Monday, August 20, 2007

Turning Blu

In my humble estimation, no one has taken as much bullshit from U4Prez as Bluproject. What is said in PM stays in PM, so he need not worry about any pillow talk he and I shared, nothing specific he ever said to me will be part of this post. Unlike some readers of this blog who use PM's for political advantage--and not only do you know who you are, everyone else does--I am not a snitch. Everything in this article is already in the public domain.

I am not at all trying to downplay the suffering of others. I know kt2020's had a rough go of things all around. TheWiz has become the Hard Right's favorite whipping boy, as he is often seen to be the official U4Prez spokesman of Olivia. HAK has had to take a lot of crap, but I have always given him credit for standing up for himself, for never lowering himself to the level of those who dogpile him. Copulate gets a lot of shit, but then again, Copulate gives as good as he gets.

No one, though, has quietly dealt with more crap, has been hurt more times by the elite of U4Prez--including me--and no one has dealt with it with such a quiet demeanor has Bluproject. Someone needs to say something about him, so here goes.

Blu and I started at about the same time. We were part of a group that started on March 16th, give or take a day. Think about this list. Bluproject. OliviaLLC. Elected_Al. kt2020. Demopublic. That is a strong line-up, I don't care what anyone says, and we all started within hours of one another. Ever since then, there has been an unspoken, maybe even unrealized, bond between us all, and I think the five of us have interacted with one another with a certain closeness. Blu and kt2020 are friends in real life and both live in McHenry, Illinois, but Al is in Jersey, I'm in Arizona, and I'm not sure about Demopublic.

This is a lineup that includes at least two primary winners and three definite contenders. Everyone has U4Prez leadership experience, almost all of us have started our own groups and have been active in others. Two were in the influential Liberty Caucus. Three were or are party leaders, elected to those positions by their peers. This is a strong group.

This article, although it will include other members of this clique, is about how I see Bluproject.

He and I hit it off quickly, and he was probably the first candidate to actaully say Hi to me. We were new and trying to figure this out, and we bonded immediately. We confessed a few things to one another which are now common knowledge, him being gay, me and my bisexuality, among other things.

What I saw in him right away way his eagerness to please others. He was always excited to chat, and as we started brainstorming ideas as to how we were going to take U4Prez by storm, he really wanted to work with me. Within a month, however, he was starting up the Gay-Straight Alliance, and I was putting together the League of Female Candidates. We started putting together names for ourselves, and among us, a small but strong pool of leftwing candidates started to form. We were part of this mix. U4Prez was maybe two months old, tops. It was a blank slate. We were having fun.

I think it was in mid-April that I was starting to get too big for my britches. It would still be months before Independents would get a sniff of the primaries, so it was enigmatic at best as to who the real powerplayers were among the Indies. I was pretty popular, not only for my pretty audacious platform (which included teasing details about how a prostitute would have made a better president than the tool currently in charge), but because I was already getting a reputation for having a loud mouth and not being afraid to use it, especially against the Liberty Caucus. I was on the upswing without a way to truly gauge it.

Bluproject, being a Democrat, was already in the thick of things with the run-offs. He had proven himself to be a strong candidate, willing to create coalitions and work with others. He deserved the attention. He was one of the only pure souls at U4Prez at that time, and I would couple him with the likes of Tony4Prez and CHASE as candidates who were genuinely good guys, eager, never a harsh word to say about anyone.

I think I was the one to change that in him.

That primary cycle, Blu was pitted against Elected_Al. That was a tough call. Two up-and-coming Democrats, two positive candidates, both gaining a reputation for being coalition builders and reaching across the aisle to work with others. And here is Olivia, part of this Ides of March clique, wanting to take my popularity out for a spin and see what I could do with it.

I don't know if I was the first to publicly endorse a candidate, but in typical Olivia fashion, I was the first to make sure everyone knew I was making such an endorsement. I wrote a press release, being very cordial to both of them, talking them both up as the strong candidates they are. At that time, I felt Al might have been just a bit stronger, and the fact that Al had mentioned me in a recent video certainly stroked my ego. I endorsed Al and wished the best for both candidates.

I haven't endorsed a Democrat since. I had no idea Blu would be so hurt by what I did. At first I thought, maybe I made the right move, because Blu started to really distance himself from me quickly, rarely saying a word to me. I thought he would be disappointed, but not like this. I took his actions as immature and unprofessional, and they validated my endorsement.

I don't remember who won that primary, I think Blu won anyway. What I remember most about that event is the heartbreak he described to me. Blu wears his emotions on his sleeve, anyone who knows him at all knows this. He is fiercely loyal, and it hurts him when others do not reciprocate. Were the roles reversed, he would have endorsed me, I truly believe that, not because I am at all a better candidate than Al, but because I was his friend.

Not long after that, Blu joined the Axis of Evil, commonly known at U4Prez as the Liberty Caucus. I had already had members confide in me about the way Kempite runs his show, about how sick they were with being bullied behind closed doors, about how his buddies would browbeat the more liberal elements, how the concept of bipartisanship was for show alone, and how the token leftwingers were there to merely rubberstamp anything the leader of the Liberty Caucus--and the future handpicked President of U4Prez for 2007--wanted to accomplish. Whatever happens in the LC stays in the LC. I'm sure someone said the same thing to Lynndie England, whatever happens at Abu Ghraib stays at Abu Ghraib.

And, sure as shit, I come onto U4Prez, I'd see Blu and Kemp on at the same time, and Kemp is badgering the daylights out of him, calling him a liberal faggot and berating him right out in public. It hurt me to watch it. It happened about a dozen times, from April to early June, where I would see Kempite just slap Blu around, and Blu take it. Occasionally he would try to retaliate about Kempite being a frustrated fag, or something to that effect, but by and large, Kempite let everyone know, out in the open, that Blu was his bitch.

It broke my heart to watch this. Blu is not built for hand-to-hand combat. Blu is built for patching you up after the fact. This was the price he was paying to be with the perceived Big Boys, to be their token liberal, their rubberstamping Democrat. What the fuck are Blu and Hawk doing in the same group, people? Was I the only one thinking there was something very wrong about this?

It got worse. Not only was Kempite skullfucking Blu out in the open for all to witness, when I would get into it with Kempite, and God know I have, Blu would defend KEMPITE! Blu was fierce. There would be times, like when I talk about the Liberty Caucus, there would be Mduminiak and Iron Lady and BigDaddy and Hawk, doing their best freeper garbage, with me shoving it right back in their faces, and here would come Blu, trying to undercut me. Here I am, making the case that the Hard Right doesn't play fair and will resort to gang violence at the drop of a hat, and Blu chimes in with me having a problem with someone defending their friends, and that friendship is something I would have no idea about.

From the rest of the Hard Right, those are just words, they don't have souls, and you have to have a soul before you can start talking about concepts like friendship. Blu, though, Blu has a soul, one of the greatest souls here, and for him to say that to me, from his mouth, it hit harder than if a dozen Hard Right losers were actually making sense.

I sucked it up, thinking, I know he is still hurt, and maybe he will always be. I've learned the hard way, you can do the worst things to people right in front of them, and if you're honest about it, you can even be respected for it. But if you slight someone, and you do it out of the blue and behind their back, they will hate you for the rest of your life. I didn't think the endorsement was so serious a thing to take, but then again, I wasn't the one who was slighted. It's real easy for me to not take it so serious, I wasn't the one hurt by it. I never considered it betrayal, but for someone who was a fiercely loyal as Blu was, I guess it was. Kempite could treat Blu like his furry little bitch in broad daylight, and depending how you look at it--surely it's how Blu looked at it--that was more honest than being stabbed in the back by an endorsement forAl.

After he did that a couple of times, I pulled him off to the side, trying to be the kind of friend that actually tells someone she loves when he is acting like a complete asshole, and told him to knock it off. I had to do that a couple of times, and each time he gave me a frustrated apology. I went after another member of the LC, and sure enough, Blu would try to roll me under the bus again.

This is why I say Blu has had to deal with more crap on this board than anyone else. He is in the position of having to defend brutes like Kempite and Mduminiak and Hawk, and to let them browbeat the bejesus out of him relentlessly in public, against Olivia's solo assaults, this Olivia he loved and I know he still loved. It must have hurt him to have to call me out in front of them, knowing I knew him, knowing he was in a no-win situation. That slight with the endorsement hurt him bad. And the LC was all too willing to take advantage of it. They were willing to use that loyalty for their own gain, no matter how much it hurt Blu. They really don't give a damn about you, especially if you're left of center. Unless you are specifically there to fellate Kempite and his buddies, there is no reason for a Democrat to be on the Liberty Caucus.

I pulled him over one last time, and told him if he ever did it again, that was it. Of course, he did it again, and I told him, just like I told Eric Gurr two weeks ago, his Olivia privileges had been terminated.

I put out the Bitch video, and Blu left a comment that is still there, that I am bagging on candidates who just want to defend each other from the big bad bully, that one-woman wrecking crew, that cunt Olivia, what do I know about friendship? It didn't sting so much by then.

Within a week thereafter, Bluproject resigned from the Liberty Caucus, and I welcomed him home. THAT is what friendship is, loving someone enough to wait for him to return to his senses, and when he does, have your arms wide open for him. It's not asskissing, it's not defending the indefensible, it's not being blind to what a "friend" does and encouraging it when you know it's hurting you and violates every principle you stand for. It's waiting for him to come back around, back to himself. It's not holding grudges. It's waiting for that apology to come, the heartfelt one, the one you know he is capable of, not the hurried SORRY to get you off his back, but the real one, and accepting it without condition.

Fuck you, Kempite, for what you did to Bluproject! The most loyal soul, the fiercest brother in arms, the one most likely to take a bullet for you, and you treated him like garbage! You treat EVERYONE like garbage! And when they stop kissing your ass, and when they stop taking your shit, and when you have used them as yes-men, punching bags, rubber stamps, emotional tampons, bathroom tissue, you conveniently toss the leftover empty husk away.

And fuck you too, Olivia! You had a chance to slow real loyalty to a friend, and your vanity got in the way. One was stroking your ego a little more than the other, so you went with flattery instead of loyalty. Quite possibly, no one in the U4Prez galaxy loved you more than Bluproject, what would it have hurt to endorse HIM?

The last time we talked, it was on amiable terms. I haven't spoken to him since I left. If he is still in the know around U4Prez, he'll know how to get a private hold of me if he wishes.

Despite all my bluster and cockiness, despite me being so sure about my big mouth and believing the positions I take are correct, I do have a couple of regrets. This is one. Not that I would have acted differently, I would never rescind my endorsement of Al. Since that primary, Al and me, we've developed a deep respect for one another, and when the bullshit at U4Prez was getting to be too much for both of us, we came to be able to confide in one another. Had I to do it over again, I might not have plastered it all over every comment board all day long. I probably would have done what I see candidates do now, just say, hey Al, I voted for you, and left it at that.

No one has had to deal with more crap on U4Prez than Blu, and I should know. Although it was never my intention to do so, I hurt him and turned him to the Dark Side, where they were all too eager to use his faithfulness for their sordid pleasure.

And as long as I am in the U4Prez sphere, I will never forgive myself for this. I have a soul.


Elected_AL said...

The way I remember the whole story....

BluProject didn't win the primary. I didn't either. U4Prez in all its wisdom decided that since the entire primary was riddled with voting errors, rule changes, etc... that they would declare us both winners...meanwhile Bluproject and I fought for a new primary, in which we were both denied...

U4Prez told us in private that we were both to be in the main primary in October, never declaring us in public co-winners or anything. That whole experience left a sour taste in my mouth because at that time I had some major momentum going. So did Blu. If either one of us were to score a primary win, it would have meant major momentum for one of us, leading into the May and June.

My opinion still stands on that primary. Blu and I were robbed of a legitimate primary. To date, the April Primary was the primary with the most problems in it.

W. Lane Startin said...

All I remember of that April primary is that Blu beat me in the first round. I somehow managed to win everything since then until my last primary about 10 days ago (a very, very narrow loss to Friday).

So, if Blu is gone, does that mean I'm the only active Democrat with a primary win? I can't think of anyone else ...

Olivia said...

FAUST: I never said Blu was gone. All I said was, I don't think a candidate has had to deal with more crap than him. Of course, it's all relative. One could make the case Eric Gurr has had a lot dumped on him, especially lately. I'm sure someone who loves to play the self-pity card like Kempite thinks he's King of the World on this subject.

AL: See, it's facts like what you just said that back up what I've been saying all along, that the vote count for pretty much every election on U4Prez is open to the charge of corruption, that the mods seem to make it up as they go along, and tragically, I don't think anyone really thinks otherwise. It's not too large a leap from there to say the fix is in.

The Wiz said...

I just wanted to comment on this part, as this has been a bit of a curiousity to me. Since I had been told by people a warning.

They warned, "Why are you helping Olivia, because she is just going to stab you in the back. Just ask Blu."

I didn't know what this meant, as I had forgotten or overlooked their falling out. And since today Olivia admitted to something, that is already out there...well so be it.

So I went back to the Blu Project comment files, all they way to April and read the cliffs notes version of the rise and fall of candidates on U4prez. Its all there, the election that never finished like Al just said. The online exchange between Blu and Olivia about stabbing in the back for not supporting him in the primary. Blu supporting MDmuniack for party leader, only to be handed his ass back to him for calling Hedrick a chicken hawk. The wiz was even in the mix later on during his primary run with Hawk. And I think I might have actually supported Hawk. To me Blu was too big for his britches.

I was around during that time as DONNY. A lonely candidate, like all newbies was not part of the domino set that was about to fall. Everything was set in motion, before April 15th. And so it has fallen... I didn't give a frog's fat dick about legacy candidates internal bickerings back then. But its an intresting flashback to read right now.

Why ever Olivia posted this, too set the record straight? Or too slap herself on the wrist? As an outside observer, it looks like a two way street to me. He seemed a little to high on his fame at the time to be discreet.

Now that the push for power, fame and glory is just smoke on the water, maybe you two can patch things up.

The Wiz

W. Lane Startin said...

Ah, OK. I just hadn't seen Blu around for quite some time.

HAK is still my choice for most abused candidate. He's a bit weird, has a tendency to confuse public policy with futurism, and English obviously isn't his first language, but he's otherwise pretty benign. I really don't get why so many people like to dump on him.

Olivia said...

I think it's because HAK willing stands up to the pressure put on him and refuses to give into it. No matter how intense the dogpiling, he comes back, with the same tone, not out to get anyone, pushing his ideas forward, to hell with criticism. The word I'm looking for to describe him is unflappable. He does not agree to disagree, he does not make concessions. He is bluntly straightforward, and some don't know how to take it.

Olivia of Arc

Olivia of Arc
My thanks to TheWiz