Thursday, August 30, 2007

New Republican Leadership

Let me make this perfectly clear. The U4Prez GOP is NOT the Hard Right, and the Hard Right is NOT the U4Prez GOP. The Hard Right is a subset of the most pugnacious, mean-spirited, thuggish elements within the U4Prez world. There are about six within the center of this cabal, along with maybe a dozen others who circulate around the center. Twelve electrons assisting their buddies in the nucleus. A neat little ionized carbon-12 atom. How quaint.

They are an element, a radioactive substance within the GOP. They are not the GOP itself.

And I think it's time we start to separate the toxic waste from the rest of the party, for the party's sake. It's time to stop thinking the Hard Right runs the Republican Party, let alone the whole of U4Prez.

For as much as the Heir-to-the-Presidency Kempite and his monkeyboy Mduminiak seem to dominate the party and do nothing for it except use it as a vehicle for their own expression, believe it or not, there are other Republicans out there. Strange, there are Republicans who are NOT part of the Hard Right, who are NOT among the satellites revolving around the Gruesome Twosome, and whose lips are NOT chapped from kissing their well-fed asses for months on end.

Yes, I said it. Iron Lady is an asskisser. Roguejew, asskisser. Hawk, asskisser. BigDaddy, BIGTIME asskisser. The entire Liberty Caucus is little more than a ten-member glory hole the Big Two use constantly to pleasure themselves, and since the ascendency of Mduminiak to party leader, they've tried to use the entire Republican Party the same way.

Is it any wonder why you had big-name Republicans shouting furiously when Mduminiak set up his version of Kempite's Liberty Caucus and called it the Steering Committee? Was it any wonder they suffered defections? Cramming 700 Republicans into one box is a risky proposition to begin with, but to have them all serve at the behest of Mduminiak, without question, I can't see there being anything BUT rebellion.

So now these two want to play clean. They waged war against Olivia, got spanked over and over, and now want to convince you all they had nothing to do with it. They would have you believe they are above the petty bullying Olivia allegedly plays, yet do nothing to reel in their own bloodhounds. On one hand, they tell you Olivia is a nobody and her blog has no merit, and yet they somehow manage to post on this blog and make videos about it. They call me obsessed, yet MDuminiak is now up to FOURTEEN videos on me, including a 67-minute diatribe on who they call a crackwhore. It's a good thing these goons are two-faced, it's tough trying to convince the public of two opposing ideas at once. Saying two different things out of the same mouth is tough.

George Orwell called that doublethink.

If you're tired of these hooligans and their satellites running the show, if you're tired of them saying one thing and then doing the opposite, if you're tired of having watched them for months berate other candidates and continue to wage war on a candidate who resigned THREE WEEKS AGO, yet come back and tell you they're squeaky clean, I must remind you, candidates at U4Prez, you have the ultimate power. It's a foregone conclusion that Kempite will be coronated in November, but you can make him a very unpopular appointee. No one is putting a gun to your head and making you talk to these thugs. No one is putting a knife to your children's throats and saying, vote for Hawk or the kid dies.

Well, maybe they are, I wouldn't put it past the Hard Right to slit a child's throat.

Believe it or not, despite their domination of the GOP, there are some very qualified candidates within the Republican Party. They are not part of the toxic waste the Hard Right offers. They are opinionated, learned candidates, who do not need to browbeat perceived opposition to get a point across. They don't get themselves involved in this grand game of GOTCHA the minions at the Hard Right play. They don't protect their buddies, come hell or high water. They are not blindly loyal. They seek broadbased support for who they are, not for what posse they roll with. They are serious, intelligent, charming individuals who deserve your attention. It is they who should be able to rise to the top of the Republican ranking, who should be up for run-off positions, and who should be the talk of the GOP. Instead of crying about what Olivia says, they remain focused. Instead of playing partisan bullshit games and engaging in liberal-bashing, they know the real merit is in perfecting their own platforms and selling them in the marketplace of ideas that U4Prez used to be.

It can be that again, folks. Kick the Hard Right to the curb. It's as simple as that.

That's all well and good, Olivia, but just who are you referring to when you talk about these alternative Republicans? Copulate and HAK? They're in your corner, of course you're going to prop them up. Anyone else?

Well, let's just think out loud.

Hedrick? He sold his soul to BigDaddy a while back, he's definitely a Hard Right satellite.

Friday? He's part of that Steering Committee, and while he does represent himself in a professional and eloquent manner, he was very defensive when the GOP was under attack when Mduminiak put the Politburo--I mean, Steering Committee--together, so I have to believe his stance is more geared for party loyalty than individual liberty, protecting the cat who gave him his elite position instead of promoting conservative ethics.

Goffdale? I really like Goffdale--and mind you, I like a lot of Republicans personally, but this article is not about who makes me giggle, it's about who in the GOP is part of the Hard Right, and who is a bona fide alternative to the Republican thugs--but he is also a member of the Steering Committee and was also defending Mduminiak, deflecting criticism instead of engaging in honest debate. Although he might be the most amiable among the SC appointees, he's still protecting his buddy instead of telling it like it is.

Smashey? I REALLY like Smashey. But he's been suckered into this little war. Probably the classiest and most diplomatic rightwinger in the Liberty Caucus, he has been in the awkward position of having to defend Kempite's practices, Hawk's crude grunts, and the LC's aura of elitism and their flawed mission statement. I feel bad for him, along with the liberal members of the LC, being just a rubberstamp, having to defend the LC and their Hard Right elements.

Mikep1990? When everything happened concerning MejicoJohn on the Fifth of July, MikeP came up to me and told me he really respected what I had done, standing up for him. He didn't engage in bickering with me while I was trying to assist John, he wasn't trying to kick my shins out from under me like Musicman and IronLady and BigDaddy were. He appreciated the effort.

Musicman? I tried for the longest time to befriend him, but in the end, I have to call it like I see it. Music is a Hard Right satellite. I don't mind conservatives talking about conservatism, that's great. He was the first to take himself off the Antipartisan Pledge, allegedly because he has a problem with my tactics. While he has a problem with my tactics, he has no problem whatsoever with his Hard Right buddies doing the very same thing. Musicman believed fighting fire with fire was wrong, and few candidates frustrated me more than him over this. I still swear it, I still swear on that Pledge, and any angry words I said were never out of partisan gameplaying. Musicman merely repeated the Hard Right talking point that because I was aggressively pointing out the partisan crap in one of his buddies' statements, I must be partisan as well. His inability to think for himself, his willingness to blindly follow whatever the Hard Right says, proves to me he is one of those satellite candidates I was talking about, not really interested in much except to protect his Hard Right buddies against the onslaught of mean ol' Olivia. For the longest time I called him a pussy because he loved to poke at me, and when I made my position clear, he'd call that badgering and run to his buddies for help.

Ghost? Musicman's shadow, and pretty much everything I said about Music can go for him.

Nickgold? A very affable fellow, I just think he's too cozy with his buddies on the Hard Right. As such, he enjoys the perks of such an association, like membership on the Steering Committee. He's not nearly as blunt as Hawk or RogueJew in terms of stating his dislike for liberals, he's a little more sly about it. He's not a Hard Right goon, as I don't see him go after anyone with real aggression, just an occasional smarmy comment about the left, and that's it.

RightWay79? This is one of those candidates who will chat with you all day, really let you develop your argument, and even feed you questions to keep you going. I adore the chats I had with him, and maybe it's because we look at a situation differently that I appreciated his disagreement. I've never seen him defend the Hard Right, never seen him jump on a grenade to defend the goons. He deserves a modicum of respect and honor, and though he is a member of the Steering Committee, he deserves being noticed.

Jimmycart? For a while, I honestly thought Jimmy was Kempite himself. I appreciate conservatism, but here was a kid who seemed to follow Kempite around, backing him up, even when attacking Olivia. While Kempite would make an insulting crack, Jimmy would play innocent and say PROSTITUTES ARE BAD, YOU'RE AN EVIL LADY. Since then, Jimmy has emerged in his own right, creating his own videos, projecting his own personna. I don't see him having the same enthusiasm Tony4Prez or CHASE have, but he is certainly intelligent enough. He's young, and I hope he takes U4Prez as a place to hone his debating skills, not merely to bash liberals. Being a satellite of the Hard Right, though, I doubt Hawk and Mduminiak are the kind of role models someone seeking something other than partisan bullshit needs.

There's ten Republicans, some I spoke well of, some negative, but all with a degree of honesty. And while I try not to finger someone as guilty by association, there is something to be said about the company a candidate keeps. I adore RightWay79, and he deserves to be in a position where he can make a difference at U4Prez, and I truly don't want to always point out his position on the Steering Committee as evidence of being part of the Hard Right, but he does keep himself in close proximity to those Hard Right elements. I encourage you to look upon these Republicans, using your own discretion.

As for who I believe would be the best President out of the U4Prez GOP, I have two in mind.

Efferiss and TyroneCarr.

Efferiss has been here awhile and has built himself a reputation for class and thoughtfulness. He loves a spirited debate, but does not engage in direct fisticuffs with others. I've heard him once or twice make an offhand remark about lefties in general, but that's about it. Even at that, it was on his talk show, not on U4Prez itself. Two items, though, that are of interest concerning Efferiss. One, he has been able to keep himself unentangled in the various alliances and groups and unmentioned alliances and groups at U4Prez. Such a feat for someone who has been around as long as he has is remarkable, and as a result, he is unsullied. He'll talk about friends, but he doesn't go out of his way to defend them, and he won't make himself look foolish when said friend says something out of line. He knows the difference between friendship and blind loyalty. And two, he is willing to learn and evolve. Unlike virtually every other candidate, he realizes there are ways he can still grow and develop, and he is willing to listen to solid arguments and even incorporate them in his platform if they sound feasible. Everyone generally has their opinion, and they will either live or die by it, or they will pound you over the head with it until you buckle. Efferiss realizes something the rest of us tend to forget, that we are human, and a wise man is wise because he will freely admit he doesn't have all the answers.

TyroneCarr is newer, and his enthusiasm and want to be the best, right from the get-go, has already won me over. We've talked a couple of times, he sounds like the kind of young candidate that wants to make a positive impact NOW, and not wait. Having said that, he does not engage in negative campaigning, he doesn't have time for it. He leans right, but he is looking to be a good leader who happens to be a conservative than the other way around. He definitely wants to build a better platform, and he does want to win, but is not going to sell himself or anyone else out to accomplish this. He will rise and fall on his own merits. He is already well-equiped in his presentation skills, and not only is his profile first rate, so are his videos. He has a vision of himself, which truly helps, and if you can picture what it is you want to get done, it will get done, one way or another. I like Tyrone a lot, and I hope you consider him when the time comes.

The point of all this analysis of the many Republicans presented here is this: you don't have to pick the Hard Right bullies. You can and probably should ignore them altogether. They're two-faced hooligans who can only fight when they've got four or five to your one. They're not interested in talking politics; they are here to chase off opposition, one way or another, and if you dare to speak up against them, they'll chase you off as well. They are talking a big game THESE DAYS about cleaning up U4Prez, which is sort of like roaches talking about cleaning up a sewer. The place will be clean only if it is made over IN THEIR IMAGE, plain and simple. And that means ultraconservative and obedient.

Such thugs deserve to be marginalized.

I urge you to reconsider the leadership within the GOP. The party is not there at the pleasure of Kempite and Mduminiak. And you did not declare yourself Republican at U4Prez just to have to take your turn servicing them at the glory hole. They are not the GOP. YOU are!


The Wiz said...


I don't think you should be so hard on the opinion of these that did not get picked for nominations.

There is something more powerful than MD and Kempite and it being in the name of Republican party. Although it didn't get them anywhere in U4prez. They didn't realize they were in a contest where the party leader decides who gets nominated or not. Perhaps they thought they were going to get some props from their party for joining the republican party, run by a sociopath and a robot.

Well all for naught.

I am a card carrying Republican, and probably the only one. The Republican party calls me on the phone, sends me junk mail and wants to suck the last dollar out of me. I get enough Republican junk mail to heat my house if I had a wood burning stove. It doesnt matter how many times you go on websites and support Bush, war on Iraq, or suck Leo Stauss wrinkled dick. To them you are just a number. Call me...make me feel guilty and ask me to put me money where my mouth is.

Well my mouth has been promoting this shit all over the internet for 7 sum years. I figured I would have been discovered. They would give me a job some wheres in their big propaganda machine. I get a a cool uniform too...but no.

All I get is calls from my party, same old shit....can you give 100 dollars...ok so can you give 50... ok can you give 20...ok then they hang up on you.

Same with these clowns. They are in a party that exists on u4prez. And because it has a "household" name they think it is going to get them somewhere. But the RNC doesnt run the Republican party on U4prez. Two ASSHOLES run it. And running it into the ground.

I realized this early on and that is why I left. And alot of other people did.

So, don't blame them for anything but not getting it. They think its legit and too legit too quit.

The Wiz

Unknown said...

First off, thank you Olivia for the kind comments but I want to set the record straight. I defend what I feel is right. I defend what I believe is right. I do not defend anything blindly including my party or my friends.

True I have found myself in some instances on U4prez which in retrospect were not the best choices to make nor the best paths to follow. For that reason I myself wound up at the crossroads of stopping my participation on u4prez. Instead of running however, I decided to do something about it and make a personal promise to myself to instead keep focused on the issues and the honest debate that we once used to enjoy on u4prez and to set a goal to restore it.

With that said, all the choices I made on u4prez were MY choices and MY choices alone. Kempite or MDuminiak or Hawk or Big Daddy never approached me about doing anything I didn't want to or pushed for anything other than what I personally was agreeable with.

As for the Liberty Caucus, it may be that you are getting your info from someone who was too weak to keeep up the fight for what they wanted or too set in thier liberal ways to compromise on anything else but either way if they thought anyone in there was a rubber stamp they weren't paying attention to the conversation or choosed not to participate.

I do believe what you did to promote the indies while you were the leader was fantastic and benefited them much and I respect you for that.

However it is also my belief that you are to the left what you claim to be fighting about on the right. You claim to be independent and non-partisan but find a post on this blog that does anything but complain about the right on u4prez? You will be hard pressed.

Bottom line...u4prez is a website. A website that has lost some of it's luster. Lost what drew many of us to it. Although you blame Kempite and Mduminiak for the direction the site has taken you fail to once mention yourself, who along with me and many others have also found ourselves drawn into a right/left mudslinging competition.

The difference is, some of us realize it and take measures to right the ship. Others turn on the water in the bathroom of the Titanic and walk away.

Copulate said...

Ok, OliviaLLC...

There are more than just a couple people on U4Prez that would like to see you able to return to the site... question...would you?

If U4Prez were to reactivate your profile there, would you return?

Before you go and say that management wouldn't allow it...think about just what they need...exposure.

Everybody there pretty much agrees that the site has tanked in the last month or so and well, I'd like to see if you would come back.

People will post here and on U4Prez stating they are behind your account profile on U4Prez being reactivated...

The question is...would you come back?

Olivia said...

I thank you for the criticism, Jim, and while I am not afraid to discuss the mistakes I've made in the past, this blog is here to talk about U4Prez, the way I see things. Everyone is entitled to their opinions, and as you can see if you look around a bit, there is a wide range of opinion on how I present my side of things.

For instance, I blamed myself for much of Bluproject's experiences a U4Prez, which you will find in the article "Turning Blu". In that, I address his belief that I backstabbed him, and in retrospect, although I don't see it as such, I certainly can see how he would take it as such, and I went to a degree of length to squarely place blame on myself. Thus, I fail to see how I am merely blaming others for the morass at U4Prez and not holding my own feet to the fire.

As to the charge of my being partisan, I thoroughly resent the charge. Witness the last article I wrote on Republicans. I make no blanket accusations about conservatives or Republicans. I champion a couple and have nothing but good things to say about many. In my experience, I have gone after both liberals and conservatives for being partisan. You can ask Catbus, he and I went around and around on the subject, and I jumped on him good for playing partisan games. Same with Liberal411. I don't think going after who I have labelled the Hard Right means I am partisan at all. I am not going after an ideology or party. I am going after a certain clique who just happens to be on the far right end of the political spectrum. You don't see me bashing conservatism as a philosophy or Republicans as a party. It's just these few.

I've referred to this cabal as the Liberty Crips as well, would that make you a little happier? A rose by any other name...

This is a typical Hard Right talking point, you know it is. I don't typically go around harassing candidates because they are conservative or Republican. I do, however, jump on Republicans who do talk about "typical liberal crap", that paint Democrats blanketly as socialists, and that gang up on candidates merely because they are liberal. Conversely, I've gone after the loudest liberals for doing the same thing.

You are entitled to your opinion, just as I am entitled to tell you I think you're wrong. Rage is not equal to partisanship. You see me, a liberal, going after a conservative, and automatically you think it's a partisan attack. BULLSHIT! That's like saying, any white who yells at an African-American must be a racist, or any man who yells at a woman must beat women. You are making a prejudicial jump, and that's on you, not me.

Instead of looking no farther than party affiliation, how about actually reading my comments on U4Prez and here? Instead of looking no further than the R or the D after one's name, how about looking for the context? Instead of treating this blog like it were something as decidedly partisan as the Rush Limbaugh show, how about thinking through what I say, instead of playing the very partisan game you allege to be against?

I make no apologies. If you truly think this is nothing more than a liberal bashing conservatives, you're a partisan hack looking for a fight when there isn't any. My two biggest targets, Kempite and Mduminiak, even they realize this isn't party politics, it's about them and me as individuals. This war transcends petty ideological bullshit. It's about what you want U4Prez to stand for, do you want it to be a place where points of view are put up in the marketplace of ideas and are weighed, measured, and improved? Or do you want the place to be like every other political message board in the Internet, where conservative freeper thugs fight with liberal sophist hooligans?

I'm sure those within the Liberty Caucus who confide in me would take such a remark about them being weak with a great deal of resentment. "Too set in their liberal ways"? How do you know they're all liberals? That whole paragraph reeks of partisan bullshit, and you have the audacity to say anything to ME about it? I'm sorry you equate liberalism with weakness.

Anything you say about me being partisan has been rendered null-and-void. And if this is who I think it is, you weren't worthy of the Antipartisan Pledge in the first place. You can't see past someone's ideology. You deem this war as about party instead of personal ethics. You play the partisan hackery game as well as anyone. For once in your life, sit in judgment on yourself, look past someone's place on the political spectrum, and judge them based on their actions, not anything superficial.

Now, if you came here and said, Kempite and Mduminiak are good guys, what's your problem, Olivia, that's fine. I would love to tell you at length, or rather, I would love to show you around the blog, so you can figure it out for yourself. And you can take or leave my arguments as you see fit. But don't bring that petty partisan garbage here. This blog is not partisan. It never was, and you aren't going to twist it into such. I don't talk liberal politics or conservative politics. I treat U4Prez as a world in and of itself, talking about the people therein and what they do. To me, the fact that this gang is all on the hardcore right, is coincidence. That they work so closely together tells me they are a working unit. After naming them several things, the Hard Right stuck.

You can blame me for a whole lot of things. Partisanship on this blog, however, is not one of them. Those who try to twist it into something partisan are looking for something that isn't there. It's impressive how you don't hold yourself to the same standards you hold me to. Some might call that hypocrisy. Not me. I would just call that a double-standard and leave it at that.

The Wiz said...

This is regarding COPs comment. I see Olivia is online.

Cop, Me, Mad, Mejico and a few others were just discussing this. Putting a petition to get you back to U4prez.

I know what you are going to say. That would be bowing down to Eric Gurr....etc.

All that aside, most of the people want you back including me. The Indy leader vacuum position is open again. And that dirty bastard Big Daddy changed to Indy to try to get nominated as Indy leader. Monday is the annoucement for leader. So you only have one day to decide to come back and run.

As more than just coming back to U4prez, we want our leader back.

And if you do come back, I am sure I can get Elton "Friggin" John to sing a song about it. he he.

maditude said...

Sign the Petition today!

Unknown said...

I think you missed the point so here it is in layman's terms... The site is not what it used to be and we all can see it. There is more mudslinging, attack video's and crap profiles than there is real debate, discussion of issues and serious profiles.

I am guilty, Kempite is guilty, Mduminiak is guilty, Liberal411 is guilty, roguejew is guilty, Copulate is guilty, Lucky is guilty, and yes even Olivia is guilty. The list is endless of people who have added to the problem and guided the direction that u4prez has taken.

We all know it and we all talk about it, including you, but so far no one has taken steps to do anything about it but get frustrated and stop participating.

I for one want to try and get u4prez back to the way it was. I have publically stated this and have asked the mods to put the issues back up on the front page for debate which they have said will happen next week.

In order to make this happen though, we must ALL stop the childish bullshit that has been the anchor pulling u4prez down. This would require all those behind the BS profiles to stop using them. It would require all the attack videos to stop. It would require all the name calling on the u4prez site AND THE BLOGS to stop.

I was not accusing you of anything in my previous comment. I was trying to get to the point that in order for it to work everyone has to stop the BS and that included you. I know there is personal issues between you, MDuminiak and Kempite, Big Daddy and whomever else. That is fine, each to his own, but if you truly want to get u4prez back on the high ground, which from your last blog entry I can assume you and I are on the same page on that front, then the constant mudslinging towards the "hard right" must also stop.

You have a lot of energy, desire and drive. I want to get u4prez back to it's former glory and if you put your energy, desire and drive into helping that happen instead of adding fuel to the fires, then we can do it.

You are on to something big with your idea about the leaders drafting a constitution. I totally agree that as candidates, we need something along those lines to ensure the integrity of the site and the debates stay on the high ground. Actually I would like to help with seeing that happen and volunteer my services to do so.

As for my comments about former LC members being "weak" and "set in thier liberal ways" I will humbly retract the weak comment as it was emotionally made. However when I hear a certain former member state that they left because they not only felt the right leaning members were pressuring the left members but because they are a proud liberal and tired of trying to compromise then I stand by that comment.

You can call me a partisan if you want and twist my words but I have laid down the gauntlet to anyone that truly wants to change u4prez and I hope that includes you.

I have stated that I am not innocent and was trying to point out that no one else is either. I hust hope that others can eat the humble pie and truly work to change instead of talking about it out of one side of thier mouth and continuing to drive the fighting out of the other.

I will be happy to sign the petition to get Olivia re-instated and I plan to. Hopefully once there you will live up tothe comments made in your last entry and work to return u4prez to it'd former glory.

Olivia said...

That's all I wanted in the first place, Jim.

Right now, there are two fights I am fighting. One is to solve the basic problems within the U4Prez world itself, the basic functions, the voting system that no one understands or even trusts. because we can't trust it, it leads to ideas like favoritism and a fix. A Constitution would bind not only the candidates to a certain degree of rules, it would bind the moderators to work within it as well.

The other problem is the common vision we should have for U4Prez. It's devolving into the kind of freeper hell we hoped it wouldn't. Whether this blog is helping or hurting in that endeavor, that's for you all to decide. The attacks are one thing, and the population of U4Prez will know when enough is enough and decide where the line should be drawn. But if the first issue, the basics of voting, are finally handled, then the second should take care of itself, and ratings will reflect what the population really wants. If the population believes Candidate X is just an annoying twerp, and he is given 1's relentlessly as a sign that his conduct is not approved, he will either change his tactics or be forced to leave. U4Prez should be a self-correcting mechanism, but as it stands now, elections are meaningless, and from there, everything else follows.

I want to get back and fight the good fight. And if someone thinks my tactics are harmful, vote me 1's, and convince others to vote me 1's. THAT is democracy, and I don't expect to ever be at the top of any chart again, because I've made so many enemies. And that's fine. But at the end of the day, that rating should mean something, and elections should mean something, and right now, they don't mean squat.

Olivia of Arc

Olivia of Arc
My thanks to TheWiz