Sunday, August 12, 2007

NEWSFLASH: Hard Right Dancing in the streets again!

For those of you who question not only my sincerity in delivering you the news and history of the U4Prez sensation, but my motives for doing so, here is the latest breaking news.

Elected_Al, known in the real world as Albert Johnson, Democratic candidate at U4Prez, former primary winner, and all around good guy, has resigned from U4Prez in the same sort of disgust that led others to quit.

Elected_Al has been one of the truly shining lights of U4Prez since he debuted in March. His enthusiasm, his sense of humor, and especially his ability to work with others and form coalitions, made him a real contender at U4Prez. Among other accomplishments, he is the creator of the Youth Organization, a former Democratic Party Leader, and the author of the U4Decency petition (well, the one that was actually decent, comments about hookers spreading their legs sort of rescinds Kempite's co-authorship). Very few candidates at U4Prez had the sort of broad-based appeal Al had.

In time, my reflections of him will be presented in this blog.

In other news, there was a loud popping sound coming from New Jersey, as if the opening of a champagne bottle. Immediately thereafter was jubilation, music, and dancing, as the Hard Right, with their usual glee, celebrated and gloated over the frustrated resignation of another opposition candidate. Luckily, Hawk slept on his side when he passed out on Kempite's front lawn, so he wouldn't choke to death if he puked while passed out on his back. Way to go, Hard Right, you did it again!


W. Lane Startin said...

Cross-posted at U4Prez:

I'm sorry to see Eric has been compelled to take a more limited role here, but that said I do think there's a definite need for an "invisible" admin given the nature of this site.

I've been away from the site except for quick visits to vote (real life gets in the way, don't you know). It was only this morning I heard that elected_al and OliviaLLC are no longer among the active candidates.

I have read Olivia's blog, and I do think there's some merit in complaints that there is some overtly cliquish behavior around here. If it were me, I'd be more open with the membership and proceedings of the U4Prez Liberty Caucus. But it's not me, so I don't fret about it.

I certainly don't think there is any sort of overriding conspiracy, and I think the admin has been unfairly maligned for that. I do find it odd that the one three-time primary winner has not been even remotely implicated in such a conspiracy. In other words, if kempite truly is the "anointed one" around here with the full support of the site admin, how did I manage to beat him in a runoff last month? Am I in on this too? If so, how come no one told me?

Certain people on this site have indeed been quite malignant towards others for no good reason. I think HAK in particular is singled out for abuse much, much more than he deserves. To a lesser extent OliviaLLC had as well, but in fairness a lot of her troubles were self-inflicted.

I told HAK to stay when he was thinking about leaving. I asked G.E. Smith to stay. Now I'm asking Olivia to come back. I've been in real-world politics on and off since I was 16. I assure you that as childish and unpleasant as U4Prez sometimes is, it's Disneyland compared to how the real world can be. There's an old and very true adage: Politics is like sausage. If you don't have a strong stomach, don't ask how it's made.

Also remember, it's just a web site, not a crusade.


Olivia said...

As much as I want to agree with you on pretty much everything you said, Faust, I do think it a poor day in America when a winner, be it political or otherwise, is defined by who can be the biggest asshole and chase off well-meaning people.

The reason no one is saying the fix is in for Faust is because you're the genuine article. Now, if you had a reputation for making sexually lewd remarks, if you had a gang of thugs seeking to browbeat others into submission, if you more or less championed the very worst in American politics without an iota of shame, if you strongarmed your own pet caucus to your will in the name of bipartisanship, and you had the creator not only turning a blind eye to it all, but even patting you on the back, then yes, I would be on you.

People vote for you, Faust, because you are a genuinely nice guy, and you don't have to call names or browbeat the opposition or say the meanest things that pop out of your mouth to get those votes. You don't pander, you don't have an entourage taking turns telling you how cool you are and kissing up to you. You don't take pleasure in the misery of others, and when someone goes, you feel a genuine loss, not like it's time to party. You actually want to help the people of Idaho; the Hard Right just wants to bash liberals.

I hope the difference is as obvious to others as it is to me.

Love, Olivia. XXX

Olivia of Arc

Olivia of Arc
My thanks to TheWiz