Sunday, December 2, 2007

The More Things Change...

I thought the U4Prez Constitution was unnecessary, because the new servers and software and fuzzy dice and everything else Eric Gurr shelled out $25K for was supposed to be the panacea to solve each and every problem we candidates ever raised a stink over. Never another problem with voting or results or oversight or anything we were all complaining about all year long. I vividly remember, just last week, people coming up to me and saying the new wizardry would take care of all the little things I was getting so pissy over.

Why, then, did I wake up this morning, and the run-off schedule is virtually identical to the one from last week?

I shit you not. It's right there on the homepage for all to see. Compare it to last week's schedule.

Here are the only differences between the two. You ready? Tuesday, it's Polakoff instead of TheWiz running against Icababe, and Faust instead of Sparks420 against Lucky on Wednesday.

That's it!

Now, some would say, Olivia, it's a statistical anomly, a coincidence. Let's talk about this "coincidence".

Ten of the twelve candidates are the same from last week to this. TEN OF TWELVE. 83% of the candidates get a redo. All through last year, I think I was up in a run-off, in primaries or otherwise, three times in five months. That was with old-fashioned moderator bullshit. Now that they have the software to really fuck things up, they can no shuttle in virtually the exact same candidates every single week. To hell with the 2000-odd other candidates who would like a chance to compete. The computer, by whatever means, picked pretty much the exact same list of candidates from the week before.

Wait, there's more. Not only are they pretty much the same candidates, in four of the six pairings, it's the EXACT SAME PAIRING AS LAST WEEK! No flipping, no JKurth vs. KT2020 instead of KT2020 vs. JKurth. No mixing and matching. The exact same matchups, and even freakier, on the exact same days of the week! Monday, Thursday, Friday, and Saturday, you're voting for the same candidates in the same order.

Since when did Election Day become Groundhog Day?

In the past, if something like this happened, favoritism would be screeched from the rooftops. Or at least I would screech it, it's become apparent that many candidates accept apathy and incompetence as a way of life at U4Prez. I might even say a fix was in. I may yet. But not toay. Today, since everyone has been touting the infallibility of the new software, I'll simply say you've all put your faith in the wrong god. You wanted something that would solve all our problems, and apparently it's just created another problem.

Olivia, what's your problem, if you don't like it here, why don't you just leave? I just might. I came back, partly in the hopes that the new server, the new look, the new $25,000 wonder, was indeed an attempt to solve the very things that plagued U4Prez all last year. I was impressed by its new style, and I'm figuring it out slowly but surely, and I'm sure many looking to manipulate the new system are slowly but surely doing their thing. But if I came back, for THIS, for the love of Christ, please tell me what's changed.

I expect the moderators will trot out the same tired deadpan explanation, that they're working the kinks out, that it's something we need to be patient with. Haven't we heard this kind of thing since U4Prez started? Where is the evidence there's a new sense of urgency in Eric Fucking Gurr?

Isn't this evidence that the Constitution, still in the drafting process and slowing down for the moderators to catch up, has merit? Unless you accept mediocrity on a daily basis, why does one simply let the moderators off the hook for their own ineptitude? Instead of it being their mistake, it's now their $25,000 mistake.

Olivia, it's Gurr's site, it's his business. I'm not faulting the man for trying, he probably spent the rest of his mother's mortgage on this new contraption, I'm sure he's shitting bricks. Unlike those who apathetically say Gurr will solve his own problems and Olivia Shut Up, Gurr himself has all his eggs, not only in U4Prez, but this wondermachine that was supposed to take all the worry out of picking candidates for runoffs and elections and ensuring their legitimacy.

When last week's run-off schedule is basically regurgitated and called this week's schedule, I balk at the idea of legitimacy.

But hey, that's what you guys, you who attacked the Constitution the hardest, this is apparently what you want, another year of THIS.

And it's especially strange, the two yutzes who yelled the loudest and blew the most smoke up everyone collective ass--BigDaddy and Copulate--seem to benefit from there being no Constitution, no oversight, no candidate regulation. Having lost last week, it seems they get a chance the very next week to try it all over again. I wouldn't say it's a fix, and I say this because you two are expecting me to say as much. Ten candidates benefit from a fix? All I'm saying concerning you two blowhards is, you sure did get a gimme, I would thank my lucky stars and whatever golden calf I prayed to and slink away as quietly as you could. You are benefitting from Gurr's mediocrity, as expensive as the pricetag on that mediocrity now is. For $25,000, you guys who want things to stay exactly as they are, and for all to have faith in a box that will apparently just pick the same candidates over and over, you better be on your knees, thanking Gurr for his incompetence.

And before you two start on the OLIVIA IS A MAN rant, mind you, whenever someone stands up to you two, you start in with adhominems, with dodging, with deflection, and with anything else you have to try to take the spotlight off of you. You both scurried to the shadows like rats when I confronted you both on some very vulgar things you said about me, on the air, on Thanksgiving Eve, on Friday Night Fights, at around the 89-minute mark. When Faustus was putting the Constitution grievance concerning the candidates somehow seizing Gurr's private property to rest, BigDaddy starts questioning the validity of Faustus's presidency, making insinuations of fraud. It's called deflection, and it's a sign of surrender when one is in over his head in an argument.

You two are wrong on everything else, why wouldn't you also be wrong about this?

Now, would a Constitution have solved this? I don't know, it's still in the drafting stage. It's whatever we would make of it. Would a Constitution have given the candidates a little more access to the run-off process? Possibly. I don't know. What I do know is, after all these months of putting up with this, it seems the more things change, the more they stay the same. The definition of stupidity is doing something over and over again and expecting a different result. For Gurr and the moderators to say over and over and over again they have the answer, yet some new fuck-up occurs as soon as we turn around, at some point we candidates need to use our own power to force a change. If not with peer pressure, then with boycotts. If not with the ballot, then with nonviolent disobedience. If not with petitions, then with resignations.

The only defense for these shenanigans is that the ten who are back earned their spots. I peek in, I'm not sure what great strides MatthewJ made to secure another spot, same day of the week, against Erock yet again. Other than talking trash about people on a talk show, I fail to see how Copulate, Demo, and BigDaddy did anything to further the U4Prez cause. I certainly don't buy that the new crop of candidates is so incredibly weak that it's impossible to break the elite's hold on the run-offs. What I'm more likely to believe is, if we buy the argument that the ten earned it, everyone else did not, and there is no room for someone improving themselves if the elite have taken up all the spots and can keep themselves there indefinitely. I don't buy the idea that there are only ten candidates making such sufficient strides as to give them a do-over, and 2000-odd candidates have no idea what they're doing.

Despite the belief that Gurr could turn this place into a porn site if he merely wanted to cash in, Gurr knows he has a million-dollar idea, and now is not the time for his newest trinket to go berzerk. More than anyone, I am addicted to this place and want it to succeed. I don't know about the rest of you, but I'm tired of always doubting the moderators and having little faith in Gurr to do the right thing. U4Prez is turning int a game of Whack-A-Mole, you push the mole down one hole, he pops up in another, and you chase to that hole, he pops up in another.

I, for one, will not vote this week. And I strongly encourage every candidate who feels the same with me to not vote for any of the run-off candidates this week, not so much in protest of mediocrity, but because we already voted for these ten. We've been there, we've done that. There has not been enough significant change in U4Prez for anyone to think the outcome between Austin08 and Copulate will be any different.

The only way the incompetence of Eric Gurr can continue to rear its ugly head is if we candidates continue to complain at best and do nothing at worst.

I still support the Constitution, and this is evidence to me that the moderators, left up to themselves, can't screw in a lightbulb, no matter how expensive the devices are that they buy to make it so. With or without it, I will always champion the candidates and their ability to create change through their own determination. THAT'S what democracy is all about.


The Wiz said...

The more things change, the more things suck...

Lucky and I discussed the new format on his radio show, and pretty much came up with...what the fuck. Last year was better.

Gurrs magic program is obvioulsy flawed. I complained about it the third week, because the rules states that those that are in the top 4 get a runnoff, and a bunch of noname noobs got runnoffs. Next week I was put up against Icababe, which should have been maditude vs. Icababe.

Its pretty well fubarred. Last year was better. Last year big daddy didn't make 6 or 7 profiles before the end of the JKurth vs. KT election called Lucky sucks dick, Lucky is a fag, Lucky smokes pole, Lucky eat doody, Lucky poops on cancer kids and Lucky does the saftey dance....just to vote down KT for revengences. And admitted to it.

If he does it, admittedly and thinks its fucking hilarious, why would he want a constitution.

The board of Canvassers would ban him thats why. He don't want to screw up his U4prez super status as the greatest asshole on the site with his terrible rating and get kicked out. He wouldn't be able to promote his website and stupid ass radio show.

I don't know why we even stay here frankly. I won a runnoff, but where is my primary run? The month is over. What does winning a runnoff mean to me in the general election. Who knows, who cares, who gives a fuck. Its all about keeping touch with a bunch of FUNFs anymore.

You know its really sad when I actually have to agree with MDumiak now on certain things. He is actually more serious than the other clowns in here.


W. Lane Startin said...

That and the whole "impeachment" nonsense. Questions for Wiz and others: how do you expect to impeach anyone - for anything - if the means to do so simply don't exist? How do you propose getting those means in place? Exactly.

As far as the runoffs go, this whole Ronco-esque "set it and forget it" policy is indeed seriously flawed for reasons already mentioned.

Ultimately this is up to Gurr to make it all work. My schedule of work and real-world politics isn't getting any lighter. If improving U4Prez becomes hopelessly akin to polishing a turd, well, what I devote my time to will be reassessed accordingly.

Lucky said...

I think that the problem of multiple profiles and multiple votes from the same IP address is the #1 problem that we face on U4Prez. Like I said before ... fixing that problem is not easy. Everyone knows that there are problems with the way voting works on this site. I think that actionable change is what is needed. Users need to be authenticated, authorized and the channels of communication need to be secured in order to get fairness in voting. We need to direct our focus on assisting them in getting multiple profiles weeded out. That should be our main goal. This can only be achieved by technical means
which are actually a little bit complicated. It is not the flick of a button that some may think is all it will take to fix the problem. It will require U4prez to do a bunch more work on the site and I am not even sure that they are wanting to do that. I think that it can be done, but the Constitution does not solve this problem. Another problem I have is the length of the Constitution. It is way too long with way too many rules and it requires too many people to actually work. I think that it needs to be simplified.

big daddy said...

Well, i agree with lucky.

That being said, the constitution does nothing to address the real issues that are important with the site and Faustus has not evn addressed it at all.

As was discussed n the Friday Night U4Prez Fights with Jamie Price, The Demo's husband and Web Designer their are three basic methods of doing this.

MAC Address


and Credit Card Verification.

All have their down falls and All have their upsides.

the biggest problem is the fact that Faustus and Olivia have yet to actually ty to improve the site, without hostile and inactionable "solutions".

Lucky, The Wiz, and myself agreed on the Lucky Show to push this Real Issue, as opposed to the ridiculously ineffective "u4prez constitution".

The Demo said...

Not only is The Demo's husband a web-designer, he is a webhost so he knows all the the intricate details in doing this. Hell, he tried to get Gurr to use his company but for whatever reason, probably costs associated with using them, Eric declined. Jamie would love to help out and set this up. He thinks it is fun. He would rather do the background work as opposed to be an active member on the site. Maybe that is in my best interest anyway. :) J/K.

big daddy said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
W. Lane Startin said...

Lucky's take on the technical issues is right on. The constitution sought to address election rules more than technical issues, but that doesn't mean to say latter isn't important.

Lucky, you should tell Eric Gurr what you told us, if haven't already done so.

Olivia said...

Guys, the Constitution, yet again, is a DRAFT at this point. If there's something missing, bring it up to add it in. If the Constitution doesn't address an issue, bring it up, let's talk about it.

As to Demo's hubby giving Gurr advice, how is that any different from this Constitution? Where is all the talk about owning a business, and no one has the right to tell the owner a god damn thing? When it's Demo, it's okay, when it's Olivia, it's fascism? Come on, a little consistency, please?

big daddy said...

Well, i already sent that info to the moderators,,, and they have already required e-mail verification again,,,, but i told them that i can make an e-mail address in ten minutes,,,,

however,,,, the election rules will never be satisfactory to you two as you want control, which leads to the same candidates in run offs.

now olivia, when you call the owner and moderators morons and insult them, then it is fascism.

we approached the owners a couple weeks ago, while you wo were screwing around with the "board of canvassers".

damn you just don't have a clue, do you.

Olivia said...

Daddy, I call you fat and Lucifer descended from hotdog heaven, does that make me a Nazi?

I see no difference between the Constitution Committee on one hand, and a bunch of singular candidates making recommendations on the other. Aside from me not kissing Gurr's butt about it, can someone explain a real difference to me?

big daddy said...

The difference is quite simple, we offer help, you offer ultimatums.

Everyone that has read your diatribe you call a constitution, sees the open hostility you have towards the moderators and the owner of U4Prez.

We don't say "do this or else", we have said, "what about this". That is your failing and Faustus has used it to his advantage by making you the face of a failure.

Also, the attacks you label against everyone that is in disagreement with you is why no one is working with you. they all know that it is only a matter of time before they are the target of your next "blog piece" as demonstrated by the stories of The Demo and Copulate.

Way to go, alienate everyone.

big daddy said...

Oh here is an example,,,,,

Tonight's edition of Kiss & Tell

"The More Things Change..."

When Eric Gurr spends over $25,000 for new equipment, just for the same candidates to be in the run-offs every week, is this just more moderator ineptitude, or is something more sinister going on?

that doesn't sound to hostile,,,

W. Lane Startin said...

A Big Daddy timeline. All times Eastern:

5:34 PM - Big Daddy posts "your platform sucks" to the account TestNewSignup at U4Prez.

6:20 PM - U4PrezDev tells Big Daddy (and everyone else) that TestNewSignup was "created by me the Mod to test the new email verification, this account will be dormant."

6:25 PM - Big Daddy tells TestNewSignup (and as such U4PrezDev) "you still suck!"

7:34 PM - Big Daddy tells U4PrezDev through TestNewSignup, "22 more hours till i get to give you yopur next one,,,, you are completely useless and are a disgrace to the site."

7:55 PM - Big Daddy to U4PrezDev via TestNewSignup again, "You are a complete and total useless candidate. you should be stripped naked and then dragged behind a truck."

8:31 PM - Big Daddy posts on K&T that "they (the moderators) have already required e-mail verification again" like he suddenly knows something special. And adds, "now olivia, when you call the owner and moderators morons and insult them, then it is fascism."

10:12 PM - Big Daddy on K&T, "The difference is quite simple, we offer help, you offer ultimatums."

10:13 PM - Big Daddy to U4PrezDev via TestNewSignup again, "19 Hours and 20 minutes you AAAAsshole! then i will one you again!"

The chutzpah is simply astonishing.

big daddy said...

hey faustus, you should really post the whole conversation, so you won't look so stupid when i do,,,

it was called sarcasm,,, something you know nothing about and probably why your considered as dry as two day old toast.

U4PrezDev (Vote Only)


Posted Dec 3 2007 7:27 PM
Subject: lol

lmao, that is too funny
Big Daddy (Reform)


Posted Dec 3 2007 6:56 PM
Subject: just so you know

people are inherintly stupid,,,, they ar defending you test pofile,,,, hahahahaha like sheep to the slaughter,,,,
Big Daddy (Reform)


Posted Dec 3 2007 6:25 PM
Subject: vote manip

well it takes 5 minutes to create an e-mail adress on google,,,, you need to limit the number of votes per day for a specific cpu,,,, otherwise i will still vote 12 times a day.
U4PrezDev (Vote Only)


Posted Dec 3 2007 6:19 PM
Subject: vote manip

I actually just rolled out a change to force email verification on all new accounts less than an hour ago, let's see if that helps a bit. A new user can comment and PM but can't vote on runoffs or candidates until the email is verified.
Big Daddy (Reform)


Posted Dec 3 2007 6:09 PM
Subject: hey

i still will give you ones,,,, but do you think we could use a MAC address system or even SSL encryption as to reduce vote manipulation. or even use credit card verification for new and existing users,,,,

W. Lane Startin said...

Ah, so you not only blatantly contradict yourself, but you call it "sarcasm" when you're caught, and post multiple private messages (or what I assume are private messages, since they're not publicly verifiable), to back yourself up. So, you either (1) made them up or (2) just posted multiple PMs on a lark. Either way, you're truly beneath contempt.

big daddy said...

You mean as when KT, Lucky and yourself were discussing PM's that you were not involved in?

Come on now, you really believe that you can talk your way out of another demonstration of your egomania? You don't get it do you, i do the same thing with Eric Gurr. it is a banter that i share with them. now as i have said. there is the WHOLE conversation, that you were not privy too. now don't you feel like a moron.

when you actually have friends, it is not uncommon to have a playful banter with them, one day, you may learn this.

Lucky said...

Well ... to clear things up ... I do support a skimmed down Constitution ... or something that proposes changes to the site ... I don't really care what it is called. Big Daddy can call it negotiating the Terms of Use or something and Olivia can call it the Constitution ... I don't really care. What I want is to get the problem fixed with multiple accounts and multiple votes coming from the same IP addresses. I think that the fighting is stupid because it does not prove shit. Now ... I will look at some technical things and try to propose them to the U4prez development team ... that is the best thing that I know how to do at this point. I don't think that anything is fair until they get that solved. Requiring email verification really doesn't do shit. I can make up emails one after another ... and with my own domain I can make hundreds in minutes. LOL So that does not solve the bigger problem and I don't think that it can be solved over-night.

W. Lane Startin said...

Banter or not, just posting PMs for the sake of winning an argument does nothing more than underscore the point: that you're an amoral sack of shit.

The fact you're so high and mighty complaining about mults, and then turn around and boast about voting 12 times a day (to the mods no less), says quite a bit too.

big daddy said...

faustus, once again you miss the point.

you tried to take posting out of context with out considering that someone besides you may have a relation with them.

your ow personal crusade to prove your own self worth is hysterical. and at least i am honest about my activity on the site. something you know nothing about.

now, as you have in the past, continue to use vulgarities to prove your point,,,, sad really.

once you remove the faux act you present on site, you are nothing more then a wanna be political hack, 1.16% in a race for congress, and a "state chair" in an organization that has 5 states in it,,, not even regionally connected. maybe that is why you had to keep moving all over the country to find a place where they would buy your line of crap.

as i said on saturday Lucky, anything i can do to ai in inacting REAL ACTIONABLE CHANGE, i am willing to help. maybe the egomaniac president could ctually do something constructive for a change.

W. Lane Startin said...

So ... have you been voting 12 times a day as you've apparently told U4PrezDev?

The Wiz said...

Its well known that Big Daddy is a vote cheater.

But for President Faustus to not take all corruption on one candidate and not listen to the complaints of obvious corruption from another, is typical of what we have been seeing.

I am going to back off with this impeachment thing. Because it will be impossible to do of course and a diversion from the real issues.

But I am not happy with our president's response to my complaint. Referring to me as an "ass hat", did not put aside the concern I had.

For the benefit of moving along, I am going to move along. Time ticks on as this site is not going to be changed in the correct manor, to the changes we all want to make for the benefit of us all.

So lets get inline and move with the changes, before we are washed down this river another month.

W. Lane Startin said...

Yup. 1.16 percent (or something like that). Suffice it to say you won't catch me running a third-party candidacy on a "50 cent and a bean burrito" budget ever again.

Nevertheless, I did it.

As for ego, I already won the big election. There truly is nothing further for me to prove here.

The DFC needs some work, absolutely no doubt about it, but at least that's an organization that can give a voice to a underrepresented faction of the Democratic Party, and as such a political project worth saving.

Today I can't say U4Prez is worth saving. With Big Daddy and Copulate having 50+ mults between them - and God knows what else is out there - it's pretty obvious the trolls won. If you're objective was to utterly ruin the site, congratulations, I believe you've succeeded.

And my dear Wiz, scoburn proposed to make those "Cabinet" profiles non-voting, which IMHO is a perfectly reasonable solution. Problem solved (or at least problem solved if/when Gurr gets around to it, like everything else). Happy?

big daddy said...

i vote for candidates i like and i use them to vote for candidates like Homer4Prez. i never used them in a run off until it was when i was messing with lucky and we both were creating profiles.

but thn again, you did seem to run up the score quite quickly in the general election?,,,, hahahaha

Olivia of Arc

Olivia of Arc
My thanks to TheWiz