Thursday, August 23, 2007

Accepting Mduminiak's Unconditional Surrender

I was thinking about this earlier. Witness the You-Know-Who video Mduminiak put out.

And ask yourself, was that a concession speech he made?

Does that mean his petty little war against me is over?

Does that mean I won?


A while back, Mduminiak alleged that I apparently broke the terms to a "cease-fire" agreement I made with him concerning my attacks on the Liberty Caucus. You remember, I told you Mike made EIGHT anti-Olivia videos in ONE FUCKING NIGHT, the same night Kempite released his Prostitute video?

Well, the next day, Mike comes up to me and wants to negotiate a truce between me and him. He was very professional in his usual creepy way, and we set the terms for a truce. Under the terms, he would remove the videos and keep his buddy Kempite dangling out on his little limb, and I would stop making the Liberty Caucus look bad.

And I always wondered about that, and others did as well. Copulate, for instance, called me a pussy because I didn't snap both his and Kempite's necks when I could have. For me, I went along with the truce, because it isolated Kempite. Mduminiak made it clear he wasn't protecting his buddy, Kempite could apparently rot in hell for all he cared. Mike was protecting the Liberty Caucus and his own arse.

What's strange is, if Mike and Hawk and Kempite kept telling you I am a nobody and a liar and a psychobitch who will say and do anything, why were they so concerned with what came out of my mouth? I refer to myself as "the little lady who brought down the Liberty Caucus", and since they release NINE ANTI-OLIVIA VIDEOS IN ONE NIGHT, I also referred to myself as the most powerful candidate on U4Prez, getting such strong candidates to jerk whenever I pulled their strings.

Again, after the melee, the Hard Right lunatics kept trying to downplay the Olivia factor, and I kept taking the entire group on at the same time. Which I still don't get, again, is, if I was a loser and a liar with no credibility, why would they even bother with sicking five of them on me at once?

A few weeks after the truce, Mike told me unflinchingly that I apparently broke the terms, and the war was back on. I sent him a one-word message: Whatever.

He put the videos back up, along with two more, and if you read them, they are the top ten reasons why you should not trust Olivia. It must be obvious, for someone to put so much effort into making TEN anti-Olivia videos, I must have been a real threat to him and the Hard Right in general.

We both won party leadership roles and took potshots at each other. I questioned the merits of creating an elite, a bureaucracy, within the GOP in the form of the Steering Committee, and he just hacked to hack. He wondered why a party leader wouldn't put together a platform, and I told him, duh, we're Independents!

Instead of promoting candidates from within the party--I mean, candidates other than himself and his buddies in the Politburo--errr, Steering Committee--he uses his talents to attack Olivia. Hence, the Olivia Party video, where he basically tells 700 Independents they are morons for following a leader who is basically doing nothing but promoting them. It takes a true twist in logic and a whole lot of gall for someone who tried to shove 700 Republicans into one tiny box of a platform to tell me, someone who never put her name on the Indyleader board except in passing, and instead used it as a billboard to promote other Independents, that I am using the office of Independent Leader for self-promotion.

I would occasionally take jabs at both parties, especially the Republicans, I won't lie. I would often come up and say, while other party leaders are turning their leadership profiles into jukeboxes, we at the Indyleader profile are promoting real Independents. While others are trying to create bureaucracies and cram 700 candidates into a box, the Independents are free to run their own campaigns without answering to party leadership. I know this rubbed him the wrong way, and his catty remarks to me on a nearly daily basis were evidence of this.

BigDaddy thinks I was part of some grand conspiracy to steal Republicans, and he cites the Hedrick incident as his proof. In all honesty, candidates from both the Reps and the Dems were indeed defecting to the Independent Party, either they liked what I was doing or they couldn't stand their previous party's leadership. Other high-profile candidates confided in me and said they would defect as well if it didn't cost them what they've worked for. For those who thought I was stealing candidates, and Mike was one, I offer the following:

1. I never had a problem with any Independent defecting. I was sad by some, but I never took it personally. Such a candidate is acting in his own self-interest, and I respect that. That is the spirit of being Independent, and I commend anyone leading his own campaign his own way.

2. If the GOP powers-that-be were concerned about me "stealing" candidates, they'd better be. They had a near mutiny on their hands. Candidates were jumping ship. Copulate and HAK were swarming all over the Steering Committee, demanding better representation. Mike can say anything he wants, no leader is going to tell the world everything sucks, vanity and pride will always make him say what his followers want to hear. I will tend to believe my own eyes, as I invite others to do the same. Instead of worrying about how Olivia runs her show, how about battening down your own hatches?

3. If the fearless leaders at the GOP were concerned that Olivia could sway Republicans at all, either they think their fellow party members were stupid, or that Olivia was really that powerful. I pick the former, Mduminiak generally thinks everyone is stupid anyway, why not his fellow Republicans? If a single PM from Olivia can shake the GOP to its foundation, they're scared shitless about something, either that their own members are so stupid as to fall for anything, or that Olivia really could take candidates at will.

Not that I made it a point to send candidates PM's asking them to defect. I still don't see anything wrong with recruitment, and if an Independent wanted to be part of the bad leadership and the tyranny Mduminiak had to offer, that was his business.

Considering how Kempite would PM candidates who signed the Antipartisan Pledge and demand they take their names off, I fail to see how approaching a Republican who seemed to be neglected from the outside looking in and could use the sort of attention I could offer is any worse. If such a thing as recruitment is a crime--and U4Prez is notorious for concocting its own sense of morality--then whatever sentence you give me, it better be fivefold for Kempite.

Up until this point, I had Mduminiak's number on everything. I was putting my party leadership role to use, and the Independents themselves seemed to enjoy it. I was taking on the Hard Right and holding my own. For every jab Mduminiak took at me, I offered a solid uppercut.

And then the Bitch video came out, and even Mduminiak was impressed to see his face superimposed on Jabba the Hutt. Slam Dunk.

After that, Mike really didn't put up much more than usual freeper nonsense. He and his would harass, but they had nothing but dimwitted logic twists and namecalling. Typical guy for you, if you reveal his lack of intelligence, he will make up for it by turning into an asshole.

Mike started his talk show, which, as I've said, when he was talking policy, sounded like the same thing you could hear all over the real radio, why pull yourself away for this? Just what the Western World needs, ANOTHER conservative talk show! Mike, you genius, you did it again.

Trust me, the idea that favoritism was rampant throughout U4Prez did not start with me, and it didn't start the day I quit. It's always been there, this underlying belief that Eric Gurr had his favorites, that he really didn't care about the rest. Letting the infrastructure at U4Prez go to pot didn't do him any favors. When I saw he was starting to do talk shows for his buddies, it clicked, the fix is on!

For all the efforts, all the battles, all the names I've been called, to realize that no matter what I did, it didn't matter, it set me off. So I left. Very loudly.

Read the above. Do you really think I quit because Mduminiak was getting the best of me?

Considering the way he can't keep my name out of his mouth, do you really think I left because he is a political genius?

Considering how he talks about me on his talk show, does that sound like he put a nobody in her place?

And considering how he alleges he doesn't read this blog, yet deposits a remark for every second or third article here, who seems the one with the obsession problem?

I consider Mduminiak's video, You-Know-Who video, the one where he is so frustrated that he can't stand himself, the one where he is telling me he's had enough, his concession to me. He was the one who declared the truce was over and resumed hostilities, and I am the one who, at every turn, got the better of him. They tried to play the game of dirty politics, in every way, shape, and form, and they lost. Beaten by a girl.

So I humbly accept Mduminiak's unconditional surrender, and from this point on, he is officially my bitch. Not like when Kempite treated Bluproject like his bitch for months. No, Mike will find I am too kindhearted for the dominatrix role. The cuckold of failure he currently wears is enough for me. Knowing he gave up, knowing he had nothing else, knowing resistance was futile, he surrendered.

I should hope he learns a little humility in this.

Mduminiak is little more than a well-organized freeper, nothing else. Don't put any more stock into him. He's done. He has shown his true colors over and over again. Telling me we were at war, as juvenile as it sounded to me even then, is evidence he isn't here to talk politics, just to bully candidates around. After blowing his wad, he gave up.

I originally thought that video was just him projecting his own sins onto me. Calling me obsessed, when everyone knows he has THIRTEEN anti-Olivia videos out there, is the typical freeper tactic of projection, attaching your own sins onto someone else and then pointing the finger at him so the finger doesn't get pointed at you. Mike must think you candidates are pretty fucking stupid.

But it came to me, it's not another attack, it's a concession speech. It took me a week to come to it, but you know, how could it be anything but a concession?

Anything that comes out of his mouth that reaches my ears will be imbued with the sweet melody of victory. Well, victory is relative, I guess. I'm sure his own words will sound to him like the music of failure. Oh well. I'll say to him at the end of this war what I said to him at the start of it: Whatever.

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Olivia of Arc

Olivia of Arc
My thanks to TheWiz