, talking as dryly as they do on their shows about the same three or four items, that's your prerogative. I doubt someone will watch every single one, maybe they heard one particular clip is worth watching over the rest and will tell everyone to watch it instead. Just do me a favor, if they sit there for more than 20 minutes doing little more than chatting on opposite sides of a couch, and you're still watching, would you please stick your own head under the driver's side rear tire of your neighbor's car and ask him to back up? I'm sorry, unless you are family or threatened by violence, I don't know how anyone can sit for over an HOUR, thinking, that last segment was pretty good, I wonder what those wild and zany characters are going to do in their NEXT clip.

Trust me, on your deathbed, you are going to wish you had that hour back.

Brevity is the source of wit. Kempite and Mduminiak surely could take the Bard's advice on that one.

As could I.

For the same reasons that I bag on the U4Prez audience for sitting at their desks until their tingling toes finally go numb from watching Kempuniak cuckoo crazy antics, I am going to cut this blog from a daily blog to a bi-weekly. As you can see, I have a lot to say on the news and history of U4Prez, and there should be some element of the Fourth Estate therein to give some sort of description as to what's really going on.

But as I know you have better things to do than to see if Kempuniak will go to the bathroom in that entire hour, I know you're not going to sit there every single day, reading my usual 2000 words on who pissed me off on this given occasion. Why should you?

There is a good reason why my seven videos, totalling 22 minutes, have gotten far more mileage than the thirty-odd videos Mudminiak has made, the dozen-or-so Kempite's put out there, the perhaps three hours of video they've put out there for the U4Prez world to absorb. That's because quality is more than quantity.

But then again, this is how the Hard Right thinks. If they can overwhelm you with numbers, they don't really have to think. Better to have four thugs attacking one perceived opponent than allowing one to eloquate a succinct argument. Better for BigDaddy to post the same post five or six times on you board, hoping it will irritate you enough to want to quit. It's the same tactic, done slightly differently. Ten videos in one day, you would hope there would be some substance. Nope. Just the same two jackasses saying the same jackass things over and over again.

I remember the last time Mduminiak put out ten videos in one day. That was the day he re-declared war on me, and he posted all ten of the Top Ten videos, all at once. Lest we forget, he ended up surrendering to me. I hope, since he is delcaring war with U4Prez and more-or-less promising to bore the entire population to death, he will end up surrendering to you all as well.

Unless they're kissing and groping one another, I don't know why two men on a couch would interest anyone enough to watch them for a continuous hour.

But then again, that's Kempuniak for you, hoping you are truly as stupid as they think you are.

It is that line of belief that is pulling me back from a daily to a bi-weekly. By no means am I giving this up. Au contraire, mon frere. I am counting on my readers continuing to support this blog, and last week was the biggest week in terms of readership. To continue the upward trend, so I am not boring you or forcing you to keep up with all the rants, instead of making you come here every single fucking day, I will have two articles a week, on Tuesdays and Saturdays. Trust me, they will be just as opinionated, just as caustic, just as revealing as anything else on this blog, maybe even more so.

Kempuniak thinks you have absolutely nothing else to do but watch sixty-seven minutes of Kempuniak. Maybe I should ask my ex to bring out some of my "home movies", the ones where I am, shall we say, working. If you're going to watch men on a couch, at least watch them doing SOMETHING! Knitting. Putting a puzzle together. Holding a rock. Making out. Getting lapdances and blowjobs, either with an additional pretty girl or them doing it to themselves. ANYTHING AT ALL!

To those wanting to put together a winning video, here's the one word you need to remember--LAUGH! The best videos are the ones that make you laugh at some level. If you are putting together an attack video, make sure you insert a healthy dose of humor, witness my Grinch video. If you want to make a point, don't take yourself so seriously. Allow people to see you as human, someone with a sense of humor, someone able to laugh at himself. MejicoJohn's videos make you chuckle on several levels. Faustus's videos have included warm family humor. Copulate made a funny video once upon a time. The ones that get stuck in people's heads, the ones that get replayed, they are the ones that don't pound you over the head, that don't bore you, and that don't make you wonder, why did I waste my time? Make them laugh, and they will have a reason to tell others and watch it multiple times. Odds are, if you are laughing while you are making it, your audience will laugh as well. Whatever energy you put into it, it will definitely be felt by the viewer. If it's mean and negative, they'll feel that negative energy. But if it is light and humorous, the audience will bond with it better because of the positive energy. You can make a negative or even an attacking video, but if you add humor to it, you are giving them a reason to like it.

See you on Tuesday.

Love, Olivia. XXX


Steve Adams said...

Entries must be received by Friday August 31st 2007 at 11:59 PM. Eastern Time.



The Wiz said...

I watched the 2 sum hour video of Kempite and MDumniack shaking each others hands. And I missed the shaking the other stuff.

Also hiding their erections with wll placed leg moves. Although at the last video, Mikes 3 inches of manhood was either produding through his diaper or maybe it was an optical illusion.

Kempite lives in New Jersey and Mike D. live in Pennsylvania. Somehow they got a hotel and a cameraman to post what has to be the most gayest shit I seen I u4prez to date.

If Olivia would have done the same video with me, COP , Efferis, DK08, BLU, Mejico, Elected AL, Think....can I go on and on. It would have been scandoulous.

Now MD and Kempite did not invite Hawk, Big Daddy, Iron lady on the big gay coffy couch.

I wonder what they will say about that after they watched that really really really gay video.

What was the purpose of that anyway, just to prove Olivia was right. That it doesnt matter who is in any Caucus, escpescially the Liberty 4u cacus. Kempite and MD disenfranchisched everyone on that caucus in one video.

This video just proved that MDumnicak is just Kempites monkey boy and doesn't even consider to mention the rest of you.

I want the rest of you people that have supported kempite and Mdmunicack to watch their latest videos. And comment on it. The ambigiously gay duo think they are going to win. Because you got nothing.

I supported George Bush too, and voted for him twice. But George Bush never came out with a video suggesting we is a bunch of dummies with his gay boyfriend.

Step up to the plate and take one on the chin. But if you don't, the two laughing jackasses will be laughing on your asses all the way till the end.

The Wiz

Copulate said...

I watched the first one...well, almost watched all of it, that is...then I clicked the next one to see if there was any change.

I did chuckle a bit at first because Kempite seemed to be a bit too eager as he jumped onto the couch with Mduminaik...then I noticed the change in distance between the two...that was what really made me laugh.

You hit that one on the head, OliviaLLC so all bets are off! LoL

I would like to say it is a shame you are going biweekly and trust me...that is the first time I have ever stated it is a shame a woman went bi-anything...

regardless, I will miss peeking at you daily....

...your blog, that is.

Olivia said...

We'll see how it goes. I do know I'm giving you guys a LOT of material to read. Maybe it will be three days a week. SIX days a week is a lot. We'll go back to two, and if I am inspired, I will write more. But Tuesdays and Saturdays will definitely be Olivia days, so the forces of evil--and apparently that evil is turning gayer by the second--can mark their calendars and await the next edition of K&T instead of shivering in fear EVERY day.

Wiz, you do know that gayest gay video you just watched was 67 minutes long, right? I want to thank you for taking one for the team, but jeez, I'm definitely going to have to pull out the "home movies" to balance things out. Someone needs to buy Wiz a beer, a MANLY MAN'S beer!

You guys better watch yourselves, or that homophobe BigDaddy just might go on and on about you guys being homophobes as well.

Copulate said...

Hey, just do me a favor, would you?

As much as you often as you can....

I doulbt there are many here that want you to cut back on your posts...

I, for one...look forward to your blog. You tell it like it is.

The Wiz said...

I agree with COP. This blog is the most refreshing thing to happen to U4prez. Two days a week is not enough. Enquiring minds want to know. Two days in u4prez is nothing. But a few days without "Kiss and Tell" is boredom.

If I can't read some "Kiss and Tell", I will be forced to watch more gay videos with kempite and MD. Its funny how MD said he was going to spend his last weekend playing war games. I guess that is what he told his wife and his friends. But he spent the weekend with Kempite. It very hard to tell your wife, "Honey, can I go to New Jersey this weekend and meet some gay guy that I met on then internet. We are going to do a video, sit on a red couch and talk about whores, running for fake president, all we are going to do is make fun of people we hate and pretend not to have eye contact."

Well I don't think any wife would allow that sort of behavior. Thats why he has to lie about his where abouts.

What would your wife think if she saw that video you made at work, bashing a woman. Hopefully she doesn't see it, Mike. Cause if she did know what you are up to, lawyers would be crawling up her ass with divorce papers. And it wouldn't take but a few clicks on the internet to prove that you are a sociopath, so that she can scrape the last thin dime out of your pocket.

Don't worry about me. I will man up by drinking some beers and watching a few "sweating at the oldies" excorsize tapes with a real man Richard Simmons. That is more manly than what I seen lately.
And if all fails, I will watch reruns of Walker, Texas Ranger.

Peace out,
The Wiz

Olivia said...

I'll tell you guys what. THRICE a week. You can stand at least every other day, can't you?

By the way, I put Kempite for the best radio show, only because that's the only show I didn't just flip through as of yet. A solid hour of Olivia talk, one's man's badgering is another woman's free publicity!

I'm sure Mduminiak can't keep my name out of his mouth either. He just hasn't made it interesting enough for me to sift through the dry and all-too-typical liberal bashing to get to Olivia.

Then again, there is his video-taped surrender. You guys have any comments on the two articles no one has commented on, as of yet? The one on Iron Lady and the one on Mike crying Uncle to me?

Just know I'm not going anywhere yet. I have a few surprises up my sleeve, and they are on a need-to-know basis. But I do need willing volunteers to perhaps partake in my mischief--wink wink.

Olivia of Arc

Olivia of Arc
My thanks to TheWiz