Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Second Verse, Same as the First?

I sure hope Kempite knows what he's doing.

Lest I'm mistaken, Kempite, for reasons known only to him, has chosen to re-release the Striptease video, the video where, earlier this summer, at the height of animosities between him and me, he attempted to derail the Olivia campaign and put me in my place as the self-proclaimed whore that I am.

And lest I am still mistaken, a week later, I beat him in a run-off.

So I truly hope he has some sort of strategy in mind, because, for the life of me, I just don't see it.

The last time he pulled this movie out, he yanked it within just a couple of days. It was in direct competition with the Grinch video, my attack video on him. There they were, side by side. I got a lot of laughs out of the Grinch video. I even saw Kempite refer to himself as the Grinch for a while, even HE was amused by it. I learned a very valuable lesson concerning this episode: if you're going to attack, you will get a lot farther with humor than without it.

For someone who had relentlessly been called a whore every time I walked into the room, I was gaining a new audience. I took Kempite on, I took his best shot, and I fired back in a way that made others laugh instead of resent me. Even though all elections and vote counts are virtually worthless at this point, the fact that I beat him is no mistake. Kempite looked like the bully I was painting him to be, and Kempite took the very obvious approach and called me out on my prostitution.

Which is the biggest DUH in the history of U4Prez. It was all over my profile, just as it still is all over my MySpace profile. In fact, you can go there right now, to myspace.com/irresistibleolivia. Many a candidate has gone there, many a male candidate has ventured boldly into the blog section, where I have written some very lascivious articles. Quite a few gentlemen at U4Prez have approached me on those articles in a flirtatious manner.

These are things I not only never denied, they're an intricate part of who I am.

Hence, I always found it rather ridiculous for anyone to call me out on this. Olivia's a whore! Yeah, and...? It showed to all who were the lazy candidates, the ones who had no real ability to think. It took not one brain cell to fire to think of this one. It's out there, for all to deal with, the shiny bauble for the mouthbreathers to be fascinated with.

But, sure enough, when the argument would go sour for some dumb boy, he would play the whore card. As distasteful as my profession might have been, they had no problem making a bigger deal of it than I did. Calling me a whore was sort of like saying YO MAMA, it was their way of saying, I can't handle Olivia mentally, I'll hit below the belt and see if that works.

As all ad hominems, it failed. Every fucking time.

That's why it's so odd for Kempite to try this again. He already lost using this tactic.

I'm trying to fit myself into Kempite's skull on this one. He and his declare me such things as warped, dilusional, scatterbrained, obsolete. Why, then, if I am all these things, surely I would have worn out my welcome by now, eh? Why bother with a psychobitch hollering into the abyss? BigDaddy tells me I'm a nobody, then he comes here and twitched long and hard when I yank his string. Iron Lady, Hawk, Kempite, they comment, then say I'm not worth it, then comment again, then say they don't read. Mduminiak gets his camcorder out to tell me he's surrendering, and yet, my name is still in his mouth. I am one of those who believes actions speak louder than words; they can say I'm a nobody and try to brush me aside, but every action the Hard Right bullies take concerning Olivia proves otherwise.

So here is Kempite, looking around the U4Prez universe for signs of validation after he and his monkeyboy jilted their life partners to meet in a hotel room together one night and filmed a conversation about the same tired things they always talk about, and he sees that I was able to pin the video dead-on, without watching a single second of it. Wiz called the video--SIXTY-SEVEN MINUTES THEREOF--the gayest thing he had ever seen at U4Prez. That's not the first time he's made mention of Kempite's shenanigans in such a way, one time referring to the Kempite-Olivia war as (and I know I will screw this quote up) "a homo spending all his energy bashing a whore, which is farking illogical".

Is there anyone outside of Kempite's asskissing circle that actually gives him the pat on the back he is desperate for? For as much as he wants to try new things and present himself as someone with a shred of dignity, he sold that out a long time ago, without regret, and now he is longing for someone to tell him, hey, Anthony, that was a great idea, you got a good head on your shoulders. Has anyone other than his frothing bloodhounds ever said to him, yeah, Kempite, you really shut that whore up, you really socked it to her, this place is so much better when she shuts her slutty mouth up? I really can't envision the more classy candidates thanking him for shutting that bitch Olivia up, can you?

The sixty-seven-minute opus apparently got more ridicule than praise. What does Kempite have left in his nuclear arsenal to take on Olivia and her peashooter of a blog?

The Striptease video.

The definition of stupidity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results. The last time he pulled this video out, he crippled his own campaign. Does he expect anything different?

Maybe he's going with the notion that it's two months down the road, there's a lot fo new faces, maybe this time it will work. Olivia's profile is no longer up. It will come out of nowhere. No one will read the subtitle to Kiss & Tell, "Campaign Callgirl Tells All". No one has ever seen her MySpace page--Lucky just asked me for an add, so if you want to go over there and see for yourself, I believe there are now 21 U4Prez candidates in my Top Friends, someone tell me if they can top that!

Kempite is in a very bad position. He knows I called the fix and it is a valid claim to make. He knows I have nothing to lose, and that is the worst thing to have to fight against. He tries to have it both ways, playing both the victim card and the attacker card at the same time, and he sucked at both. The Hard Right goons all claim they never read my blog, yet they always seem to pop their heads in, always leaving a comment when they just can't take it anymore. Kempite has backstabbed and lied and browbeaten himself into a corner, and he more than anyone is waiting, what the hell is Olivia going to say next?

Unless I'm just not seeing it, Kempite is proving once again that he thinks the collective candidates at U4Prez is stupid. He thinks it might actually work this time, that, for some reason, I will look at it and gasp in fright, saying to myself, Oh no, that crafty Kempite finally got me, who would have ever thought he would use the Striptease video a SECOND time? How will anyone ever give me the time of day again? I should go slit my wrists, golly, that Kempite, he surely got the best of me.

You know what I did the first--and only--time I saw this video? I pumped my fists in the air and laughed, saying to myself, is THIS the best he's got?

Is this the new strategy against Olivia, an ex-candidate who the Hard Right says with one face that she is a mean-spirited has-been who isn't worth their time, yet peeks in on her blog with the other face, occasionally posting and trying to derail her? After the hotel couch somewhere in eastern Pennsylvania, did Kemp and Mike go to a bar and chat about what their next move would be, and THIS is it?

I don't see this as anything but an incredibly bad move on his part, something I don't think he thought completely through.

Maybe this is his surrender, just like Mduminiak surrendered last week. If it is, it's awful cryptic. Maybe this is all a Fellini movie, and the Striptease video is supposed to represent the loss of innocence, the loss of ethics, hence the loss of a war. Kempite's Italian, surely he and his countryman might share a want for the abstract.

Someone help me on this one. If this was intended to shut me up, as I said, it not only didn't shut me up, first time around, it made him look horrid and vaulted me to a run-off victory over him. I didn't clam up back then, and I'm not going to clam up now.

Does THIS kind of campaign deserved to be rewarded, U4Prez candidates? Being nostalgic over failed attacks?

I encourage the U4Prez candidates to continue to distance yourselves from Kempite and his roving band of hooligans.

There's Gilligan's Island playing somewhere in the world. If the folks at U4Prez really want to watch worn-out re-runs, I'm sure they can watch Gilligan and the Skipper on Nick At Nite. Watching Gilligan get hit by the Skipper's cap when he botches another plan to get off the island has got to be smarter than any plot the Hard Right can come up with to foil Olivia and her little blog.


The Wiz said...

Its sad that Kempite has to go into his old dusty toy chest and pull out the toys he doesn't play with anymore. Maybe he is just being nostalgic. Or maybe he is shifting back to his old mean "grinch" mode again.

The guy is not consistant when it comes to his emotions. On one hand, he pretends to be a "victim" of homophobic attacks...pretends to be hurt when Copulate complained about his Liberty4u music contest, he feigned trauma to gain sympathy.

On the other hand he bashes you in such mean degrading ways, even calling you a "crack whore" during one of the segments of the Kempite Mduminak kiss fest. A segment dedicated to talking about you specifically.

They are just riding the Olivia train for all its worth. Every video that you make, is somehow magically linked to MDuminaks.

I think MDuminak is even on your my space page, if I am not mistaken? I seen his goofy mug there.

So as long as they will continue to use you as their sandwich board, they will still be selling their shit sandwiches.

Olivia said...

If all they have to offer is these shit sandwiches, then you know them for what they are.

But who is worse, the goons who make the shit sandwiches, or the candidates who eat them?

I'm not talking about the candidates fighting the good fight. I'm talking about the ones who do nothing while the Brownshirts march down the street.

This fight for the soul of U4Prez started a while ago. It is still in me to keep it from slipping into the abyss of mediocrity if I can help it. Eric Gurr, Kempite, Mduminiak, BigDaddy, all the Hard Right thugs might want to turn the place into just another freeper hell, but it's not up to me or Kempite to decide that. It's up to 2500 candidates who just want to talk politics on this quirky new U4Prez thing, who don't want to be browbeaten by four or five Hard Right thugs every time they dare to speak up, and who believe there really are things here like vote count integrity and nonfavoritism.

Candidates still come up to me and talk about when U4Prez was cool, and now it sucks. Candidates DO want drama. They want characters they can root for and against. They want something different. They want to be part of the fight. If they wanted freeper bullshit, they would be on one of a thousand other political message boards. But they came here because they thought they could run a campaign and be President and get their messages heard, not to have them suffocated like they are everywhere else.

That's why I continue.

And it's a crying shame I am fighting harder for the heart and soul of U4Prez harder than the fucking creator ever did.

All Kempite and his bloodhounds want is a free pass to mow down whoever they want, without anyone raising real opposition. They want to be feared, not respected.

I adore being the lightning rod in all this. I hope there are a few enterprising candidates who see me running interference for them and are building the better mousetrap. I would love seeing Steve Adams, or Tyrone Carr, or one of these newer candidate slip under the radar and take this thing away from them. It won't happen, the fix is in, but it would have been nice to see.

I really don't get them, Wiz. I am not a nobody they can ignore, although they say that out of one side of their mouths. They don't want to play, and yet they're playing. I have a bug shoved so far up their collective ass, they don;t know whether to shit or wind their watch.

So when I see them dogpile HAK, I can point and laugh, they are proving me right. When BigDaddy is saying the meanest fucking things he can to you to try to get your goat, he is validating every word I write on this blog. Mike can talk all he wants about how I'm a loser--losers aren't talked about on FOURTEEN VIDEOS (I'm not going to count all 27 of the couch video peaces separately, for the sake of ease, it's just one very long boring gay video). Kempite can say how he won't get into the mud with me, yet he put water to dirt to create the mud in the first place. He jumps cannonballs into the mud, then has the nerve to talk about the mud he splashed on someone else.

But, whatever.

Olivia of Arc

Olivia of Arc
My thanks to TheWiz