Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Are YOU BigDaddy's Accomplice?

I still peek in on U4Prez, and I usually don't have to look far to look for something to write about. Trust me, on what I know about the candidates and the games they play, I could write until Christmas and still have material. It's one thing to blog and talk about things I remember, friends I've made, secrets, battles, victories and losses, but I am not just writing to the veteran candidates, many of whom I've bled with, many of whom I've fought with and fought against. I am also writing to the new candidate, the one trying to figure this thing out, who the real players are, and who's this pretty girl with the potty mouth, I thought she quit?

Take last night. I would like to bag on BigDaddy for being a relentless little twerp, but everyone ought to know this by now. It would be easy to talk about him happily playing the role of thug for the Hard Right, letting them benefit from his constant annoyance of their key opponents, trying to bring them down to his sluglike level, taking the smallest things and trying to get you to believe he has exposed some grandiose scandal. It would be easy to bag on him for this, and more.

But BigDaddy is a known, a given. He is constant as the Northern Star.What's YOUR excuse, candidate?

I am dead serious when I ask you, the everyday candidate, this question. You know BigDaddy has nothing to offer but freeper games. You know he will dig himself into a candidate like a tick into a dog's hairy ass, and suck on it till he tastes blood. You know you are a socialist if you are the slightest bit left of his adolescent point of view. You know, above all other Hard Right hooligans, he takes the greatest pleasure in seeing a candidate quit.

But I don't blame him anymore. He is what he is, and we all know him for what he is. My big problem today is, why are YOU enabling him?

I'm not talking about those who are fighting the fight against him, usually alone. I'm not talking about Copulate or HAK, they fight back, they stand up to him, and when he summons his buddies, they continue to stand. And when he cowardly blocks those he badgers from his profile, they are still there, withstanding the bullshit.

But you, everyday candidate, you've seen this happen all too often. Why aren't YOU doing something about it? Why are YOU talking to BigDaddy at all? Why are YOU encouraging this freeper madness?

BigDaddy doesn't even pretend to be anything but a horny chihuahua looking for a leg to hump. He has no function except to pleasure himself on your shin, and leave a little gooey something to show for it. As the primary force behind the Vast Right Wing Conspiracy (V.R.W.C.), his soul purpose in life is to dig for something, ANYTHING, to be used against anyone and everyone who dares to speak up around U4Prez. He is to us what Ken Starr was to the Clinton Administration--a brown-nosing hack willing to spend all the time in the world, looking for something that will shut you up and get you to quit.

That's it. That's all he is about. He has no real stance on anything, at least nothing you can't hear on Sean Hannity's program. There is not an iota of thought behind this character, nothing even remotely similar to original. Building the better platform is not his business. Regurgitating the extreme right's party line takes no thought. I am pretty sure he just cut-and-pasted his platform straight from the Free Republic website.

But you know he doesn't stand for anything. You know full well, if you want to know what BigDaddy thinks politically, just listen to Laura Ingraham or Sean Hannity for about five minutes.If you know this, why do you bother?

In fact, even HE isn't much for his own platform, that's why it's secondary on his own profile. What's the first thing you see when you visit his profile? You see names of candidates he's played GOTCHA with. Not a personal introduction, not an anecdote, not where he stands politically. The first thing that catches your eye, like notches in a headboard, are names of those he's dryhumped. This is his pride and joy. This is why he hasn't slit his wrists yet for living such a miserable existence. This little list.

But of course, candidate, you know this already. Why do you continue to discuss anything with such a freeping adolescent?

Look at the bottom of this list, and you will find the evidence to what I've said all along concerning the Hard Right. They delight in making candidates quit. Read for yourself what he has to say about the PNV, the defunct and previously lone antiwar voice on U4Prez. He and his cohorts are tickled pink that the three most active members of the PNV--dk08, Atticus, and myself--have quit, and hence the PNV has been left to die. Let's never mind it was the sole profile on U4Prez which dared to talk about world peace, apparently world peace is something he likes to piss on. The idea of children dying in genocides and wars all over the world is more to his taking. He marvels at how the thought of peace was twisted to suit his and his fellow warmongers' selfish needs. How he chooses death over peace is beyond me, and I will never understand why he is so unashamedly delighted in the solitary candle flickering for peace at U4Prez being smothered.

And you talk amiably to THIS, candidate?

Copulate can speak for himself concerning any remarks he made concerning Kempite's sexuality. The fact that Daddy brings it up every single fucking day, over and over, that's got to annoy you. Bringing up the same thing, over and over and over, a personal issue between Cop and Kemp. I wonder, why does Kempite applaud this? I don't mean, turn a blind eye, I mean APPLAUD it, putting hands together and clapping and cheering. I have no doubt anything Daddy does is done completely to the benefit of the higher-ups on the Hard-Right totem pole. Kempite gleefully loves these games of GOTCHA. Daddy does the work so Kempite can lean back and relax, amused that his enemies are conveniently being dealt with.

Doesn't it bother you that such an extreme right goon, someone who clings to ultraconservtism like Linus clings to his blanket in the Peanuts cartoons, is suddenly AGAINST gaybashing? Doesn't the fact this alleged strain of protection for homosexuals is coming from a man just slightly left of Hermann Goerring, doesn't this strike you as odd in the least? If he truly felt this way, then surely he should be OUTRAGED by how Kempite berated Bluproject on nearly a daily basis, constantly making slurs about Blu's sexuality. If Daddy truly was out to get homophobes, then shouldn't Kempite also be on his shitlist?

Everything Daddy says on this subject is worthless, because it is a fullblown doublestandard.

But of course, you candidates, you know this already. Daddy is a pest. He is annoying. He digs for dirt on anyone who looks at him and his masters wrong. He is a hypocrite. He is a coward. He is a tool for the Hard Right. He takes more pride in playing freeper games than in actually campaigning.

And yet you continue to talk to him as if he had a single scruple in him.

Daddy is what he is, and in time I'm sure I'll talk more about how he tries to turn everyday junk into scandals, how he badgers and harasses others, how he uses candidates to get to his perceived enemies, how he annoys and pesters others, and how he has no worth except to be a sugared-up ADD child, running around the laundromat, chanting I KNOW SOMETHING YOU DON'T KNOW, when he has nothing on nobody, and does so because he likes to do his masters' bidding.

That's Daddy. Why are YOU, U4Prez candidate, knowing what you know about him, knowing the kind of games he plays, knowing how annoying he can be, knowing he lives for digging dirt, knowing he is a hypocrite and a coward, why are YOU talking to him at all? Do you think these are all good qualities? Does Daddy somehow look virtuous in your eyes? I expect the Hard Right goons to stand up for him, he's one of them, playing the game his own conniving way. That's what they stand for. They like dirty politics and backstabbing and getting candidates to quit, and the only thing they like more than all that is someone willing to do it for them so they don't have to get their hands dirty.

U4Prez candidate, why are you enabling and encouraging this by giving him the time of day? I don't blame Daddy for being Daddy, he is what he is. I blame YOU, candidate, for not putting your foot in his ass and telling him this garbage is beneath U4Prez dignity. I blame YOU, candidate, for not speaking up when he's basically spamming a candidate, repeatedly, over and over.

The only way evil stands a chance of succeeding is for good men to do nothing about it. Evil, thuggery, cowardice, hypocrisy, they all dwell in BigDaddy where he soul used to be, before he sold it to the Hard Right devils. Daddy would have gone away in boredom a long time ago had you, candidate, not encouraged his antics. G.E.Smith referred to U4Prez as a cesspool, and Daddy is one of the biggest guttersnipes, one of the biggest backstabbers, at U4Prez.

I fought my fights, and continue to do so. I'm not even a candidate and am still fighting the fights YOU need to be fighting, candidate.

If you want U4Prez to continue to slip into this cesspool, keep letting Daddy do what he does. Stay friendly with him. Refuse to question his tactics.

Do what you want, because I don't blame BigDaddy for being BigDaddy anymore.

If you don't do something about BigDaddy, I blame YOU!


The Wiz said...

This is a neat one.

Why do the "candidates" put up with big daddy. I guess that would include me? No matter how many times I smash him in the face with my frying pan, it just bounces off. An oaf feels no pain. They laugh at it, as the rest are laughing at the oaf, the oaf get up with a strange look in his eyes like he is about to kick your ass and realizes that his oafishness is even funny to himself. Its guy stuff.

The hard right has many "useful idiots". I am sure that his antics are tolerated, but frowned upon by even the people he thinks supports him. He is an 800 pound gorilla you can let loose in the china shop. He breaks things very well. And when he goes on the talk show with his super loud mic, takes over the converstation...ie MDumniacks gun control debate. Its clear they just want to give him a bananna and throw him back in the cage.

His loose lips are sinking ships and have already sunk a few. The man is a liability to them "freepers", more than it is a problem for the rest of us.

If this question was directed at me? Well then I will be the first to acknowledge that I have talked to him. We have one thing in common and that is Constitutional Conservatism. Trying to get Ron Paul upgraded to the FEC board.

But as far as been his accomplice? I don't think anyone should be downgraded in any way for talking to him or laughing at his jokes, as a secret member of any conspiracy. If a dodo bird shit on my head, would I hate all the dodos. This dodo did shit on my head, numerous times. But its just a fucking stupid bird.

The Wiz

big daddy said...

Below i have listed my platform for those 6 readers you have to veiw for themselves.

Also, Atticus left to re-up.

Elected_al decided he had better things to do,,,

and you, Olivia/white rose/ no2party/womens society/ indy leader,,,,, you decided to create a large seen.

You accused the creator of the site you hold so dear of adultry with another man.

You called solders in war Baby Killers.

You claimed to support Libertarian Candidate Michael Bednarik, when he supported nothing that you claimed to be in favor of, like Abortion, Gay Marraige, and illegal imigration reform.

You did not debate on u4prez you just spouted half truthsand accusations.

You are an attention "Junkie" who knows not what you discuss, for i am an anti-interventionalist candidate!!!

I opposed the war in Iraq, but then again, that is a fact that you do not consider important.

You are a lonely woman who obviously needs to be center of attention and, I suspect, you are probably at home with nobady and the pictures you claim are you, probably are from a relative.

Now, the majority of independents are happy you are no longer creating the nightmare of the indy party, so please stay here since your U4prez account is suspended,,,,,, hmmmmmmmmm
disgruntled ex-user? lmao

This is my platform and I hope you objectively read what I have to put forward. You may even change your own views.

To start allow me to quote some people who over the life of our nation have been quite influential.

"We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness. --That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, --That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness." --[b[ Jefferson et al, The Declaration of Independence

"Individualism is a concept which the advocates of most political systems try desperately to avoid. They'd prefer that political contests, debates and symposia were limited to answering loaded questions such as, 'WHICH type of powerful government should we have?', 'WHICH type of dictatorship do you tend to prefer?", 'WHAT KINDS of intrusiveness should government engage in?' and, 'WHICH type of control freaks are best suited to run your life for you?' ... They often get upset, even hysterical, if you point out that socialism, fascism, communism and mixed-economy welfare-states have a lot in common.1 They carry on and on as if non-essentials such as style(!) or WHAT anybody sacrifices individual rights in the name of (the master race, the proletariat, the society, the common good, the majority, the country, the fatherland, the motherland the brother-in-law-land, the revered leader or savior or god or whatever) is a big freakin' deal, especially as only in their particular fantasies do they imagine everyone, the enforcers and even their victims, acting forever polite and cooperative in the sacrifice-extracting rituals (as have many fledgling and would-be dictators, including the incredibly bloody Pol Pot at first)." -- Rick Gaber

"The right to be let alone is indeed the beginning of all freedom." -- U.S. Supreme Court Justice William O. Douglas

"They conferred, as against the Government, the right to be let alone--the most prehensive of rights and the right most valued by civilized men." -- U.S. Supreme Court Justice Louis Brandeis (Olmstead v. U.S.)
"It is strangely absurd to suppose that a million of human beings, collected together, are not under the same moral laws which bind each of them separately." -- Thomas Jefferson

"The foundation of collectivism is simple: There should be no important economic differences among people. No one should be too rich. No one should be too poor. We should 'close the wealth gap'." -- P.J. O'Rourke

"Marxism sounds vaguely groovy and compassionate when you live in the Hollywood Hills, as opposed to under any of the regimes responsible for between 85 million and 100 million deaths in the last century." -- Bridget Johnson
The above quotes give you some insight as to my political leanings. We live in a republic, period. Our nation was built on the premise that you as an individual can accomplish anything you so desire, as long as, you put forth the imagination, innovativeness, the desire, and most importantly the effort. Do not be fooled I am as compassionate as the next guy, but to do for someone else what they could and should do for themselves bastardizes the very reason our nation is great. It is a fact that hand outs breed a sense of entitlement and entitlement fosters laziness.

Taxes and the Economy

I fully endorse the "Friday Tax Plan"

- cut spending by $500 billion dollars. By doing this, with a reasonable rate of GDP growth, in 8 years our budget will be 11% of our GDP.

- Every American and business who makes less than $1 million a year pays 10% with a $1,000 credit per person and deductions for medical and charity.

- Every American and business who makes more than $1 million a year pays 10% on the first million, and then adds 2% for every $200,000 up to 20%. This is simply to cover the extra 1% in the budget.

- Every non-publicly traded corporation would be taxed as an S Corporation, and publicly traded corporation dividends would be made tax free. This will eliminate unfair double taxation and boost the economy. NOLs will be allowed for investment intensive industries.

- Depreciation methods and basis calculations can be used if advantageous, but will be made optional.

- All filing will be done on line in a simple four step process
- Enter social security numbers
- Review income already entered into the system by your employer throughout the year
- Hit the calculate button
- Pay the tax

- Wages paid by corporations that are not recorded by the corporation in the tax computer system are not deductible by the corporation. This ensure corporate compliance, and that someone will pay the tax on those wages. Either the corporation will record it and the employee will pay the tax, or the corporation will fail to record it and the corporation will pay the tax on the increase in their income.

Foreign Policy

I am a supporter of non-interventionalism. For it is ridiculous that we as a sovereign nation have the right, or are in a position, to disregard the rights of other sovereign nations.

By utilizing the premise of a "Premptive Strike" we are bastardizing the the diplomatic relations we once depended so greatly on. For if we attack premptively we will not be looked upon as the reasonable force in the world. We will be looked at as an imperial force reminicant of an Orwellian "big brother".

This is the problem with the Truman Doctrine which establishes the American Military as the worlds peace keeper. This is wrong, there is currently an organization that is equipped and was established for this purpose, the United Nations.

Our system of foreign policy, which has been influenced by foreign agents throught the Federal Reserve, has created the very sentiments of anti-Americanism.

With statements as niave as "they hate us for our freedoms" the neo-conservative movement has, in large part, disregarded the fact that every action has an equal and opposite reaction. This is a foolish notion that will inevitably result in the furthurance of "Islamo-fascism" and other anti-Americaism.

The use of foreign aid has disintergrated leverage we have gained militarily during our nations history. Thusly i would end all "blank checks" to our "allies".

I will be adding more here as time permits me

Energy Independence

I would also start building Nuclear reactors all over America so that we can break our power generation dependence on foreign oil. I would also mandate that all fuel types be offered at gas stations within 10 years as to promote the use of alternative fuels. Including but not limited to;
Natural Gas

Gay Marriage and Religion

I believe that homosexuality is a choice and in being a choice, I do not see how a governmental agancy can or should regulate it.

I am a believer in Individualism and have rooted my beliefs in the ability of the individual to decide what is best for them and theirs. it is a ridiculous notion to allow free speech yet suppress the desires of those same citizens.

i donot see a monument as an endorsement of religion and fully support the idea of religious philosophy in our schools. For to truly educate our population is to providefull and complete information.


I am a believer and a practitioner of personal health savings accounts. if we take an annual contribution of $7,800 it this account. we can provide the citizens of this world the tools they need to recieve medical care.

that translates to $150 per week. employers can contribute similarly to what they do now and the individual will be able to decide what is and isn't covered.

the average family plan now cost over $10,000 annually for family coverage. These accounts help aleviate the burden on health benifits and would place personal responsibility on the "insured" to care about their own personal health.

this accounts would follow the individual "family" and are completely controlled by the individual.


Our immigration system will work if we enforce our current laws. No state or local government would be allowed the right or ignore the statutes of the federal government when it comes to this subject.

What is really sad is the fact that these illegal are stealing jobs not from me and you but from our children. Who else did all of the entry level positions in the building trades.
Who was it that had a lawn mower and would go around the neighborhood asking if they could mow your lawn?
Who was it that would work in warehouses stocking shelves?
They don't sell real estate, they don't design refineries, they don't sell cars, they don't work at public works, and they take the entry level jobs that we as young adults and teenagers used to do.
They do not come here to assimilate, they are here to make money and send it to their real home. This is a devaluation of the US dollar and shall not be tolerated.
Whether there is a fence or not they will still get here. The road to change is enforcement. As they are caught (or more appropriately stumbled upon) they should within 12 hours, be identified. Once identified, it should be determined whether or not they have a plausible case for political asylum. If they do then ship them to Club Gitmo and let them wait there. If they do not have a case for asylum send them packing and if they return, imprison them into labor gangs for a period of 10 years.
This way they can then work there way into our nation. This no pay servitude would allow them to work there debt to this country off in a justifiable method. This would actually save tax dollars since the cost of public works projects would then drop off drastically.


Eliminate Elective Abortions
With an average of 1,448,275 annual Legal Elective Abortions, as per the Guttmacher Institute (www.guttmacher.org/) we feel that this demonstrates an abuse of technology.

The term elective is best defined as: used as a adjective means that it is optional and chosen, for example, by election (Source en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Elective) Reasoning would suggest that, with so many Elective Abortions Since 1973 that Abortion is Being used as a form of Birth Control. This is not a right which our Founding Fathers fought to defend.

What this is doing is disregarding the Individual Personal Responsibility that we all owe ourselves, and society. With the proliferation of Contreceptives in todays world, we can not find a justifiable reason for this continued tragedy.

Personal Responsibility
To understand the social ramifications of Abortion, we need not look any further than STI (Sexually Transmitted Infections) Statistics.

Fifty-two percent of U.S. women obtaining abortions are younger than 25: Women aged 20รข€“24 obtain 33% of all abortions, and teenagers obtain 19%.

Black women are almost four times as likely as white women to have an abortion, and Hispanic women are 2.5 times as likely.

[glow=red,2,300]Forty-three percent of women obtaining abortions identify themselves as Protestant, and 27% as Catholic.[/glow]

Two-thirds of all abortions are among never-married women.

Over 60% of abortions are among women who have had one or more children.

The abortion rate among women living below the federal poverty level ($9,570 for a single woman with no children) is more than four times that of women above 300% of the poverty level (44 vs. 10 abortions per 1,000 women).

On average, women give four reasons for choosing abortion. Three-fourths of women cite concern for or responsibility to other individuals; three-fourths say they cannot afford a child; three-fourths say that having a baby would interfere with work, school or the ability to care for dependents; and half say they do not want to be a single parent or are having problems with their husband or partner.

I also would like to site the Center for Desease Control report entitled:

"A Glance at the HIV/AIDS Epidemic", which states that eventhough African Americans account for only 13% of the population in 2005. They accounted for 49% or almost half of all new Hiv/AIDS cases.

I believe that this fact corelates with the simple fact that black women, since 1991, have recieved legal abortions at a 3 to1 ratio over that of white women. (as per the CDC Here: www.cdc.gov/mmwr/preview/mmwrhtml/ss5511a1.htm?s_cid=ss5511a1_e)

The Plan of Action
I propose the following corrective actions to succeed in eliminating Elective Abortions.

First, we will make Judicial Appointments of judges who follow the U.S. Constitution as it is written. We will only approve Judicial Appointments that will not "look to international laws" as these laws were not created by this countries Elected Representatives.

Second, we will promote the education of STIs and Family Planning in our high schools. We do however believe that everyone knows how a woman can become pregnant and that this should have been covered when each of us recieved "the talk".

Thirdly, we will craft, and pass, legistlation that appropriately addresses the issues that women face today in our society.

I will craft legistlation that will allow for Elective Abortions when conception was done in the process of a criminal offense being perpetrated upon the Mother. This is only after a reporting of the incident to the proper local or state police. I will also ensure that the Life of the mother is protected, by allowing the Biological Father, the Parent, or the Legal Gaurdian to assess the facts made to them, by a medical doctor, to make a decision in the absense of a cognicent mother."

Torte Reform

As our judicial system is being over run with senseless litigation, I feel a change is overdue. I believe in an loser pays approach to any and all civil actions. I also believe in reducing the number of appeals in our criminal system.

Welfare Reform

I would also require all beneficiaries of our publicly funded social programs will be required to submit to a hair sample drug screening. This is to ensure that only those deserving citizens will receive the benefits. I will reduce the term in which a person is eligible to be on welfare down to 6 months, this is because there are plenty of jobs to be done you just have to be willing to work.

My name is Big Daddy and I approve this message.

PS. a "freeper" is a supporter of a Free Republic, so thank you for the complement, lol

The Wiz said...

Ya see his loose lips have slipped out some more important information.

And the fact that he does read this blog. So who is the puppet. And who is Gepetto?

Sometimes I amaze myself.

The Wiz

Elected_AL said...

The above comments were posted on the Stephen Colbert profile on U4Prez.... Can you say hypocrite?!

Olivia said...

What's this, Daddy bagging on "latent homosexuals"? Isn't this EXACTLY what he claims Copulate did? Doesn't that prove him to be a certified, Grade-A, Super-Sized hypocrite? Copulate is being badgered relentlessly by someone who does the exact same fucking thing!

Then again, no one ever accused Daddy of having principles in the first place.

Copulate said...

BaghDaddy reads OliviaLLC's post daily...LoL...who didn't know that?

All the MerryMen do!

Anyway, I think I hit it on the head when I figured out he was nothing more than the BaghDaddy Bob of U4Prez.

Nothing more than a laughable oaf, like the Wiz states.

Olivia of Arc

Olivia of Arc
My thanks to TheWiz