Wednesday, August 15, 2007


Today's note, a letter to the u4Prez Independent Party, can wait one more day.

I have no doubt, when each candidate learns of the departure of Atticus and his return to the military, it will fill us all with a myriad of emotion. Loss. Sadness. Patriotism. Confusion. And in that same vein, he will be remembered by each in their own unique way, some to beat their chest and rekindle the flames of war support, some to shake their heads in anguish as another beautiful American is being led to slaughter.

This is Atticus, the way I will remember him, and the way I will see him when he returns.

Atticus was a soldier in the same vein that Pat Tillman was a soldier, wanting to defend and serve, wanting the terrorists gone, and wanting America safe. By the same token, he had huge problems with this war and had no problem expressing it.

When the PNV had just begun on U4Prez, I was awed that, right next to dk08's name, when I saw the profile for the first time, I saw the name Atticus. Which is to say, Atticus was the very first to sign up for it. Atticus had been there before, had seen the worst in mankind, and the sheen of pride and patriotism had been warn off the hard way. I knew he had been in combat, and I also knew he had issues with this war. And yet, there was his name, the first to join what was then the lone antiwar voice on U4Prez.

We talked about videos, and Atticus presented his. There are currently four under the name Bacchus1975, and they all have the names INI and Atticus, names he used on U4Prez. Between all four, if they are all watched, I think you get a much better idea of the man than the myth possibly already being projected onto the U4Prez psyche.

About his videos, they are wide-ranging, and it's hard to think about them being done by the same person. On one hand, you have him printing the lyrics to a reggae song "Murderer", calling to task any leader who wages wars of choice and refuses to understand the carnage he has wrought. On the other, you have a very uplifting, light, cheerful video, done to the delightful music of Ziggy Marley, preaching the joys of love and peace, worthy of being put on any hippie's profile. Possibly the most disturbing video I've seen in the U4Prez canon, entitled "INI", starts with a tiny--and I do mean tiny--infant gruesomely suffering from the effects of depleted uranium, the weapon of choice for both Presidents Bush in their wars in Iraq. I had to turn it off when I saw the very next picture, a toddler whose eyes had exploded to the size of bloody grapefruits outside her head. Having finally stomached the rest of it, I report it as a scathing report on the farce that is the War on Terror, done Atticus style--in your face, THIS is what this war is about, look or be called a pussy!

I am sure the warmongers out there will talk about his final video, and that will be the Atticus they will conveniently remember. The same people will remember Pat Tillman as the man who gave up football riches to defend his country, never recalling that, when overlooking Baghdad from a helicopter, he is reported to have said, "This war is so fucking illegal."

Candidates, don't pick and choose the Atticus you wish to remember. Remember Atticus for what he was.

I could count on Atticus to defend his friends at the drop of a hat. There were a few times he jumped in when I was taking on a handful of Hard Right thugs, and they generally steered clear of him. I don't think they got him, here was a man, possibly more man than any two other men at U4Prez, been in combat, I am sure they wanted to embrace him as evidence the war was noble. He talked frankly about it.

And I think he appreciated my willingness to jump into the fray and take a bullet for something I believed in. On the Fifth of July, after the ruckus died down, Atticus and Mikep1990 both sent me PM's, telling me what I did was the right thing. I appreciated their sentiments, but isn't that what democracy is supposed to be about? Doing the right thing?

When the Hard Right zoomed in on dk08, and I stepped in to assist, Atticus asked me if I needed his assistance, because he was ready to defend not only us, but the PNV he was a part of. I told him the show was over, but to hang tight, things could spark up again.

When MejicoJohn got rooked A SECOND TIME, a month later, in the next run-off, losing to a candidate who hadn't had a comment on his profile since FEBRUARY, the first one to alert me to it was Atticus, who basically came up to me and said, MejicoJohn is getting screwed again, what are you going to do about it, Olivia? By that time, Atticus knew I would stand up and fight, and I think he wanted a fight, too.

The perfect Atticus video was on the PNV profile for the longest time, and you can see it on YouTube at your leisure. It's the Ziggy Marley one, the one with the hand-drawn hearts all linked together, and the words LOVE BEGETS LOVE. In the end, that's what Atticus stood for, even if he believed that's not what could ever come from this putrid war he set to music and pictures in his other videos. That was the soft soul of a soldier, the one I tried to describe to the warmongering set once upon a time, the one who stands out over the battlefield, beholds the multi-levelled carnage and the wasted and broken bodies strewn about in the dusk, thinking not of such petty things as country and courage and presidents, but of his children, how they will be protected on this day, and dear God, if there is one, let this be the LAST time we human beings ever have to fight like this, that we come to our senses and find better ways to solve our differences, for if my children have to fight as I did, this was surely done in vain.

No one else has anything better to offer than platitudes. For once, can we do away with the trite little comments, the patriotic pleasantries, the politicking, and just admire the the equally beautiful and horrific complexities of this man as he leaves the building? Just shut up and watch him go? Just this once, can we do that?


The Wiz said...

Atticus was an enigma to me. I never understood his point of view. And never understood his profile name. Was it atticus the band, the roman empororer, or Atticus Finch from "To Kill a Mockingbird" I was thinking the later. A man of honor and truth who was characterized by the main character of his daughter "scout".

Until I saw his parting video set to the tune of Tom Sawyer by Rush, did I have any inkling of really what he was trying to say. But I won't say it for him.

I have friends that served in Iraq, sometime 2 times, now its 3 times. When my friend came back from Iraq he wasn't the same. It was hard for him to deal with the bullshit that he left and come back to it. He had two kids too, was divorced and had to deal with the ex. But not only that come back to a country that thanks you for your service, and still makes you deal with the same bullshit you left it when you come back. He quit his job to spend more time with his kids, because he knew he was going to be re-deployed in Jan. 2008. Why he did that I don't know, maybe he thinks that it doesnt matter anymore. And that he wont't be coming back.

But I hope Atticus doesnt think that you wont come back. You guys are todays Tom Sawyer. But your daughters that love you want you to come back. Don't let honor, country, patriotism or even love for your fellow soldiers to deny your children the most important thing, which is your existence, your hugs and your family.

I would wish you luck Atticus, or pray for you mabye, or say something like Semper Fi. But thats wouldn't mean anything to me or you.
All that I can say is that I hope atticus comes back so that his daughters have to get to hug dad again. Everything else doesnt matter.

Atticus said...

Olivia, I appreciate you.
Wiz, I have tried to live my life as though I'd die tonight. And so my words I write are chock full of passion and I mean each and every one of them. So, when I Call someone a cowardly chickenhawk I truly mean it. If I tell you I love you, I also, truly mean it. I leave my kids to go to work everyday, and I make sure I kiss them and tell them I love them. and I look em in the eyes when I do it. The same with my wife. There are no doubt times when I'd like to choke the hell out of her but I realize, even in the heat of the moment, that she's the love of my life.
Going back... I don't want to be spoken of as if I'd dead already. Though, in reality we're all dead men, if I have had any effect on anyone it is to not accept the status quo. That to realzie change is inevitable, but not all changes are permanent. One reason why I chose to use Rush's song. I think the words themselves compeltely encompass me fairly well.
A few years ago I'd written all I wanted my kids to know about me. A sort of autobiography. This would hopefully dispell the bullshit that they've NO DOUBT been told of me.
I feel for your friend brother. I went through that last time I was in. HOWEVER, this time I have a woman that will stand by my side through thick and thin. "But how do I know this"? Because she already has. lol
Life is simple brothers, we make it hard because we'd like to think we're more complicated than we really are.
Take Olivia for example. If she were to actually come into contact with one of the thugs she describes, I've no doubt that many a toilet would recieve many a screaming christian, in dedication to her. lol However, I'm not full of shit. I've spoken the truth as I see from day one. In fact it's gotten me nothing but pain and agony in my life. But this does not mean I'll not continue. THAT is character guys. and that is but one of the things I teach my children.
I will most definitely come back to my kids. But it's not my kids I worry about and protect. It's the children of the fathers' that have already been killed, the ones that live in fear...and so I go to protect them.

Olivia of Arc

Olivia of Arc
My thanks to TheWiz