Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Election Post Mortem

The election is over, 2007 has mercifully come to an end, and we have someone new we can burn in effigy when times at U4Prez get rough. While Eric Gurr certainly has done his share to garner criticism, the democratic process, however legitimate it might be around here, produced a President.

I congratulate Faustus37, better known to Idahoans as W. Lane Startin, better known to Evie as Daddy, for being the first President chosen by the candidates of U4Prez.

Okay, that’s long enough of a honeymoon. You can officially start ripping on him.

Voting for Faustus for President at U4Prez is sort of like voting for Winnie the Pooh for President of the Hundred Acre Wood. After he won Democratic primary #3, it was evident he was the man to beat. And let’s face it, Independents and Republicans, he was able to accomplish what the rest of us couldn’t—he got his entire party behind him.

While I don’t consider a victory of six to nine votes, depending on who you listen to, a decisive mandate, I do feel Faustus is probably the best choice for U4Prez at this juncture. This place needs someone who can start right away, and he hasn’t screwed around, already putting together a Cabinet and taking an active part of the Constitution we at Kiss & Tell had previously discussed.

Faustus’s win did not come without its share of controversy. Many candidates were screaming foul about how votes were gathered, not just concerning Faustus, but in the other camps as well. Like virtually every other election in U4Prez history, this one will be questioned long after the fact.

All this, you already know. You didn’t come here to read about events you participated in and already know backward and forward. You came to see how I would torture the facts, twist events to fit my warped view of the world, and butcher history for my own delight.

And away I go.

Musicman deserved every one of those 42 votes he got, and not a single one more. Whether my previous comment about how a vote for Music is a vote coming from your rectum had anything to do with his poor showing, I don’t know, but I have no problem taking an inkling of credit for it. Music was the victim of a thoroughly divided GOP, and while Mduminiak did the very noble thing in taking the blame for the Republicans’ pathetic showing in the election, I think he quit about three months too late. Musicman was thrown under the bus for Mduminiak’s ineptitude, much of which has been recorded elsewhere on this blog.

Mduminiak can’t say Olivia didn’t warn him. I was saying as early as July, the Steering Committee was a bad idea, but NOOOOOO, Monkeyboy was going to divide his party, no matter what anyone told him. He installed his own flunkies and more or less turned the entire U4Prez GOP into his personal Liberty Caucus, the same way Kempite put the LC together in the first place: throw in a few moderates and liberals as tokens to make it look broad based, but make absolutely sure the extreme right wins out, by any means necessary.

I know it’s the politically expeditious thing to do, to tell the rest of us all is well, Olivia is just making shit up, but when you have high-profile Republicans like Copulate and HAK beating down the Steering Committee’s door to get in, and lackeys like Goffdale and Friday acting like they actually know something, something’s not quite in sync with reality. The very fact that Mduminiak set up his own buddies in this committee screamed cronyism, and considering the real GOP has been riddled by one awful appointment by Bush after another after another, and we have to watch in awe their complete ineptitude when things like a hurricane drenches New Orleans, I’m not how anyone can think anything but another disaster could occur. Mduminiak remained obstinate, denying the very truth that his party was fracturing; it’s not news that Mduminiak, Kempite and the Hard Right wanted to steer the GOP even further to the right, and they fully expected the slightly more moderate elements of the party, like Copulate and HAK and Efferiss, to follow blindly in partisan loyalty.

This piss poor decision bore its fruit in the Republican Convention and the multiple runoffs. There is a potential for things to turn ugly anytime Copulate gets in the middle of it, and this was no exception. Musicman might have won the nomination, but instead it being a uniting victory, it was a stumbling escape from a war of attrition. Musicman survived instead of conquered, and by the skin of his teeth, by the looks of it.

For his part, Musicman could have done a better job of uniting the party after his “victory”, but instead of picking a running mate that could have done that, he picked his friend, Ghost. At one point this summer, I thought Ghost and Musicman were one and the same, for one always did what the other did, one was the other’s shadow. As much as I can appreciate the loyalty (I said previously I would have picked DonnyWiz to be my VeePee if I were in such a position), considering a GOP in ruins, he could have done better by picking a better mate. This is where thinking only of yourself hurts an entire party. Despite months of Mduminiak’s gross negligence and ignorance of how dangerous that negligence was, Music could have repaired some of the damage done by an egotistical party leader and a brutal convention. Instead, he thought only of himself. Which is why he deserved 42 votes but not 43.

For the Republicans, 2007 proved one thing, and unless they solve this one problem in 2008, the same thing will happen. And that thing is, don’t fuck with Copulate! All throughout the year, Copulate was a thorn in the Hard Right’s side, questioning any sort of authority with his customary variety of caustic sarcasm and relentless nagging. He was a high-profile candidate that no hardcore conservative could stand, and because the self-proclaimed powers of the GOP wanted to go further right, Copulate was deemed an outsider, a nuisance. Next year’s leadership would do itself a favor in keeping Copulate in the loop, if for no other reason but the old adage of keeping your friends close and your enemies closer. Left to his own devices, Copulate will fuck the GOP up again in 2008. Instead of engaging him in constant bickering, instead of letting him turn molehills into mountains, instead of letting minor incidents become front-page news, I strongly encourage you to play nice with him, find a way to include him into your schemes. You definitely want him on your side instead of against you. He is a warrior. Enlist him before you allow him to feel like an outsider. He made more of a difference in determining the president as a one-primary-win candidate than the party leader and the longtime Golden Boy Kempite. If there are any dirty-tricks or rumors of dirty-tricks, he will be all over it and biting hard. The best offense, in this case, is a good defense, and if you can’t beat Copulate, let him join you.

Two of the three major candidates employed late-registering candidates to boost their numbers. There isn’t anything illegal about it, some would even call it ethical. Not me. Among others, I noticed the stream of newbies coming in on the last night of the election. While I can appreciate someone working within the rules to find an advantage, the whole thing just reeks. Many are questioning the validity of this election, which figures, every election has been tainted, why should the big one be any different?

The rosy comments Gurr put on the homepage concerning this last year being a banner year, I hope no one bought that trash. Just like Friday and Goffdale trying to convince everyone Olivia is full of shit and the GOP is just fine, Gurr has no choice in the matter. He had to put on his brave face and lie. In such a speech, of course he isn’t going to mention how the moderators—him being one among equals—fell asleep behind the wheel on several occasions, screwing several candidates out of their positions in run-offs and primaries. He’s not going to tell you he had his favorites, and I can say this because I was one, and Kempite was another. He’s not going to tell you his wanting to buddy-up with his favorites, and his desire to play on U4Prez and partake the talk show circuit, not really caring how it looked to new candidates trying to get a toehold, while the creator was laughing it up with his handpicked president to be. He’s not going to tell you how this very blog got the attention of his corporate masters, forcing them to jerk his chain back and knocking him down to glorified-moderator status. He’s not going to tell you how every election can now be scrutinized and seen as frauds. He’s not going to tell you how his own pick for President was guilty of manipulating votes, proving every word ever uttered on this blog concerning corruption and the fix. And in what should have been U4Prez’s finest moment, he’s not going to tell you how the general election was tainted by the questionable ethics displayed with new candidate registration. Gurr’s optimistic comments were complete horseshit, and anyone who’s been at U4Prez for any significant amount of time knows it was horseshit.

But we can do something about 2007. We can learn from it and never let it happen again.

The Constitution is the perfect place to ferret out all the problems we’ve seen this past year, and correct them, once and for all. Gurr either won’t do it or can’t do it, so we’re going to do it.

In what is already turning into the biggest multipartisan project in U4Prez history, ideas for a Constitution are being brainstormed by many candidates. Even those who have previously opposed the writing of a Constitution (BigDaddy, Copulate, and Mduminiak, to name three) have contributed their thoughts to it. This is reason to celebrate, because this is a recognition that U4Prez does have problems, and it’s not just a handful of disgruntles candidates complaining. We can’t solve these problems unless we know they exist, and unless we’re honest about them, any solution will be in vain.

President Faustus supports the project, and he has named Olivia as Chairperson of the Constitution Committee. I will be talking more about this on U4Prez, on the U4Prez Constitution Caucus. We’ve already had at least one world-class brainstorming session, and in a little over a week, we should have rough draft #2 up for dissection and criticism and committee rewrites.

2008 does not have to be a repeat of 2007. Virtually every candidate has, at one time or another, expressed dissatisfaction with U4Prez. By working together in the spirit of camaraderie, the candidates can create a means by which the many problems with U4Prez, especially those concerning the moderators and our interface with them, can be resolved, and an infrastructure can be put up to solve any other upcoming crisis. Up until this pivotal point in the history of U4Prez, we were at the mercy of the creator and his moderators, who collectively proved to be inept, corrupt, favoring, negligent, and at times, outright dangerous and not giving a damn. As of this writing, we no longer have to be victimized by their carelessness, their dumb little games, their corruption, and their fuck-ups. As of right now, we no longer can blame the moderators for all the problems we’ve had to deal with. We can empower ourselves. We can ensure the moderators abide by a certain protocol, and if not, we can have a system to alleviate any effects of their negligence.

The election is over. We lived through it, just barely, but we did it. 2007 was a year of figuring out what U4Prez is and what we could do with it. We no longer have anyone but ourselves to blame if 2008 goes the same way. We certainly have the brains and the creativity to make it so; all we need is the will.


The Wiz said...

Regarding the GOP, Mduminak and the Musicman junta....

The fact that Musicman won the nomination in a 3 day, hard fought primary runnoff between him and COP is testament to the split in the middle of the party. They tied twice. And Musicman won the third try by only a few votes, if I remember correctly.

Of course COP wouldn't have gotten the MDuminiak breakfast club vote. So we know where those votes were going.

Musicman had the advantage of being online all the time. Had core, but small group of vocal activists that promoted his campaign to the point of annoyance. But with his weak stance on anything, he was just the other answer to COP.

When the General election started turning to shit, and L.A. was burning....he pulled a Rodney King and said, "Can't we all just get along?"

While Mejicojohn was making holy hell his opinions known, and supported by the Indys and the lesser half of the GOP I assume.

I don't know if Faustus should have won purely by party support. Up until the general election the Democrat party was a friggin mess. Think08 left and the Indys gained refugees from their Rwanda. That party had no ability to do anything, much less get behind a candidate for a General election.

It did come down to moderators counting the votes. There were too many new candidates voting to be legitimate to last year. For all the fighting, campaigning that we did in 2007 was all for was decided by a bunch of friggin newbies. And I will never think otherwise or forget that.

As for Eric Gurr....
He did take a step into the shadows after Olivia sung upon the mountain tops. That impacted the course of things in huge ways. It was a paradigm shift, that made him possibly rethink his opus, so as to buy a $25,000 dollar synthizer, so noone could blame him for not tuning his piano correctly. But the man was still playing the keys and still does.

My wonder is, what so many people are afraid of and why him? So, to defend the obvious defects, as just a learning experience from a "free website". Don't rock the boat, they say. Why have a constitution, they say, the mod will eventually realize the problems by watching the wrong and righting them. They say.

No that's not how people or systems change. Compliance is just the acceptance of failure, because of fear. The movers and the shakers of this nation and this website made their grievances known to the point of Martyrism and sometimes treason.

If if could compare the current relationship with Gurr and the "customers". Its more like Vince McMahahon from the WWE. He promotes the "wrestlers" that kiss his butt, but gives those that hate his guts more ring time. Because the crowd goes wild for those "wrestlers". Gurr knows this, action is good for the bussiness of entertainment. And it is a bussiness of entertainment.

The Wiz.

Olivia said...

I truly hope Gurr's new toy is panacea everyone makes it out to be. Will it keep moderators from making mistakes? Will it ensure voting systems are clearly posted and understood? Will it keep the moderators from buddying up to their favorites?

A good part of this Constitution will be in its attempt to police the candidates. We can do much of this ourselves, provided we have some understanding of the underlying principles we share. If we have an attitude where anything goes, then certainly what Jempite did could be excused. But if we realize unethical conduct could really hurt U4Prez, then it is up to us to discuss what ethics are and how do we voice them in the Constitution.

W. Lane Startin said...

No postmortem of this election is complete without mentioning Lucky. He was seen as the Achilles' heel of my campaign and attacked mercilessly pretty much for six weeks solid. The fact he's still (relatively) sane at this point is a testament to his fortitude.

I think the defining moment of the campaign occured even before the conventions, when Lucky and I were discussing the possibility of teaming up. We were originally scheduled to go head-to-head against each other during the convention. Much has been said about why I chose him as a running mate, but the plain truth is I did it to unite the Democrats. From that point forward Lucky, kt2020 and I were all on the same page despite some ideological differences bewtween us. Could I have beaten Lucky? Possibly, but I wouldn't have come out of the convention with the united front I did. As it turns out, that was a huge advantage indeed.

Musicman got hosed, plain and simple. Not only did his own party throw him under the bus, but his own campaign manager - instead of being anythign resembling helpful - spent all of her time going full-out negative in a manner I've never seen in 17+ years of politics. It was a solid week of anti-Faustus, anti-Lucky nutjob conspiracy theories. Nothing was sacred with this individual, not even my two-year-old daughter. Towards the end even she was supporting mejicojohn, but only because he wasn't me. While I don't blame musicman personally for this fiasco (or ghost, who was a complete non-entity in the campaign), I do consider many of the people he surrounded himself with to be beneath contempt.

Mejicojohn's final vote total was undoubtedly padded by some less-than-honest votes (in fairness, I believe mine was too; that turned out to be pretty much a wash overall), but I don't think he was involved. That said, he was a legitimate force in this election and has nothing to be ashamed of. In fact, he had a fine campaigner in his running mate, Tialoca. Had she started her get out the vote efforts sooner than she did, he most likely would have won.

Olivia said...

Music got hosed, but it happened because of events back in July. I remember someone of significance at U4Prez telling me about the need for keeping it simple, don't make a big deal with bureaucracies and platforms, just keep it all simple--I wonder who that was.

The only problem I had with Lucky in terms of this election was his willingness to get down in the mud with Copulate over the "babykiller" bruhaha. To me, Lucky didn't say anything I don't also proudly say, that civilians, especially women and children, die in a war, it's a cruel pill to swallow, but it is indeed a fact we need to keep front and center before we start casually throwing the word war around. I've even gone further than Lucky, but I've since realized it's not the soldiers who are to blame, if they had their way, they'd be at home, raising families, having a barbecue in their backyards, living their lives. They will do as they're ordered, but I don't think the grunts particularly want to be 8000 miles away, having to dodge bullets and having their every word sctrutinized back home. It's not them that are culpable, it's the ones who thought so flippantly about war in the first place.

We're both in the PNV, and I agree wholeheartedly with that sentiment. That's not what bugged me about Lucky. It's that he was willing to slug it out with Copulate. That's what Copulate lives for. He is an expert at it. Lucky was dumb enough to fall for it, and it nearly cost Faustus. Nine votes calls for a sigh of relief and thanks to God, not a parade.

W. Lane Startin said...

We didn't make a big deal of all that. Platform gets you in the race, but organization gets you over the finish line. That was the strategy. Simple, boring, yet effective.

Our friend kempite hosed himself back in July. By the time the election rolled around he was a complete nonissue. Even if he hadn't, I'm not convinced he would have had an easy go in the convention.

Regarding the whole "babykiller" fracas, Cop baited Lucky, no doubt about it. I don't think it had much of an effect on the election, however. Most of the "regulars" (i.e. those who actually read the stuff in the forums/caucuses/whatever) voted on Monday, before all that went down. If the intent was to affect the election, then it was done about five days too late.

Olivia said...

I don't know, Kempite was big on loyalty, and he and his Hard Right posse did moments of real strength at U4Prez. Had he not been exposed for vote manipulation in September, he stood a real chance of gaining the Republican nomination, and with the exception of HAK and Copulate, he would have pulled the Republicans together far better than Mduminiak's Steering Committee ever did. But that's my perspective. With him having one primary win, Mduminiak with one, Hawk with two, and even BigDaddy as an Independent with one (which breaks my heart), I think the Republicans would not have cannibalized themselves if Kempite were there. They all would have taken a bullet for him, including Musicman. At that point, the only obstacle to his nomination would have been Copulate's antics, something he's dealt with in the past.

As a candidate, I think he really wanted us all to believe he was the genuine article, he put so much of himself into this place. He put together a strong conservative coalition, and other than the more rambunctious elements of the party, I fail to see how Kempite, if allowed, couldn't have united the party.

One of his biggest mistakes was(and this is me just tooting my own horn) going to war with me. It was him and the Hard Right that made me an issue after my departure. I made it very clear, Wiz will attest to this, had Mduminiak and Kempite chose to ignore this blog, and not continue to make videos about me and make me the topic of their talk shows, I probably would not have had the steam to go on, and this blog would have been just the rantings of a disgruntled former candidate. But because Eric Gurr's corporate masters did read this blog and realize his favoritism was killing U4Prez, it gained instant legitimacy. Candidates who would never admit their reading this would come up to me and tell me they have. Kempite and Mduminiak simply could not keep my name out of their mouths. I was their Tar Baby, the more they fought me, the deeper they were sucked in, until finally they were dead.

I haven't heard from Kempite since my September 22 article, and Mduminiak has resigned as GOP leader and has, as he put it, jumped the cock to the Independents, or in MikeSpeak, the Olivia Party. A little ironic, don't you think?

Copulate said...

Ok, I have to make this point. Olivia, your whole belief that Eric Gurr hand picked Kempite to be the winner is not only wrong but laughable.

The whole scheme reeks of complicity and I am not talking about Gurr and Kempite. Figure that sentence out on your own.

Regardless, here's the deal. There are precious few people on U4Prez that could possibly help market the site. Kempite was NOT one of them. This site is about running for "fake" president but it also was invented to showcase the general publics ideas regarding politics.

So, with that said, there was but ONE candidate that could have helped U4Prez marketing. Faustus was that candidate.

Here you have the ONE candidate that has made "claims" of seeking public office. The ONE "serious" candidate running that did not separate themselves from the rest of us by claiming FEC status....well, the ONE "serious" candidate not cross-dressing, that is.

Faustus is the ONE candidate that U4Prez could realistically claim to have helped springboard into the public eye.

Now that you take that into consideration and understand the BUSINESS side of running a public site of this have but one choice.

You will have to realize your "Kempite conspiracy" is really just misdirected hatred.

The truth is Eric Gurr promotes the site and understands the relationship of a forum based product. It is the participants on center stage(forums) that make it run.

Before the site went public, those people were Erock, Mduminaik, Hawk and I think Wellborn. After the public release...basically when I jumped in there was Catbus, JSeagraves, myself, Kempite, Hawk, Erock, FerisBueller...etc.

A little later, a new group of CANDIDATES THAT PARTICIPATE came in....and guess what? Those are Eric Gurr and the owners of this site's "favorites."

Why? We are the engine that makes this site go. Without the "regular Joe's" arguments and debate, U4Prez wouldn't have an appeal. It wouldn't be addicting to those that get involved NOR would it have an appeal to those that LURK.

Faustus was the best selection of the group to PROMOTE the site as a venue for those people possibly seeking publicity for a campaign.

If you want to call someone Eric Gurr's favorite, you should at least recognize the REAL BUSINESS SIDE and base it on who would help promote the site the best in the media as a springboard.

If anybody was U4Prez's was Faustus.

W. Lane Startin said...

I have to agree with Cop regarding kempite. I never had any reason to believe Eric Gurr was playing favorites with anyone (and certainly not with me). As a matter of fact, I feel he has a tendency to blow us off equally. When the news release was sent out announcing the election winner I wasn't sent a copy despite requesting one. I wasn't even told it was out; I had to go fish it out of Google and PR Newswire like the rest of the world. What does that say?

It's quite likely there's been more straight news coverage of U4Prez in Idaho than in the other 49 states combined. Further, it's obvious Gurr doesn't know squat about Idaho. As an example, KPVI is the NBC affiliate in Pocatello, not Twin Falls as the site has said for days. On the other hand I know Idaho well, and that's been a key factor in securing past news events.

That said, the fact we got coverage with KPVI is due to pure dumb luck more than anything else. The news release has otherwise been roundly ignored in spite of some rather aggressive promotion on my part this past week.

So if anything the opposite is true: If anybody was Faustus' favorite ... it was U4Prez.

Copulate said...

First off, I must admit, if it were up to me to pick the best candidate for president...well, it would have been Faustus. I would like to state that Faustus was among my picks from the very beginning and it had nothing to do with U4Prez "favorites."

The man was just the best choice of the group that was able to run, seriously. Had he chose a different VP, it would have been a no-brainer for me. Unfortunatley, he didn't choose KT2020.

Seriously, since Smashey met personal reasons for being unable to participate, my next choice was Faustus.

I think the man will make not only U4Prez proud but also....his home state. I'm happy he won.

Olivia said...

I've talked exhaustively about my beliefs on this blog, everyone is welcome to read them and interpret them as they so wish.

But you can't tell me, as much as even I would like to believe, a blog written by a disgruntled former candidate, would have the power to knock Eric Gurr down a peg by his corporate masters. All too easily, I could have been dismissed as an hysterical bitch saying anything I felt, and I think many tried very hard to sell that.

So Eric Gurr makes his announcement on August 10, saying he was being demoted. I don't have to say much, it's all in the record.

I don't know how "laughable" it was for me to call Kempite the benefit of the fix. On that fateful day, I saw Eric Gurr proudly advertizing that he was going on Kempite's show, and I lost my mind, and then EVERYTHING came out.

I know Eric Gurr plays favorites because I was one of them.

Everything you said concerning Faustus had about as much credibility as my arguments about Kempite.

Here's the difference between one favorite and another, and please don't think I'm defending Faustus at all, because I'm not. Faustus didn't come in here like he owned the board. Faustus didn't create a cabal of thugs seeking to browbeat opposition candidates. Faustus didn't call names. Faustus didn't use a dead candidate as a shield. And Faustus didn't take every opportunity to kick a perceived enemy.

I do think, there is one commonality to what I'm saying here, what Faustus is saying, and what Copulate is saying--Eric Gurr plays favorites, plain and simple.

So, maybe the question shouldn't be, who is he favoring now? The question should be, is his favoritism harming U4Prez? For me, I think it is, and the best way for him to not let it undermine this place again is to not try to play with the candidates like he did last year, not try to give certain candidates advantages or incentives or just real neat shit.

The problem with bagging on Faustus for Gurr's favoritism is, he didn't do anything to make us think he was being spoiled by it, if he was somehow favored. He didn't walk around cocky, he and his buddies didn't bully others, he simply maintained.

Now, I'm sure Gurr, being human, looks in on his meal ticket from time to time, and sees a candidate he is rooting for, based on performance or whatever. There's nothing wrong in that. What hurts is when he does it at the disclusion of others. When he turns a blind eye to something he knows is wrong. Copulate, if you hadn't blown the whistle on his tampering, I have every reason to believe he would have won the GOP nomination, and the Hard Right would have been completely vindicated, and Gurr wouldn't have raised a hand about it.

Luckily, instead of Gurr playing benevolent despot, we now have a President we candidates voted for, and we will soon have a Constitution, and in these respects, I do hope favoritism will be seen more as a crime than a fanciful whim, a misdemeanor instead of a necessary evil.

W. Lane Startin said...

I did a little research on this. The "demoted" comment simply doesn't make any sense, unless it was made tongue in cheek. U4Prez is owned by Intralink Inc. of West Chester, Ohio. How do I know? That's who wrote the check I received for winning.

The CEO of Intralink is ... Eric Gurr. Every indication is Gurr is his own "corporate master."

While it's possible that Gurr was pressured by partners and/or investors to step away, it's also possible (indeed, likely) that he made that decision of his own accord.

Judging by my research, U4Prez is - and always has been - a side project at best; Gurr's "meal ticket," if you will, seems to lie in other endeavors such as IT networking and marketing. That really does explain a lot.

Lucky said...

When I first contacted Faustus about being his running mate, I knew he was the best spokesman the Democrat Party had to offer and I knew he would do a good job of representing our views in the general election. My decision to team up with him was simply a no-brainier.

If I owned U4prez, I would have wanted Faustus as the sites representative because he is clearly the most polished real viable candidate that we had on the site in 07'. I know for a fact that Faustus has not been given special treatment from U4Prez ownership and we were treated just like the rest of the peasants.

However, I would encourage special treatment for myself in future races and elections from the sites ownership and moderators. LOL

Anyway, in my mind Faustus was an easy person to team up with and the best candidate for my party. Faustus was clearly the man to beat and instead of working against him I saw an opportunity to work with him and I jumped on it. Our party came out of the primary elections unified and I that was a major bonus going into the final election runoff fiasco.

While the other parties were fighting amongst themselves and attacking KT and I, we were taking care of business. Our party was clearly led better than the others and I give KT full credit for that.

Now to sidetrack for a moment ....
I feel like many of the attacks on me by Copulate were clearly b.s. I also feel like I took some heat that was unfair such as being honest on changing my stance on 9-11 and the whole bogus issue of Cop saying I said our troops were "babykillers". Cop was clearly blowing my words out of context. I do admit that was a stupid statement for me to make at the time. However, I do stand behind the statement that I actually made. I did not mention the troops one single time ... for the record.

I was happy to have a ticket that stood behind me no matter what. KT and Faustus showed their true colors as party members and friends by standing behind me. Our party clearly shined and showed off our unity at that moment.

I have put my differences with Cop behind me and I harbor absolutely no resentment towards Copulate. I enjoy the competition and the passion that he brings to the table. We are both aggressive at times and stubborn.

To get back on track I will wrap it up by saying that the Democrats picked the best representative for our party in 07' by backing Faustus. I am definitely satisfied with having Faustus as the new President of U4prez and I think we all got the best man for the job.

Olivia of Arc

Olivia of Arc
My thanks to TheWiz