Friday, November 30, 2007

Memo to Demo: Drop Cop and Roll!

Dear Demo,

The other night, you explained to me, on the U4Prez boards, how you've come to the realization that, somehow, BigDaddy and Copulate are your friends. And while I respect you as a person and as a fellow candidate here, I do have to question your loyalty. I have to. I can't let this go whatsoever. We all know how you ROLL, but I would hope that doesn't, for whatever reason, make you set aside things like integrity.

I jumped on IronLady long, hard, and frequent in her blind loyalty to her mates on the Hard Right, and I would be a hypocrite if I didn't jump on your with the same level of honesty.

If you haven't heard the comment, let me tell you exactly where to find it, so you can no longer pledge ignorance on the subject. On the Thanksgiving Eve edition of Friday Night Fights, right around the 88-minute point and for about three minutes thereafter, I encourage you to listen. On it, you will find your two best buddies making the kind of comments that would make any woman cringe; the fact that Copulate was my oldest friend--what's this "friend" thing anyway, are we in MySpace--and my partner in crime sort of separates his words from BigDaddy's.

Now, I realize Friday Night Fights are akin to when work buddies go to the bar after a long day of work, and they let their hair down, have way too many, and talk all the shit they wish they could get away with at work. I get the concept. I know how you ROLL. The difference between FNF and the bar is, the Internet goes everywhere. At the bar, you just piss off the people around you, and maybe you get thrown out. On the Internet, the entire world could be listening in, and there's no volume control.

Frankly, I could give two shits. If that's how you like to ROLL, by talking shit about people behind their backs, that's your business. If that's the kind of "friends" you honor, more power to you.

Thanksgiving Eve was last Wednesday. On Saturday, a candidate I don't normally talk to comes up to me and tells me I was talked about on the show. Which is nothing new. Kempite and Mduminiak couldn't keep me out of their mouths. Whatever's left of BigDaddy's ass after I get done with him, he hobbles onto a stool and gets on a show and talks shit all night. No sweat, happens all the time, I told this candidate it's just part of being Olivia.

I didn't expect my oldest friend to be saying such gems as:

"She's real, she's a great human being, and if you've got a spare thousand bucks..."

For someone who was all over Kempite for calling me hooker, this coming out of Copulate's mouth, no matter how drunk at the time, was a surprise. I expect that from a lot of people, making my profession a subject in the attempt to silence me, hoping the mere mention of it would turn me into a pariah. I expect that from those that either don't know me or act holier-than-thou. I expect that from those who have nothing else in their arsenal. I didn't expect that from my formerly oldest friend.

When BigDaddy declares Copulate the candidate the most obsessed with all things Olivia, your buddy Copulate replies with, "I'm a sick bastard in that I think she would do anal."

Since your best friend brought it up, and since that's now the biggest question at U4Prez, let me explain it to you, Copulate, and anyone else who felt it funny to take it to this level. Yes, I do anal, and I enjoy it immensely. Anal sex is an acquired taste, sort of like beer, you think it tastes like piss, but the more you drink it, the better it tastes. I cum rather intensely from a good hard fuck in the ass by someone who knows what they're doing, and the feeling of my pussy spasming in orgasm while my ass is fucked makes me scream! Normally, if all a client wants to do is do me in the ass, I charge $500 for a base fee and $1000 for the act. Most of my clients pay me $2000, and within reason, that covers ANYTHING and EVERYTHING.

Copulate wanted to go to this level, I'm just answering his queries. What else did this paragon of virtue you declare your neverending faith in say in the night in question?

BigDaddy's retort was, "At a thousand bucks, she better!" This, I expect out of Daddy. Daddy is a pig, you know that, I know that, especially he knows that, and would come to my face and say, hell yeah, I'm a pig, what are you going to do about it? I can't stand BigDaddy, he knows it, I know he can't stand me. But I can respect him in that he knows what he is. He knows he is dumb as a box of rocks and has nothing to offer U4Prez except gameplaying and thuggery. He can't even think for himself, he needs Copulate to start talking up the Olivia-is-a-piece-of-ass angle before he starts. He even chuckles at just how far Copulate would go, perhaps wondering why he didn't go there first. Whatever. I can at least respect him for being himself, for standing up for himself, and for never wavering, no matter how stupid he might be.

Copulate: "Exactly! Exactly! I don't care about her MySpace page! I care if she gives it up the ass!" Note the jubilation in his statement, the pride in knowing BigDaddy has gone along with him on this mental journey to Misogynist Paradise. This must all make you proud.

Copulate: "I want it bareback, by the way!" You'll notice, throughout the joyful romp through Olivia's ass, a couple of uneasy silences. KT2020 and Lucky are listening in uneasily, even KT2020 can be heard saying the show has definitely taken a turn for the worse. Some actually acknowledged that Copulate might have gone too far. Not you, Demo, when I talk about it to you, you say you love Copulate because he tells it like it is. In other words, you enjoy this kind of thing, you like people who talk the worst kind of shit behind someone's back.

Again, I didn't hear it, because I don't do the talk shows, that's not how I ROLL. I do anal, Copulate made sure everyone knew how I ROLL. But I don't do talk shows. Other candidates did, and one told me I was being talked about, like I said. Didn't think it would be so gutteral, I figured it would have been something stupid, and Daddy was bloviating about some thing or other. Didn't know my former oldest friend was talking about me like I was a gutterwhore, like I was nothing more than a fuck to pass around and laugh at while she's used and abused. But then again, he's now YOUR friend, that's how you ROLL.

So I confront Copulate about it when he was bagging on the Constitution because he apparently had nothing better to do. I ask him about it, and he dodges. I asked him again, he starts saying I'm a liar. Again I ask, he demands proof.

Now, you told me you admire him because he tells it like it is, and he doesn't back down. He tells the entire Internet about his desire to know if I take it up the ass--I'm sorry, the exact words are if I "give it up in the ass". Wouldn't want Copulate to cry bloody murder because I misquoted him. He tells the whole Net this, and when I stand up to him, he denies it, he says I'm a liar. Is this what you admire in Copulate, his talking shit and then acting like a coward when confronted?

Wait, there's more. In his longing to bring up the fact that I have not been on a talk show, he brought up a time when, in his usual drunken state, he drilled me to call him. I don't know what his motives are, perhaps he was horny and wanted to get some free phone sex, perhaps he truly wanted my opinion on something, considering how all he can think of is fucking me up the ass without a rubber, I think it's the first one. I never brought up the subject, because it was in a PM, and I never give one up. I don't play GOTCHA games, not like that, at least. But Cop broke the news, so I had nothing holding me back on asking him about THAT as well. First thing out of his mouth, he was drunk and gave me the wrong number. Then he said he never did it. Then he started on about my identity. Again, instead of manning up, he starts backtracking, making stuff up, trying to deflect.

THIS is why I respect BigDaddy and not Copulate. If BigDaddy said those things, he would have come up to me and said, you bet I said it, and I'll say it again. I know this, when he made a wifebeater comment he said it over and over, no matter how loud I screamed about it. I can thoroughly imagine him saying, yeah, Olivia, I tried calling you, but you punked out. Or, yeah, Olivia, I said it about doing you up the ass, you got a problem with it? As crass and vulgar and simply sick some of that might be, at least it's honest, and in that respect I agree with you about the fat hairy slug we all call BigDaddy.

Copulate is a worm. When confronted, he tries to slither out of whatever mess he made for himself. I brought up two prime examples of Cop at his best.

There is a reason why he's my FORMER oldest friend here. For one, I noticed a while back, even though we might have been fighting the good fight at U4Prez side by side, Copulate is cruel when he wants to be, and we all see how relentless he can be. If cruelty is how you ROLL, then Copulate is your kind of guy. When Hedrick played games with a PM that fell into BigDaddy's vile clutches, a day or so after that, several of us were confronting him, including myself and BigDaddy. JohnnyMars made the comment about us dogpiling him, and I realized we were doing the very thing we always accused the now-defunct Hard Right of doing, so I pulled back, as did the rest of us. Not Copulate. He continued to bear down on Hedrick about the PM, really letting him have it. As much as I wished he would let up, Cop continued, loud, hard, fast, relentlessly, I thought he was being hard on Hedrick unnecessarily. Finally, right in front of everyone, I yelled, COP, SHUT THE FUCK UP! It took me saying it like that again before he finally did. Sometimes doing the right thing trumps loyalty--that might seem strange to you, Demo, but it does.

Ever since, I think we'd been moving apart from one another. When he cracked (sorry, I know all the anal talk) the case on Kempite's vote manipulation, he alerted me, and I made sure it got onto this blog, so everyone would quickly know.

Yes, he emailed me once when I was away this October, and I replied. I am fascinated how he rubs that in Wiz's nose, how petty he can be when he wants to be. Is that how you like to ROLL as well, finding a sensitive spot in someone and digging into it relentlessly? Would it have made you smile if Copulate got Wiz, or anyone else, to cry? Kidding is one thing, but come on, Copulate goes well beyond kidding. Cop is cruel.

And cruelty is apparently how Demo likes to ROLL.

The last candidate I really laid into this was IronLady, who would turn one blind eye after another. Wouldn't matter what her little friends at the Hard Right did, so long as they were conservative and letting her into their clique, it was all good. I said right from the start, I respect you, and you can dance a drunken jig with BigDaddy and Copulate until you pass out in a naked pile on the floor.

Just don't give me any lines about being friends with Copulate because he stands up and tells it like it is. Copulate says a lot of mean things, and when confronted on it, he tries to weasel out of it. I hate BigDaddy's guts, but I respect how he would do the same thing and dare me to do something about it. Copulate, however, is the opposite.

I can't do this anymore concerning Copulate, watching him twist people like Lucky, taking his words and making them into something they aren't. I know the whole babykiller thing with Lucky was complete bullshit when I saw it, because Copulate has defended me when I said something similar. In fact, I've made much more harsh remarks concerning the military in the past, and I was defended by him. I saw Lucky's remarks, and I saw how grossly Cop took them out of context.

This is the game Copulate plays, and for a while it was cute. Back in July, when he was trying to dismantle the Republican Steering Committee, it was cute, because it was part of the battle between all that is good and the Hard Right. Mduminiak and his Committee tried to play it off, but Copulate succeeded in splintering the Republicans, apparently because he can, and for no other reason.

Shortly thereafter was the Hedrick incident, and that's where I started to get off the Copulate bandwagon, at least in spirit.

Since I've been back, forget it. I come back, and the first thing I see out of him is distorting Lucky's comment, apparently because he thinks there's enough dumbasses at U4Prez who will believe him.

Demo, you've seen Copulate's act, you see how he likes to ROLL. If that's what you call a friend, that's your business. Just don't be a hypocrite about it. If he's your friend because he's a cruel, relentless asshole, just say it. If you like him because he talks shit, then when cornered, he squirms like the worm he is, just tell me as much. But don't attach any virtue to Copulate that isn't there. Don't make Copulate into something he simply isn't. Even BigDaddy wouldn't assign any credit to Copulate, because for as much of a pig BigDaddy is, he knows Copulate is lower. BigDaddy stands for BigDaddy, at least that's something. At least BigDaddy defends his right to be a pig. Copulate is completely incapable of standing up for himself. He lets his mouth write checks his ass can't cash.

There are things in this world greater than loyalty, and I pity anyone who blindly follows someone in the name of friendship. Friendship is not asskissing. Friendship sometimes means looking your buddy in the eye and saying, you're fucking up, knock it off. Friendship sometimes means walking away when you know he's doing something you find disgusting. I told Copulate in the past, going back months, I wasn't going to play this game with him, him pushing my buttons like he does everyone else, then come back and expect everything to be hunky-dory. I can't be party to this anymore. I told Copulate that his Olivia privileges are terminated, and in response to this, he starts talking about me--let me get the quote right--about if "she gives it up in the ass."

Is THIS what you encourage with your blind loyalty? Should I refer to you in the same vein that I do IronLady, someone without principles, who stands for blind loyalty, no matter how ugly the incident? People applauded me when I went after Kempite calling me a hooker and a crackwhore, why let Copulate off the hook just because he's your friend? Do you want to be known as someone who condones the filthiest of thoughts?

If nothing else, even if it's all just a bad joke gone wrong, what's wrong with asking for an apology? Copulate had a chance to apologize, but instead, he called me a liar. Is that something you applaud?

Yes, I'm pretty upset about this. I've been at U4Prez for a while, getting some pretty good insults slung my way, and I think I've given as good as I've gotten. I was hoping I was transcending the image of prostitute I introduced myself as, and that people were seeing me as a person with a brain and a heart and a desire to put them to good use. Everywhere else in life, people see me as a piece of ass. Try as I might, I was hoping U4Prez was the one place to accept me, to note of my profession, but to see past it and discover what I have to offer. Some of my most notorious rivals here never did what Copulate stooped to. Mduminiak started out making Olivia-is-a-whore videos with Kempite, but Monkeyboy eventually started dealing with me as a candidate with a mind and left the hooker stuff behind. I don't think BigDaddy ever wallowed in the gutter the way Kempite and now Copulate have. Hawk brought it up every time he saw me, never giving me a chance. This one hurts, I really thought Copulate, of all people, was passed the superficial, and saw me as a candidate, a mind. I truly thought my former friendship with him was based on trust and respect. All I ever was to him was a fuck.

Even if, as some say, I'm overly sensitive, if someone is hurt by what you say, what do you do, Demo? Do you keep insulting them, or do you back up a little and reflect on what you said? Do you tell that person they're entirely wrong for feeling hurt, or do you think about it and try to see where they're coming from? Compassion is not a priority among your buddies, I truly hope at least you know what that means.

There is no compassion, or any other virtue, in Cop. Cop is a coward.

And if that's what you look for in a friend, then that's how you ROLL.


The Wiz said...

This is from the candidate that Olivia does not talk to on a regular basis. Which is true, since so many people bragged about having her phone number, talking to her on the phone, sniffing her panties and know the in and outs of her camel toe and what she did in rehab....

Yes I never claimed those things. But many have, including COP. The guy that denies knowledge of her myspace page, but was a member of it since August. Who never read her article on anal sex, who never went to her Myspace page. AARRRRGGGG.

COP tried to blow off his comments by claiming I made him say them. With my laughter in the backround, makes him a victim of Donnys mind games. Excuse me Donny/Olivia/Wiz mind games. He is not responsible for what he lies about on the Big Daddy show, because I lead him to say it with my gift of hypnosis. When I burp on the phone, that makes COP forget about what he previously said, and turn him into my puppet doll. COP is a victim in this, he is my Pavlov's dog. When I ring a bell he drools over anal sex with Olivia, like a dog wants a tasty treat.

And even though I wasn't online and on the radio shows for 3 days, Mr. COP continued to drool and discuss it on multiple radio shows. He is stuck in drool mode, and unless he gets his treats he will continue to sit and speak. Woof woof. There will be no end to his doggy head cocking a bit everytime I mention Olivia, "Wanna go outside?" wooof "Wanna cookie?" woof "Wanna some bareback?" wooof wooof!!!

That being said and done, I would like to discuss this issue of the U4prez constitution. The biggest complaint is that its just tooo long. The ADD crowd can't handle reading 8 printed pages of text. Even though the God damn Terms of service for everything you sign including the U4prez terms of service if printed out is about 15 pages long.....well you signed it before you read it.

We are on a website where most of it is reading stuff. I am sure all of you have read more than 8 pages of crap, including COPS spam messages.

Its fucking funny to me that Big Daddy, COP, KT and the DEMO can read through 10 pages of Trish comments, but its just too much work to read through the U4prez Constitution.

I spent sometime reading through it myself this week, and found it to be very well thought out. There needs to be some changes made to it of course. But all in all it isn't that long. In fact it could be a little longer.

I suggest you get offline, take the document and read it.

Thank you,
The Wiz

Olivia said...

It's okay, Wiz, I stuck it to them pretty good Friday night. Thinking they had a show to do that night, I posted this artivcle and announced it on U4Prez. Per usual, you had BigDaddy trying to dodge out of any responsibility, Demo defending their right to be lewd and crude and always in the mood, and Copulate, caught dead to rights, trying to change the subject. Check this out. He said he'd get the transcript, and I said, fire away, apparently he was thinking I was lying through my teeth. He presented a couple of minutes of the transcript, and, in BigDaddy-esque ignorance, asked if I wanted more. Do your worst, I said. Funny, for as fast as Copulate produced the first part of text, he was unable to produce anymore, where all the real juicy comments are. Al lot of errr's and uhmm's later, and he starts the OLIVIA IS A MAN routine. Fucking coward.

And that's what ticks me off about Demo. She said the other night that these goons are her friends because they're straight-talkers and stand up for themselves and tell it like it is. When I stepped up to them, however, when I presented the evidence, they couldn't say a word. I at least expected BigDaddy to say something like, yeah, we talked about you getting fucked up the ass, what are you going to do about it? Nothing. Not a peep worth noting. Instead of taking responsibility for what comes out of their mouths, they deflected blame, they tried to squirt out of the argument, hell, Daddy ran altogether, leaving Copulate with nothing more than OLIVIA IS A MAN.

Why you give these assholes the time of day, Wiz, is beyond me. I know, it's the thing to do, it's how Demo likes to ROLL, to get on these talk shows and talk bigtime shit about people, and fuck anyone who tells them otherwise. That's why I don't usually listen, and even you don't tell me what they say about me, pretty much because I know already. It's when candidates who don't regularly talk to me come up, out of the blue, and say these yokels are talking about me, then it becomes something else.

Of course, Copulate is 100% innocent of everything, didn't you get the memo, Wiz? You put a gun to his head and made him say it. I did some Jedi mindtrick on him. And of course, Olivia is being way too sensitive, it's just a joke, get over it.

That's what bullies say.

And when confronted, like the bullies they are, when punched in the nose, you see them for what they really are, nothing more than snivveling runts trying to tear down others for their own amusement.

You're better than this, Wiz.

Olivia said...

One last thing--Copulate rarely misses an opportunity to use K&T to further harass an opponent once I start the ball rolling on him. Now that the shoe is on the other foot, it doesn't seem as if he likes it much. Instead of defending himself here, like Daddy would do, Cop does a half-assed job at U4Prez itself, and when he knows he's defeated, he tries to go adhominem.

If he really thinks I'm a guy, why is he fantasizing about me taking it in the ass?

The Wiz said...

Actually I have heard the Donny/Wiz/Olivia banter posted alot. So don't worry about your ass. I am worried about mine.

They think I am you!!! My ass is in danger of bareback!!!

I guess they think my verbage sounds alot like Olivia or White Rose.

Oh well, like I said they are dumber than a trout biting at a rubber cricket. No need to bait them, they will bite at lures.

W. Lane Startin said...

Reason #378 Why I Don't Listen to This Crap.

The Demo said...

Just so it is publically known I sent this. I sent it over to you as a PM and I will do it here. I will not be accused of not extending the invitiation. This was brought up as an idea by Atticus on Friday on the fights and it was agreed it be a good idea. As it seems you tend to just be very bitter towards men. Maybe, just maybe you will do a girls' show.

I would like to extend an offer to you. I would like for us to talk on my show this week. This may be the only way I do a show this week. This past week a lot of things were said about why you may be sensitive to some things and all that jazz. On both my show and The Friday Night Fights. I would love to offer you the chance to come and argue them with me, Cop, BD and whoever decides to call in and get some things taken care of instead of senseless name-calling and mudslining. Cop wants to address the things you have stated about him. I do not see that as him weasling out of anything. Personally, I feel that if you do not do this THAT will be you weasaling out of defending your statements against him. We can do this either Tues or Wed. night. Up to you. The ball is in your court. It will be on "A Public DEMOnstration" my show. And it will be the second installment. I hope you will consider it. Thanks, The Demo

Olivia said...

I am so glad other people agree with what is right for Olivia. We have had people screaming in my face to protect Gurr's right to be mediocre, yet when it comes to my privacy, to hell with her? Am I the only one with a sincere problem with this? ATTICUS decided? I love him to death, but who the hell is he to dictate anything to me?

Demo, I read your PM, and you can read my response there. As far as I'm concerned, Copulate is a creep, the evidence is on the FNF archives and U4Prez, and when he had the chance to refute it, he tried to shift focus, not once, but twice. You might go for sloppy thirds, but even I have limits. I might "take it up the ass", but not three times in a row. If that's how you ROLL, do it without me. You had your chances, and you blew them. Hell, BigDaddy RAN the other day. But, whatever, pick your virtues like you pick your allies, apparently randomly.

Olivia of Arc

Olivia of Arc
My thanks to TheWiz